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12,000 U.S. troops in Malta ready to descend into Libya

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Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on December 18, 2012 at 7:52am

The richer nations of South East Asia will lose their sovereignty and wealth as stated earlier. It is nice to taste a banana, apple, mango, pineapple, orange, grape. Each of these fruits has a distinct taste. Such is the case for the culture, food, and people of South East Asia, each has its distinctive flavour. But that is now threatened.

With the AEC all the fruit will be mixed forever into a blender, and no fruit will remain outside the blender. The mixed fruit juice may taste good for an outsider or newcomer, but never again will there be the possibility to get a banana, grape or pineapple. These will be lost forever once they were thrown into the mixer.

This does not apply to Africa, on the contrary. Free movement of people across Africa, and shutting Africa to the outside world except via one unity, is to our benefit. We can then demand we are paid in gold, which was extracted by foreign companies from our soil, rather than be paid in worthless paper printed debt dollars.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on December 18, 2012 at 7:51am

MU’AMMAR al-Qathafi’s 
Warning to People of Africa and the World
Posted: 2012/12/05
From: 05 December 2012 (mathaba):
The Leader, Teacher-Thinker (Mu’ammar al-Qathafi) of the Green Charter International Revolutionary Committees Movement is giving a wide-ranging speech in English language addressed to the world wide movement of revolutionary committees. :

I now address the world wide movement of revolutionary committees on the situation on our continent Africa which has been invaded by alien kleptomaniacs. The leopard does not change its spots. The movement has failed to respond to the challenge. Those who can act are cowering in the shadows waiting for us to return. All words have been spoken. What more do you need. Your free territory has been occupied. The entire continent is now up for grabs. Having vanquished Africa they have now set their sites on Asia to surround China and bring her into submission. The slave has visited the region to give his support to the key players there.

In Africa, we benefit from total unity. Had the African Union continued its path which was well planned and charted, we’d not be occupied today. But they sold out, since the African masses were not involved. You allowed corruptible leaders to take your place. The AU is thus finished. Yet, full unity is what makes Africa strong.

African unity means military, political, economic, we are all now poor on our rich land. There is no rich and poor country in Africa any more now that Libya has joined the poor. There is no giver and receiver. Total unity in Africa will benefit all the African masses. The same is not the case in other locations, such as ASEAN.

In ASEAN in fact the opposite is the case. Total unity will destroy the Philippines, with its ninety million people rushing to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand to earn dollars once the AEC launches in 2015, leaving behind their babies and their responsibilities to build their nation and effect positive change. They’ll chase money.

Thailand will be destroyed and colonized for the first time in its history. By proxy, via other ASEAN nationals in their hundreds of millions. The same for Malaysia, and Singapore, where crime and poverty will sky rocket, while the rich will wall themselves into secure islands living in ivory towers or even in Australia in walled gardens.

All the poor nations of South East Asia will lose all their skilled people both good and bad who will head from Vietnam, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia and Indonesia, to Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. The poor countries will thus become poorer and adopt the Cambodia model of selling anything and everything to foreign capital.
Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on December 18, 2012 at 7:50am

Thais? You will be nowhere but on the street as you won’t be able to compete with the hundreds of millions of Philippines with their sweet mouths who are so experienced with the western tourism market as they, unlike Thailand, have been occupied by Americans and been their loyal servants for generations.

You won’t be able to even get menial jobs in your own country as all those labour jobs will be taken by the hundreds of millions of Indonesians, Myanmar, Lao and Vietnamese workers. Your few criminals won’t have anything left to steal as all the stealing, robbing, raping and murder will be done by Indonesians and Philippines.

Oh good people of Thailand. Instead of you bringing half a million demonstrators onto the streets wearing red shirts and another half million wearing yellow shirts, and fighting and killing each other for politicians who have long sold their souls to foreign moneyed interests, you need to re-think your strategies.

Red shirts you need to realize that the poor of Thailand will be the dead of Thailand under AEC and the middle classes will become the poor. Your leader is part of the plot of the USA to weaken all ASEAN nations via the so-called AEC in a plot of genius which makes people think the AEC is a good thing when it is pure poison.

