by Zen Gardner

Well, well, well, aren’t we seeing a massive turnaround of late. Putin was so sharp, calm and truthful at the UN and other recent speeches and interviews compared to the same old Amerikan false bravado diatribe it was like having a clean shower after swimming through a cesspool.

And the whole free world feels the same.

What I admire about him is his cool demeanor and very artful tact in how he approaches massively sensitive subjects. He has to cloak it in “diplomati-speak” of course to reach the type of audience within those bound up layers of communication, but he does it masterfully. You don’t sense the BS factor and full on propagandized deception you get from the Obamaramadingdong script reading puppet.

I know the whirled stage is just that, but nothing’s written in stone and there are always “free floating radicals”. Whatever engineered plans are afoot, there’s always plenty of room for error in their programming – as well as their assumption that the rest of the world will automatically buy into it as they imperiously assume.

It reminds me of the Donald Trump phenomenon. At first people thought he’d fizzle and pop and we’d be back to the same old cardboard corporate cut out options in the US theater of absurdity . But now he’s got so much traction, again due to his fresh honesty vs the bullshit factor of mainstream sewage, that the big boys are trying desperately to co-opt the wild Trump card, controlled opposition being their tactic of choice as we know. Now you can watch them scramble to contribute to his popularity – but rest assured they’re busy trying to bore their evil, poisonous beaks into their new would-be host if they can.

The Worm Has Turned

I’m not under any illusion that most of what we are witnessing on a daily basis isn’t massively manipulated. However, humanity is awakening and we cannot limit it in any way, shape or form in how it manifests. The “powers that shouldn’t be” have been imploding for some time while stepping up this almost comical show of force in all forms.

The following presentations are extremely powerful if you listen closely to the tone, clarity and sense of moral authority very rarely seen on the world stage.

The game has shifted, the worm has turned.

The first video is previous to the recent UN speech, which follows, but I found it profoundly honest and truthful, as well as tactful and giving room for those he’s addressing to come to an understanding of the error of their ways.  keep on reading here ... it gets better

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I'm not sure that we should be throwing our panties on the stage for Putin yet. Is Putin a savior now? Where is the discernment in the truth community? Shouldn't the red flags be going up? He may be speaking truth but I don't completely trust him.

Have we not seen this with puppet Ronald Reagan in "The Cold War?" He was catapulted as a savior for being a part of ending "The Cold War." Are we in a Hot War now and Putin is the antithesis to it? IMO... Putin is being used by TPTB to be the mouthpiece for Agenda 2030... mark my words!

They may be staging the third world war. The bad old USSR was created by the usury bankers who financed and organised the Bolshevik revolution. Russia isn't the USSR, but have they cut their umbilical cord to the same bankers that tortured them for seventy years?

"Under the Constitution, the CBR belongs to a foreign State – the City of London – and is taking orders from London and Washington. This bank can only print money corresponding to its cash in foreign currency, which is not sufficient for Putin´s purposes. The CBR even has to buy (worthless) US bonds for the dollars paid for Russian oil – whereby the dollars return to the FED!"


It seems that Russia and China are now getting closer to challenge the old western order. However, China was first destroyed by the East India Trading Company and opium wars, then infiltrated by Rockefeller and other minions, and finally fell under totalitarian government. Why did the supposedly capitalist west take their industrial base to the supposedly communist China. Because communism and false capitalism are just two slightly different faces of totalitarianism.

It's all a big show. However, the high cabal is risking more and more in their lust for power. It may well be that the tide has turned with more people starting to understand that the game is rigged. Who knows when some world leaders cut their connections to the cabal? Putin has already challenged them in many ways.

Mine are still in the wash anyway's T.....GAWWWWWWWW


still think this guy is doin' what it takes to care for his peoples ;)

more than these usurping bastards doing here


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