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Door to Door Vaccinations:

Started by truth. Last reply by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 Apr 8, 2012. 7 Replies

CIA Fake Vaccination Really Kills Children

Started by truth. Last reply by Amaterasu Solar Feb 29, 2012. 1 Reply

There just sick people.

Started by Patty Volies Feb 29, 2012. 0 Replies

Flu Paranoia Season is Here

Started by truth. Last reply by Les Oct 20, 2011. 4 Replies

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Comment by truth on September 9, 2009 at 12:08pm
"It’s The Vaccines Stupid!"

A new study shows a direct link between standard childhood vaccination series, MMR, and autism-like symptoms in monkeys. The principal scientist involved in the study, Dr. Laura Hewitson of the University of Pittsburgh, presented the alarming conclusions as an abstract pending publication at the International Meeting for Autism Research. It has been presented at scientific conferences in both London and Seattle, USA.

Historical facts about the dangers (and failures) of vaccines

• In the USA in 1960, two virologists discovered that both polio vaccines were contaminated with the SV 40 virus which causes cancer in animals as well as changes in human cell tissue cultures. Millions of children had been injected with these vaccines. (Med Jnl of Australia 17/3/1973 p555)

H1N1 behaving like ordinary flu bug

As British Columbia reported its fourth death related to the H1N1 virus, the province announced Tuesday it will no longer report every new case of the illness and noted the virus is progressing much like a regular seasonal flu.

Provincial health officer Dr. Perry Kendall said health officials will continue to monitor and record new cases of H1N1, but the province will now report only outbreaks, severe cases and deaths due to the virus.

Dangerous, Deadly H1N1 Vaccine Scam

The World Health Organization (WHO) is spreading propaganda like the flu to convince people new, genetically engineered, live "mock" influenza viruses in vaccines are safe.

On August 6, 2009, following news that more than half the world's health professionals will refuse vaccinations this fall, the WHO issued a directive to governments to reassure people the new flu vaccines, still being tested, are "safe." A major U.S. media blitz followed featuring Barack Obama telling Americans to get vaccinated, and network broadcasts maligning vaccination opponents.

Vaccine-Induced Disease Epidemic Outbreaks

We know this dastardly plan actually happened, thanks to a citizen's WATCHDOG GROUP in Kansas City, Missouri named "The Advertiser's Protective Bureau", who filed, and successfully prosecuted criminal charges against the Missouri state chapter of the AMA ­ the Jackson Medical Society. The 'Protective Bureau's" official report of this cold-blooded plot reads as follows:

2,000 sick with swine flu at Washington State University
Comment by Tara on September 8, 2009 at 12:02pm
Swedish military ready to battle swine flu

This is absolutely getting crazier by the day and it seems that most countries around the world now have been swept away into the madness, by the likes of WHO and other National Health Agencies propaganda machines!
Comment by truth on September 2, 2009 at 11:33am
Comment by truth on September 2, 2009 at 11:19am
Thanks Tara, Guy and others for archiving this madness!
Comment by Tara on September 2, 2009 at 11:13am
Comment by truth on August 31, 2009 at 2:24pm
Comment by truth on August 30, 2009 at 7:38pm
Drastic Measure? (YES) Officials Consider Early Roll-Out of Swine Flu Vaccine
Influenza Experts Disagree Over Need to Move Quickly on Vaccine Given Dire Predictions

The government appears to be moving forward with an early roll-out of a vaccine against the H1N1 swine flu virus even as trials to determine its safety, efficacy and proper dosage are still under way.
Comment by truth on August 30, 2009 at 4:34am
WHO: Swine flu spreading at ‘unbelievable’ rate

By Agence France-Presse

Swine flu spreads four times faster than other viruses and 40 percent of the fatalities are young adults in good health, the world’s top health official warned in an interview appearing Saturday.

“This virus travels at an unbelievable, almost unheard of speed,” World Health Organisation Director General Margaret Chan told France’s Le Monde daily in an interview.

“In six weeks it travels the same distance that other viruses take six months to cover,” Chan said.

“Sixty percent of the deaths cover those who have underlying health problems,” Chan said. “This means that 40 percent of the fatalities concern young adults — in good health — who die of a viral fever in five to seven days.

“This is the most worrying fact,” she said, adding that “up to 30 percent of people in densely populated countries risked getting infected.”

Chan’s warning came a day after the WHO said the virus had overtaken others to become the most prevalent flu strain.

