Even in liberal Los Angeles the disappointment with Obama is apparent.
Via Truth Revolt:
Vice President Joe Biden held up traffic around Los Angeles for a second day on Tuesday, but it was President Obama himself on the minds of many Southern California drivers as bumper stickers began appearing on area cars featuring the word Ebola with the Obama logo replacing the letter “o.”
The scathing stickers come on the eve of President Obama’s Thursday trip to LA for a fundraiser at the home of Gwyneth Paltrow and on the same day that the LATimes reports that it may be premature for Mr. Obama’s government to declare that the deadly Ebola virus is not transmitted by air.
Are these stickers are being handed out as a warning by the time-travelling driver of the Delorean in the above pic.*
*(N.B - this comment is posted in jest)
We need Ebola/Obama bumper sticker logo on contact lens to annoy the Dems further! 8-}
LOL ROFLMAO - good one!
i just ran across that image online and had to share it with everyone LOL
I do not believe that Muslims are our enemy any more than I believe our president is.. but the fools being led into the slaughter are blind to the direction they are informed to deploy such none sense how can they be so stupid.. and think that they really matter? that anyone give a hoot about them to protect them from what the rest of the world will be subject to... they clearly do not understand they are tools and pawns and nothing more.. to the lies and orders they are to carry out , by the time anyone in office realizes that this is all they are .. it will be too late to turn back to a time prior to the damage.. so sad..
now the real killer is this: basically what happened in Germany many moons ago is happening in the US right now.. people have become too complacent with how the government takes control over every little aspect of our daily lives without any one person or group making waves.. this is what happened when the NAZI'S BEGAN TO KILL OFF THE jEWISH POPULATION AND THEY WOULD NOT STAND UP FOR THEIR RIGHT TO LiVE.. if no one is willing to stand up against the government then they will continue to push us into a corner where we can no longer defend ourselves against them.. Just like they did in Germany many moons ago.. the thing is .. I believe most of us here in the US are waiting for someone else to make a stand.. and if that is the case .. the first person will take a stand when it is far too late to make a difference.. and if they are waiting for numbers to ban together.. by the time that is organized .. again it will be far too late..many will die before something comes to fruition
We are all waiting with hopeful anticipation as the tables turn at the November 2014 election results. I believe that will be the tipping point - a signal to patriots that "now" is the time to take action.
I realize everyone wants change at the election coming up, but I feel we all will be disappointed. I don't think it matters anymore who is sitting in the White House, Americans will still lose.
Voting Is A Choice Between A Pink Dildo & A Purple Dildo
yes and personally I prefer purple but they are the same evil.. so what next>
"Destroying the New World Order"
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