On Tuesday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the American woman most responsible for the current refugee crisis in the Middle East, blasted Republicans for not wanting to accept unvetted Syrian Muslim refugees in the aftermath of last week’s Paris terror attacks.

She tweeted:

This, to be sure, is odd. Hillary decrying hateful rhetoric smacks of irony – she despises Republicans so much that she labeled them her enemies during the first Demoratic debate. Furthermore, Hillary is no fighter for religious freedom. In April, she told the Women in the World Summit that “deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed” to allow for abortion. And in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s egregious same-sex marriage decision in June, Hillary explicitly called for the government to force churches to sanction homosexuality, explaining, “Our work won’t be finished until every American can not only marry, but live, work, pray, learn and raise a family free from discrimination and prejudice.” Pray – as in attend church “free from discrimination and prejudice.”

But she’s sure hot and bothered about what she terms discrimination against Muslim refugees. This isn’t particularly surprising – the entire left has a peculiar soft spot for Islam.

read on at source ...

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That's a given, these 2 puppets had a common denominator in their upbringing

Both are devout followers of Saul Alinsky's Teachings & Philosophy ;)

Yep :D

Although for these radicals, there appear to be no rules...

It appears that Islamic population is even more controllable than the Christian one. Religion is mind control, the original abuse system. Creators of religion defined the unseen creator of the universe, monopolised the idea, joined their forces with power hungry sociopaths and took over.

Totally, but then again this socio-economic-dogma control system's name is derived from the root verb istaslama (استسلاما); which means 'to submit' or 'give in' or 'surrender'.


That said, all of the Abrahamic religions have brought nothing but misery to this planet.

For some unknow reason Left-wing Liberals seem to be in love with ISLAM. The same so-called religion that would kill most of them if it had a chance. Why would you want to support a group in the end would kill you? The truth is "Liberalism is a Serious Mental Disorder". God help us all if Hillary Clinton becomes the next President. That's why me and my friends as supporting Donald Trump for President.

Assad wasn't too bad?maybe not
Put all the right Muslims who hate gays in a data base. if montel Williams hates it he can go suck farakhans cock

Yes you are right. Hillary is a damn traitor to America and the cause of women as well!

Wow liberalism is a serious mental disorder and there needs to be frontal lobotomies performed immediately for all Obama White House staffers and officials!

visit  www.faithfreedom.org, to get a better insight about islam, from an ex-muslim...worth reading


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