Occupy the Fed!


Occupy the Fed!

Website: http://12160.info/group/occupy-the-fed
Location: occupy
Members: 122
Latest Activity: Jul 12, 2019

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Cluster of Central Banks Have Secretly Invested U$D 29 Trillion in the Market.

Started by Central Scrutinizer Jul 18, 2014. 0 Replies

Cluster of Central Banks Have Secretly Invested U$D 29 Trillion in the Market. Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/16/2014 07:22 -0400 Another conspiracy "theory" becomes conspiracy "fact" as The FT reports "a cluster of central banking investors has…Continue

Tags: market, secret, equity, bank, scheme

Anonymous - Fed Reserve Caught Red Handed

Started by otf Feb 29, 2012. 0 Replies

  Uploaded by 365jamz on Feb 25, 2012#Anon #NewZ(…Continue

Tags: stock, debt, default, market, crash

Newt World Order - Newt Pushing Decade old Ron Paul End the Fed Issues

Started by otf Dec 6, 2011. 0 Replies

Play CBS News Video (National Review)  Ron Paul rarely makes news, and his candidacy is frequently ignored by Beltway reporters. But headlines, his aides say, are…Continue

Kucinich: Federal Reserve has captured control of our government

Started by otf. Last reply by noblsht Nov 30, 2011. 8 Replies

.relatedRon Paul , Dennis Kucinich And The Federal Reserve  .Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH), a longtime advocate for reform of the Federal Reserve, is sharply criticizing the…Continue

Tags: Kucinich, reserve, federal, Kucinich, dennis

Open Letter to the 'Occupy Movement'

Started by truth. Last reply by Michael C. Dewey Oct 21, 2011. 4 Replies

Open Letter to the 'Occupy Movement'The complexities of the human mind are staggering.  We seem to be the one main creature on the face of the planet with the innate ability to ‘reason’ our way into thoughts and actions that are, when allowed to…Continue

Tags: 'Occupy, Movement', the, to, Letter

'Dallas End the Fed sign wave!' -November 5, 2011

Started by otf Oct 20, 2011. 0 Replies

'Dallas End the Fed sign wave!'Time: November 5, 2011 from 1pm to 3pm Location: Dallas Federal Reserve Bank Organized By: Debbie McKee Event Description: We'll be in front of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas!  Bring your signs!!! 2200 North Pearl…Continue

Fed-up protesters rally for visit from Ben Bernanke

Started by otf Oct 18, 2011. 0 Replies

Fed-up protesters rally for visit from Ben BernankeBy Christine McConvilleTuesday, October 18, 2011 - Updated 2 hours agoE-mail   …Continue

We need a central fundmental message: Arrest the Criminal Bankers! End the Fed! Restore the Republic!

Started by Carmine Clemente Oct 12, 2011. 0 Replies

We need to be very careful that OWS don't turn violent or be co-opted by George Soros, Obama,  Von Jones as an excuse to create a crisis for Martial Law, Rebember: Problem, Reaction, Solution!

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Comment by truth on October 14, 2011 at 10:45am
WOW! I thought the layout looked familiar Q
Comment by Quickening on October 13, 2011 at 1:27pm

Things that make you go, "Hmmm..."

Comment by otf on October 13, 2011 at 12:24pm

Comment by Les on October 13, 2011 at 9:04am

I have a gut feeling and have seen some video interview proofs that ACORN and SEIU are and have been involved from the beginning.  So in my calculated assumption, this is part and partial to "their" plan to ramp up the coming martial law by using the "goyim" who have good intentions.  Same thing happened in Germany didnt it? This brought rise to Hitler

  We must remember that this is a spiritual war, a war for souls and it is going to come down to this, Im sure that you will remember this song,  "You're either for us or against us"  You are either for the dominion of satan or you are for Yahushuah ha'Mashiach which is the true name of our Saviour. 


  We have been played like a deck of cards, they have even substituted the name of our Creator over millenium.  They will stop at nothing to bring about their NWO, @Maria Devine said, we must occupy until His YHWHs return.  But even now these occupiers are being played and they are using the emotions of a desparate people to collapse the world economy which has been done by design.

  Like obama said "you folks aint been readin your bibles", otherwise we would have seen this coming a long time ago and it would have never gone this far.  But on the other hand, this is by our Creators design and all the truths of the earth will be known before the return of Yahushua ha'Mashiach -  translates to

"I AM the Messiah who saves" 



Comment by Patrick Murphy on October 12, 2011 at 7:35pm

From what I have been watching and reading, this OWS is one of the only ways we the people can be heard, but it is being demonized by the left, from within and without, and it does pose a danger to any other protest like the tea party because of their attempts to bastardize the real protesters.

With that said, I'm one of those that see martial law as an inevitable conclusion to our corrupt governments over-reaching for complete control. I'm still trying to decide if I want to die standing when they come to my door, shooting at some government drone cop or soldier I would have called friend or neighbor before they storm troop to take my arms, and maybe kill me dogs or me, or go quietly, all the while praying, knowing this is all in god's plan.

Without protests, thery will run over us quickly as they trample the constitution, otherwise, they have to tread lightly as they are now, tryin to sideline, infiltrate  and or ignore any good group of people with the balls to speak out for what they believe in.

If it were up to me, I guess I'd be over in N.Y. with the rest of them, trying not to let the cops silence our voices, god bless em' all, and thanks for the invite.. 


Comment by terry on October 12, 2011 at 6:57pm

thanks for the invite


Comment by Carmine Clemente on October 12, 2011 at 12:31pm

End the Fed: 'The revolution has come to America'

Comment by Nikki on October 12, 2011 at 12:07pm
I read End the Fed a few months ago too and have started Jekyll Island.  End the Fed is a quick read - concise and to the point.  Jekyll is long but well worth it.  I too recommend them.
Comment by Quickening on October 12, 2011 at 11:52am
I've read Ron Paul's End the Fed and currently reading Griffin's Creature from Jekyll Island .   Both are highly recommended!

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