
Free Man on the Land Education and Discussion


Free Man on the Land Education and Discussion

Group for people interested in learning about codes, laws and status. Do you live in a home or are you domiciled? Do you drive or do you travel?

For years we have been purposely kept in the dark on our status and the fact that we are a Natural Resource, nothing more nothing less, but you can escape that. Not without learning the laws which are used to keep you enslaved

Learn and discuss it here with others who are learning and using this to get out of moving violations, credit card debt and foreclosures.

Members: 18
Latest Activity: Jul 14, 2013

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Comment by Bildo on April 20, 2013 at 12:49pm

Win ALL your cases by asking if there is a verified claim. If there is not, then there is no case because there is no injured party.  Simple. Only a man/woman can make a verified claim. Corps and fictions use complaints. Men/women use claims.

Comment by Bildo on April 20, 2013 at 12:45pm

I highly regret not listening to Karl Lentz on talkshoe. He does everything even more simple than Dean Clifford. All we have to do is take the violator of your God-given rights into a common law court which is the federal court when going against someone with an oath of office. Screw civil rights, that's what Corp US gives you. Karl spells it all out nice and easy. He does one-page claims. We don't need to claim to be freeman on the land or sovereign or whatever. Plain and simple--we are a man or woman and our God-given rights have been violated. Leave it at that.


Comment by Bildo on April 18, 2013 at 3:21pm

Finally noticed the invite. At least I'm here now. I'm a "documented" Sovereign since Sept 2009. My employer has my UCC-1 and I pay no income tax. Don't know what else to say but HELLO.

Comment by JustHere999 on April 2, 2013 at 1:50am

sovereignty info and forms. Just sayin' ... here is all you'll need to get started.

Comment by truth on March 29, 2013 at 11:39pm

PB where are you?

Comment by guest_blog on February 19, 2013 at 1:24pm

Nevada Senate committee to discuss claiming sovereignty

The Nevada Senate Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections is scheduled to deliberate on a resolution to claim sovereignty under the 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Restore State Sovereignty - Share News and Organize !!!

Comment by truth on February 9, 2013 at 11:49am

"Sovereign Independent UK Joins the ‘United We Strike Radio Marathon’

Comment by truth on February 9, 2013 at 11:43am
Comment by 14300 on February 7, 2013 at 5:41am

I believe that Lincoln and JFK were assassinated because they were both going to "eliminate" the Federal Reserve (privately owned) US banking system run by the evil NWO Illuminati Globalist Banksters. Herman Cain (who was running for President) believed in promoting this as well.  If I remember correctly Ron Paul also reiterated the same thing.  Is there any info on what activists are working to destroy the Federal Reserve?

Comment by truth on February 5, 2013 at 4:04pm

cool group,! thanks!


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