“Evidence from multiple outbreak sites demonstrates that the A(H1N1) pandemic virus has rapidly established itself and is now the dominant influenza strain in most parts of the world,” the UN agency said in a statement.

“The pandemic will persist in the coming months as the virus continues to move through susceptible populations,” it added.

Chan underlined that emergency and healthcare services in several countries had come under strain and stressed that resources allocated for cancer patients and those suffering from heart disease should not be diverted.

“One must not rob Peter to pay Paul,” she said. “All governments must prepare for the worst.”

She said the most important thing in the battle against the virus was “political leadership.”

More than 2,180 people around the world have died from the virus since it emerged in April, according to the latest WHO figures.

Chan also said that it could be months before sufficient vaccine is available to combat the pandemic.

She put world production capacity at 900 million doses a year, for a global population of 6.8 billion people.

Even if this was an unprecedented effort, and authorities were speeding up procedures for getting vaccines to the market, there should be no question of compromises on their safety and effectiveness, Chan said.

Britain and France received their first batches of swine flu vaccine this week. Australia on Friday said a massive swine flu vaccination programme would start in October and Turkey hopes the first supplies of the vaccine will come by that time.

While 90 percent of severe and fatal cases occur in people aged above 65 in seasonal flu, most of those who die from swine flu are under the age of 50.

A “very severe form of disease” affecting the lungs and causing severe respiratory failure among young and healthy people was being reported, WHO said Friday, adding that highly specialised care was required.

Large numbers of such patients could therefore “overwhelm” intensive care units and disrupt the provision of care for other diseases, it warned.

In the southern hemisphere where the flu-prone winter season is tailing off, the WHO said cities in several countries had reported that nearly 15 percent of hospitalised cases required intensive care.

Doctors Question WHO's Severe Swine Flu Warning
Some Say While Severe Swine Flu Exists, Warnings May Be Overblown
Aug. 29, 2009

The World Health Organization warned Friday that doctors around the world are now reporting a severe form of swine flu that goes straight to the lungs of otherwise healthy young people -- but some infectious disease experts said the alarm could be unwarranted.

WHO Warns of Severe Form of Swine Flu
A nurse carries test for H1N1 influenza on a woman on Aug. 21, 2009 at the Noumea flu treatment... Expand

The WHO update comes in the wake of reports from some countries that as many as 15 percent of patients infected with the new H1N1 pandemic virus require extensive -- and expensive -- hospital care.

"During the winter season in the southern hemisphere, several countries have viewed the need for intensive care as the greatest burden on health services," the report said. "Preparedness measures need to anticipate this increased demand on intensive care units, which could be overwhelmed by a sudden surge in the number of severe cases."

But infectious disease experts from both inside and outside the government say that the phrasing used by WHO raises some questions -- particularly because the existence of such a form of the disease is not a new development.

"WHO is certainly putting the fear of [God] in people with this type of release," said William Muraskin, a professor of urban studies at Queens College in New York, who is a specialist in international health. "The description by the WHO is similar to lung infections that claimed so many young people during the 1918 pandemic."

Dr. Julie Gerberding, former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, noted, "Severe pneumonia occurred in 1918 too, but we cannot confirm the pathophysiology is the exactly the same."

And Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health, one of the government's preeminent figures on swine flu, told ABC News' Brian Hartman, "The severity should not be anything near what we saw in 1918 -- again, underscoring that things can change.

"But if what we're seeing now is predictive of what we'll be seeing in the fall and the winter this looks like a mild to moderate, not a very severe, pandemic."

Swine Flu May Not Be as Deadly as Past Pandemics

Indeed, many believe that the ultimate impact of the swine flu will not be as disastrous as that of pandemics of times past.

"The total mortality remains extremely low," said John Barry, author of "The Great Influenza." "And as far as the cases go, it's important to remember that while such [severe] cases have been seen, they are extremely rare."

But rare or not, the severe form of the illness is a deadly emergency. Dr. Jeffrey Boscamp, chair in pediatrics at the Children's Hospital at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey, said that the lung infection triggers a syndrome called acute respiratory distress syndrome.

"The lung becomes a battleground: the virus versus all of the immunologic components that are recruited to the lung to fight the infection," Boscamp said. "The inflammation is so severe that it becomes impossible for the lung to put oxygen back into the blood.

"When oxygenation becomes impossible, other organs -- kidneys, heart, et cetera -- fail, and death can be the outcome."