Yellow shirts you need to also realize that this is bigger than one man and his family and using their corruption as a call to throw over the ruling regime. Instead, you need to join with the Thai people as a whole and march in your millions carrying the photo of the King and slogan “NO AEC” and “CANCEL AEC”.

Did you sign the AEC? Did you sign away Thai sovereignty? Did the Thai parliament? Who is represented? Which interests does it serve other than foreign capital? What happens to the many Thai laws that contradict AEC and did you know that all the legal documents and laws of ASEAN are in English.

Thai patriots, leaders, military personnel, honest people and masses of loyal citizens. Your nation is about to come to an end and be absorbed into a melting-pot from which you can never again eject the millions of foreigners who will take over your business, economy and sovereignty forever. Once it starts, you can’t stop it.

So don’t let it start. You have to march in your millions, wear the green colour, say NO AEC, STOP AEC, CANCEL AEC, after all, you never agreed to it. Those who want to overthrow the regime that is how you do it. Any regime which signed away Thailand must go, any regime that does not cancel the AEC must also be removed.

ASTV and other media networks and leaders. Stop talking about Thaksin and his cronies, address the real issues, say no to the AEC and demand it be cancelled. Organize mass rallies on that basis so that all the Thai people join together undivided by focus on the mere symptoms rather than the underlying causes.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on December 18, 2012 at 7:49am


The Philippines has a huge number of skilled doctors, nurses and other specialists. Unlike the Thai people who are patriotic and do not like to travel for more than a few weeks outside their country due to the fact of having the best food in the world which cannot be found elsewhere, the Philippine people all want to leave their country as they are suffering hardship and cannot make use of their skills under a corrupt administration and amidst a sea of liars.

Indonesia, with a population of 250 million, although not having a large percentage of skilled work force and English speakers, however, the poverty in Indonesia also means that most of its people want to travel to Singapore, Malaysia or Thailand in search of any type of work, no matter how menial.

Along with Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar (“VLCM”), the lowest paid work force is available to flood Thailand in the hundreds of millions, but not to work for Thai people. As you will see, the exclusive right of Thais to own Thai property, land and business, is also signed away by the AEC. Singapore, Malaysians are the new owners, and behind them Americans and other westerners out to destroy the competition of ASEAN while their own economies collapse.

The result is clear. For Thailand, let us take some examples, the tourism and service industries. In 2016 and thereafter, unless you cancel the AEC agreement which was done behind your backs and without your participation nor your permission, the following scenario will become a reality…

One Thai owned restaurant catering to only Thai people, will be surrounded by 12 other restaurants, all foreign owned, and all with Philippine ladies on the reception, serving and taking orders. In the kitchen at the back will be slave labour provided by the Indonesians and VLCM countries. The owner will be a Singaporean fat pig.

Massage parlours? So-called Thai massage will be carried out by Lao and Cambodians for half the price of that of the truly qualified Thais. Sexy massages will all be according to price, top of the cheap prostitution will be Philippine women in their millions, with the poor of Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam catering for others.

Taxi drivers? All will be Philippine mafia. Crime? No house will be safe, murder will rise dramatically, millions of Indonesian and Philippine criminals, terrorists, gangsters and thieves will have a bonanza in Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore while local and national police will be totally overwhelmed and unable to cope.

Hotels and guest houses? All will be Singapore and other foreign capitalist owned, while all the telephones, front desks, reception and high class prostitution will be run by the Philippine nationals supplying a great profit for the foreign capitalist owners while happy to take a salary of one thousand dollars a month.

The workers, cleaners, cooks, builders, labourers, servants will all be on salaries ranging around a hundred dollars a month, from the VMLC countries.
Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on December 18, 2012 at 7:48am

The King of Thailand fully carries out those responsibilities as anyone who wishes to look can see for themselves. In spite of his old age, he continued to spend his time on thinking, planning and on launching, supporting and carrying out of projects which benefit the nation of Thailand and her peoples of all faiths and tribes.

