Transgender atheletes to be allowed to compete as the other sex in the Olympics WITHOUT having gender reassignment surgery

  • The International Olympic Committee received proposed guidelines at its 'Consensus Meeting on Sex Reassignment and Hyperandrogenism'
  • The policy change would allow transgender athletes to compete without having gender reassignment surgery
  • It would allow transgender athletes to compete after one year of hormone replacement therapy and no surgery is required
  • The change would be in line with NCAA standards in the United States
  • See more on the 2016 Olympics at  

The Olympics are reportedly adopting a new policy that opens the field of competition to transgender athletes.

The International Olympic Committee received proposed guidelines in November from its 'Consensus Meeting on Sex Reassignment and Hyperandrogenism', which allow for broader policies that would include transgender athletes.

Olympic officials have not confirmed the new guidelines, which have already been adopted by other regulatory sports organizations, but the policy is available on the organization's website.

The International Olympic Committee received proposed guidelines in November at its 'Consensus Meeting on Sex Reassignment and Hyperandrogenism' that change policies for transgender athletes. Pictured above is an aerial view of Olympic Stadium in July, nearly a year befoer the kick off of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games

The International Olympic Committee received proposed guidelines in November at its 'Consensus Meeting on Sex Reassignment and Hyperandrogenism' that change policies for transgender athletes. Pictured above is an aerial view of Olympic Stadium in July, nearly a year befoer the kick off of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games

The policy change would allow transgender athletes to compete without having gender reassignment surgery. It only requires athletes to have completed at least one year of hormone replacement therapy

The policy change would allow transgender athletes to compete without having gender reassignment surgery. It only requires athletes to have completed at least one year of hormone replacement therapy

The policy change would be in line with NCAA standards in the United States, which allow male-to-female and female-to-male transgender athletes to compete without having gender reassignment surgery, according to ESPN.

The current Olympic rules acknowledge transgender athletes' right to compete, but with specific provisions under the Stockholm Consensus, which was adopted in 2004.

The policies, adopted before the Athens Olympics, say transgender athletes have to have gender reassignment surgery and have legal recognition of the gender they were assigned at birth. They also have to have undergone at least two years of hormone replacement therapy after surgery.

The proposed new rules would allow transgender athletes to compete after one year of hormone replacement therapy and no surgery is required.

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The only way to stop this freak show, is for women demanding to see chromosome test result of certain athletes.

Here how it used to be in 1960's..

I'm predicting a lot of eye injuries in the near future.... 

The Olympics ALREADY sucked. Now THIS?

Where are the former women transitioning into men? Ready to compete against men in javelin, boxing or shot put? I guess it will be only one way traffic, easy going for queer men.

we gonna see some violence in the games then . They better have them ambulance fleets on standby for a busy sports season now.  

My darling woman suggested customary kicking suspects in the balls before a competition. Hell, it would work like charm!

yeh the womens kick-boxing championship with steel cap boots , thats gonna bring a big  man down to the ground in pain. She got some good ideas.

Once again men win. Fag queer trans no matter. Men are stronger and built to battle and women are not. How the useful idiot didn't see this coming is baffling to me. Interesting post.

Well the day will come when all race, creed, colour, culture, and religion will be represented by them, in sports and everyday life. Hopefully for Them, there will be no violence.

It is so encouraging to see the benefits of 'gender feminism' that brings to light the stupidity of short-sighted pockets of society (controlled mostly by people the idiot dolt votes for). My heart has no compassion for the horrors the 'feminist' has brought down upon themselves. Finally men (real men, that is) can watch this stupidity play out to its logical conclusion. I am especially 'entertained' by the cage fighting bouts where 'trans' what evers kick the asses of woman. I like this "freak show"!!!!! I wonder how the little royal bastard will turn out growing up 'gender fluid? Can't wait to see that living clown show.


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