And Dr. Greg Poland, director of the Vaccine Research Group at the Mayo Clinic, noted that the intensive care doctors he works with are in contact with other intensivists around the world who describe a bleeding, or hemorrhagic, lung infection. Poland said these doctors "are indeed seeing high viral, overwhelming viral, pneumonia, which then leads to hemorrhagic pneumonitis and severe respiratory distress syndrome; this has been requiring extraordinarily intensive therapy."

A spike in such severe cases could have big implications for hospitals, some fear.

"I have seen a number of these cases, with a number of deaths," said Dr. Christian Sandrock, medical director of the Intensive Care Unit at the University of California Davis Medical Center.

He added that while doctors can treat patients with much more specialized medical care now, if these very sick patients increase in numbers at hospitals, "These are the patients that are going to crush us."

Wire reports contributed to this story.

Mexico May Top 1 Million Swine-Flu Cases, Cordova Tells Reforma

By Crayton Harrison

Aug. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Mexico’s swine-flu infections could surpass 1 million during the country’s winter season, Reforma newspaper reported, citing Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova.

The ministry has documented more than 21,000 cases of the virus this year, Cordova said in an interview with the newspaper. The number of deaths could reach 200 in the winter months, he said.

The agency is working with state governments to develop a response plan for an outbreak, including when to close schools or suspend activities and how to prepare hospitals, Reforma said.

To contact the reporter on this story: Crayton Harrison in Mexico City at

Obesity linked to swine flu deaths

Study of pandemic reveals that weight problems and pregnancy are significant factors in fatal cases

The Observer, Sunday 30 August 2009

Obesity has emerged as a possible contributing factor in fatal swine flu cases, according to ground-breaking research looking at deaths caused by the pandemic in countries around the world.

The claim is made by a team from the French Institute for Public Health Surveillance, which has studied the characteristics of 574 deaths associated with the pandemic H1N1 influenza up until the middle of July. According to the team's findings, published in medical journal Eurosurveillance, underlying disease was found in at least half of all fatal cases.

Mortality patterns were in many cases similar to those associated with normal, seasonal flu. But the team observed: "Nevertheless two risk factors are noticeable: pregnancy and obesity."

Pregnancy is already a well-documented risk factor in seasonal influenza and in previous pandemics. The study found that 16 women – representing 10% of all female deaths that were studied – were pregnant or had recently delivered at the time of their death. Half of these also had other health issues. But the conclusion that obesity may be a factor in some swine flu deaths opens up a new line of investigation for epidemiologists. Where an underlying disease was found to be present after someone had died of swine flu, in more than one in four cases the deceased had a metabolic condition – diabetes and/or obesity.

The team, which concluded further research needed to be done to establish the link between obesity, severe influenza and mortality, also found significant demographic variations among those affected by the pandemic.

"Compared to younger age groups, the elderly seem to be protected from infection to some extent, perhaps due to previous exposure to strains akin to influenza A(H1N1)v virus," the team claim.

There has been a view that fatal cases involving the pandemic have tended to occur among the young, according to the team. And they found the average age of those who have died was 37. More than half of all deaths occurred among the 20- to 49-year-old age group. Overall, 12% of deaths occurred in cases aged 60 years or more.

According to the latest update from the Health Protection Agency (HPA): "In the last seven days, cases reported globally have increased by 8% and the number of deaths by 21%." However, the HPA suggested flu rates in England were now coming down.

Concerns remain, however, that infection rates will start to increase again come the autumn.

The French team warns: "The pandemic… is far from over, and deaths will unfortunately continue to occur. As in previous pandemics, available data show that age groups are not equally affected."
Comment by Fred Black on August 28, 2009 at 11:30am
90% ? They wish. It was reported, SF Chronicle - Federal authorities plan to initiate a nationwide campaign in the coming weeks to persuade Americans to get the swine flu vaccine and to erase any public skepticism about the flu's danger and the safety of immunizations.

This is the first shot fired in the campaign, tell the dumb people that the dumbest 90% of all people are lining up to be jabbed.

Don't believe it readers! Check out this link, information liberation - vaccine dissenters are many, world wide.
Comment by Tara on August 28, 2009 at 10:00am
Poll: 2/3 in U.S. plan to get swine flu vaccine

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - More than 90 percent of Americans plan to do something to protect themselves from the H1N1 pandemic flu virus and more than 60 percent will get vaccinated, according to an American Red Cross survey released on Thursday.

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