2011 Predictions by members of 12160


2011 Predictions by members of 12160

Lets share our predictions, opinions, research, links, or whatever else you care to share concerning the coming year of 2011. What do you see coming our way? A second dip recession? The final push to implement martial law?

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Discussion Forum

Budget Shortfall in January 2011

Started by Knowah. Last reply by colin walsh Jul 17, 2011. 1 Reply

Hello Everyone, Thank you for inviting me to post my predictions for 2011.  I had just posted them on my site, which I have been starting to do each month.  Here is what I posted for January…Continue

Tags: middle, financial, class, money, prophecy

Introducing microbes in our local drinking water that increase "Natural" environment to lower immune system and dna cells to enter and cause disease and extreem flu seasons!

Started by AquaDoc Feb 22, 2011. 0 Replies

2011 Will be the year that the sellected upper class involving the most educated Doctors, Lawyers, Professors, and certain levels of the law, thin out the entire lower class population. Introducing…Continue

Tags: Warfare, and, Microbiology, Contamination, Water


Started by LYNN SHEDLER. Last reply by Southern Patriot Dec 28, 2010. 7 Replies

26/12/10I've  read  all  your  statements  and  don't  you  think  some  of  them  are  a  little  bit  radical!!Sure,  prices  are  going  up  -  price  of  gasoline;  for  one.  But  I've  also …Continue


2011 Predictions

Started by Southern Patriot. Last reply by Southern Patriot Dec 26, 2010. 1 Reply

Here are my predictions for 2011. Let's all hope for the best. January 1st-Gasoline approaches $3.50 per gallon national averageJanuary 15th-Those expecting tax refunds flood the IRS with the largest…Continue

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Comment by NEO ANDERSON on January 3, 2011 at 10:23pm
I am no prophet, nor can I tell what will realy happen, I can only imagine. I believe gas prices will skyrocket to about $8.00 a gallon. The Babylonian american government along with their allies of Zionist Israel may stage another terrorist attack and place more blame on Muslims. I feel there will be more powerful earthquakes, tornados and tsunamies.. We are living in the book of Revelation, so buckle your seat belts world, cause ready or not here it comes.
Comment by Citizen X74 on January 3, 2011 at 7:39am
one prediction i feel certain I can make is, ufo disclosure will NOT happen in 2011. okay an easy one for sure, I know. Also, more Americans will be recruited to spy on Americans and the rest of the people will not care, save a small minority.
Comment by Anthony Kimbrough on January 3, 2011 at 1:13am
LOL, The Pope becoming a Christian I think would take a miracle.
Comment by fireguy on December 30, 2010 at 10:10pm

I predict that 2011 will be more of the same BS and that Republicrats and Dempublicans will continue to support and accelerate the demise of  once proud and free people of various countries (including the USA) around the world through the NWO's use of military, and financial terrorism, food and water warfare and energy dictatorship.


It will also be one year closer to the return of Jesus Christ.


Happy New Year and God Bless Us Everyone.

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on December 30, 2010 at 1:01am
Between the $ collapse and the TSA, I feel the demise of several Airline Company's are inevitable tween the 3rd & 4th quarter!
Comment by Swtnlovabl on December 28, 2010 at 12:52pm
I think 2011 Will make this year look like the BEST YEAR EVER !! and the people that laugh at u will realize its all true and it will be to late.... I think there will be riots from people who have lost it all.. food prices will be so high that no one can afford..... more riots.  banking collapse....more riots homeless everywere... I think there will be a HUGE false flag to bring us all (or those how haven't prepared) to their knees almost over night... I pretty much think 2011 will be the beginning of the Mad Max scenario !! Oh yea lets not forgets Aliens !! but thats for another time !!
Comment by Swtnlovabl on December 28, 2010 at 12:09pm
Comment by Olive Farmer on December 27, 2010 at 11:36pm

(Extract: Much more on my blog):

The Lucis Trust site is full of this stuff, but their offshoot “Share International” is even more incredible, even more devoted to the new myth, the imminent emergence of the new christ or “maitreya”:
“The World Teacher for the current time is Maitreya, the 'eldest brother' in the human family and head of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Preferring to be known simply as the Teacher, Maitreya has not come to found a new religion, but to act as a guide and counselor for all humanity ― regardless of religious affiliation.
Having perfected and fully manifested within himself the Divine Will, Love, Wisdom
and Intelligence of God, Maitreya will reveal a new aspect of God. He will lead us to the recognition of our own divinity and our true identity as souls. Out of this greater spiritual understanding and creative power will come a new livingness, harmony and joy.

(Out of the chaos they are making will come great suffering, readying the Sheep for their new Christ.....read more detail on the blog. fear nothing.) 

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on December 27, 2010 at 10:03am

2010/2011's winter heating oil went to 4.49/gal. then gas goes to 4.99/gal

July 2011- Cheney, Bush, Silverstein, Rummy, Wolfowitz and others get indictments for creating 9/11.  Death Penalties all around!

Then the Summer of Revolt begins once the sheep find out the 9/11 truth and the FedRes gets burned to the ground, meanwhile Barry Sotero's actual BC shows up from Indonesia, and is swiftly removed from office and resides w/ the 9/11 masterminds, Biden gets scared & quits. Bush gets shanked in the pen because he wouldn't give away his PB&J w/ milk during lunch. We, The People install Ron Paul as Pres. Paul reinstitutes the Glass-Stiegal act, abolishing the Fed Res. Closes all open borders around the US, Gets the Government to print the NON-Fiat money again. TSA, CIA, Homeland security are all abolished and the huge national bonfire of the back-scatter machines on August 28 3011 helps the American people w/ their sovereignty. The "Patriot Act" was dissolved and shoved up Evil DIK's ass. GMO food is made illegal in 8/11. Marijuana is made legal and Alcohol is now a Class 1 felony drug. Marijuana Taxes bring the country back up to a triple A credit rating.

10th year anniversary of 9/11 is different now because the sheep now know what really happened. Public Hangings for ALL involved that day bring some relief to the victims family's and 1st responders. All goods we consume are now made here & stay here in America. Unemployment is now @ .09%, American School systems get a 220 billion dollar boost now that the Military budget got cut into a 1/3 of its original budget.




then the ummmm......uhhhhh.......yawwwwn......SHIT.....I woke up!!

Damn :(


Comment by JoJo on December 27, 2010 at 9:15am



 What is really disgusting is the dumbing down of North American men. Once upon a time when men saw thugs mistreating women--the guys thugging never made it to the hospital but to the morgue. Recall " Home of the Brave land of the Free? That was then--Now It's Home of the Whimps Land of Sappens

 Check this video-if you don't see the rot in USA--You got not real balls.


 I like to ask --if this was your wife or sister--would you do something--- like a real man's job---get even-- ?

 Wake-up fools- I predict that Israel Firster politicians will hide and have  24 hr police cover in 2011-2020


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