How many of you are aware of his New Theory, which is part of the Third Universal Theory since it is a truthful theory which can be implemented and result in the welfare for all away from the city onto the green land. Have we not written about the City and the Village and the Earth? Yet those in the city pay no heed.

If the people of Thailand would accelerate their experiments and implementation of the King’s New Theory, the agricultural and economic success of that South East Asian nation would be assured well into the future. However, I have some dire warnings, while on the subject of Thailand.

I have to warn the people of Thailand that the history of Thailand and the Thai nation is about to come to an end. This is inevitable unless the people pay heed and act accordingly. For you now face a national emergency which you still fail to see and unless you recognize it soon and act fast, you have no future.

Thailand is fortunate to have a real King but is also cursed by an inability to have a real government of, for and by the people. Instead the nation has become divided by the color of shirt worn, whether for example, red or yellow. Both camps are being led by opportunistic charlatans. They fight each other yet little divides them.

In actual fact, all the peoples of Thailand, are on the same side and need to march in their millions upon Bangkok wearing green shirts or even no shirts, and throw over the treasonous traitorous regime which is selling the nation forever down the drain, it is staring you in the face, but you have not understood its implications.

The traitorous political regimes in Thailand serve foreign interests and the people have not seen the big elephant entering the room. They are traitors to your nation because they signed away Thailand’s sovereignty and future well being without asking the Thai masses if they agree to the so-called AEC.

The ASEAN Economic Community which is to take effect as of December 31, 2015, will put most Thailand businesses out of business, and result in the Thai people sitting by the roadside with outstretched hands as beggars. Listen to me for you have not understood the implications of the AEC for Thailand and the region.

As we all know, the people had no consultation and no part in the decision to sign up to the AEC nor have they been told truthfully about the consequences. Those of you who care about your country better translate my speech to Thai language and share it widely, for you will have to act fast if you are to avoid disaster.

You have been told only the propaganda so-called good points and benefits of the AEC. And yet, I can stand on any platform and knock down each one of those so-called benefits. But you have not been told of the negative side, and I am now going to do so. You will recognize the facts but I’ll help you connect the dots.

First, you must know that the AEC will result in the free movement not only of people from other ASEAN countries into Thailand but also of numerous types of labour, and this is going to also destroy the Thai Tourism industry. Let me show you how, based upon pure logic that any person with knowledge of ASEAN can exercise.

Thailand has a population of some 60 million people. Almost none of them speak English and those that do, speak a poor quality of English and no amount of study and learning will change that as the languages are too different, whereas the Philippines has a population of one hundred million people most of whom speak excellent English.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on December 18, 2012 at 7:47am

MUAMMAR AL-Kadhafi donne les 4 Discours monde aujourd’hui libérées par l’
CHARTE DU MOUVEMENT VERT: Discours Leader (Part 1): Happy Birthday to Roi de Thaïlande
Posté le: 05/12/2012

Today is the 5th December which is the 85th birthday of the King Bhumipol Adulyadej of Thailand. We wish him a happy birthday and a longer life in good health. This day is also celebrated as Father’s Day in Thailand. I open my address today on this subject not by accident. Today being the 5th December, it is unavoidable to extend our best wishes to the world’s only King who truly serves his people. I also wish to address some issues and warnings to the people of Thailand.How many of you know that when The Green Book speaks of how kings herded the people, it is not talking of the exceptional true kings such as Thailand’s King Bhumipol Adulyadej. There is no contradiction between people’s power of the Jamahiriya and a King provided he plays a role as father of the nation.

Being the father of a nation has responsibilities. It is not wealth, concubines and a life of luxury and sloth, as exemplified by other so-called kings. It is rather the role of the traditional King as exemplified especially in African history, and in the only current living example of a real King, which we can see in Thailand.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on November 20, 2012 at 1:06pm
Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on November 20, 2012 at 1:05pm


Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on November 20, 2012 at 1:04pm
Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on November 20, 2012 at 1:03pm

Do not forget what I showed you before that Israel is making the Green Western Nafusa mountains their airbase...and that Misrata is planned as a second homeland for dispersed Jews. Also the GNC is giving 80 BILLION in reparations to Israel.


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