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Freedom and Democracy (TM) Killing Continues

Started by Less Prone Dec 27, 2013. 0 Replies

Libya continues in chaos. This is how Freedom and democracy (TM) works.…Continue

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12,000 U.S. troops in Malta ready to descend into Libya

Started by Cryptocurrency. Last reply by Christella Bernardene Krebs Sep 23, 2012. 23 Replies

Cynthia McKinney Global Research January 14, 2012It is with great disappointment that I receive the news from…Continue

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Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on March 9, 2015 at 3:10pm

Lion of the Desert (MU’AMMAR al-QATHAFI) paves the promises of new ones in the trenches, which will be announced:
‘The Struggle in the south of the Libyan Fezzan spark’.
Popular Defence Forces stationed in the desert
to provide southern cities after the arrival of something Bdulk.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on February 20, 2015 at 12:11pm

Children of Sheikh Abdul Salam Asmar', posts on FB
18 février 2015: 

Testimony concerning Mu'ammar al-Qathafi (Sir Commander) and SAIF al-Islam (Sultan of Tripoli). 

The 'Stimulation' of the Grandson of Sheikh Ahmed Wali :

good sir blood howitzer (AHMED GADAF-a-dam) comes to take me to my grandfather to the Righteous Council.

And I will be a guest on the corner of Mr. Abdul Salam al-Asmar, followers of the men of God the righteous and the people of the Court and the ear 

and say sir Greying his head, I tried with these Kharijites that they may repent; but to no avail. If the time has come to shove, and passed all those present in this, and unanimously agreed upon, and then take seriously my hand; and I saw a row erupted between the Kharijites in this region, 

and if fighters and jumping, from the angle, brown stallion men to Misurata (where occurs fighting), we have not seen one of the Kharijites of the two regions. 

This is Gog, and this Magog, who fight nowhere else reap the necks and grated it; and corpses chop the meat does not remain in the area and its environs.

From the Kharijites of one and Aasobhan saw Liberals roam within categories al-Mottagatlten of Kharijites. Fashakounam crushed, and thus ended the Kharijites. They were ordered and returned the country of their people; and have reassured slaves. 

and now we're hopefully of the witnesses on this from our fellow Liberals (during these events), that they had to close Vixrōha, and to al-Qdan Faihtmoha, which is less due to men (who are in restrictions to participate in this Victory which is from Allah; and Allah will not heal Gleilhm.

However, Omichagahm down their arms, and there is a voice of lead, and reap the fruit of steadfastness, and the Covenant, and then conceived and turns everyone to the south.

There is a witness, and there Ikhatpkm al-Brain Sultan and Sultan Bahrain Arabs, Persians Mahdi judge order of God Almighty, sir Commander of the Vijatab Nation.

And eateries of which only Africans and Arabs and the West have become deaf, dumb, stunned spend God and the ability to Fahra Libyans; and rush them, to meet long-lost loved ones, and to bless and Veselmoa Evalawa Mujahid Saif al-Islam as 'Sultan of Tripoli'. 

and Athompshawwa leaders of countries and capitals, greeted Our Commander Mu'ammar al-Qathafi and consulted him.

Fischer them in their affairs by virtue of God and justice and be a shrine: and leading them, and prevail justice and goodness and righteousness to all people who approach under the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). 

Pray God be upon Him (Mu'ammar al-Qathafi) and the state of the Fatimid, and Praise to Allah, Lord of the Great Throne.
Signature September
(Ended speech).

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on February 20, 2015 at 12:06pm


'Zero hour' on FB
18 février, 22:49 ·

Commander Saagay speech to the world soon 

Satarafoa truth of what happened Safkhroa

My Leader of the Revolution .... 

He says he can not be Our Leader to be seen 

what the neighborhood happens not have a position?

Tell him the following .....
* Commander withdrawal was due to preservation of the remaining infrastructure
The capabilities of the Libyan people, because he can not be, that the war is over and the Leader is ALIVE.

* Plot was on the people of Libya is very large and need to be adjusted in a timely manner.

People me himself to discover the truth.
* Collaborators and traitors and hypocrites discovery and testing of the tribes: 

Why Secon position
From the current situation
* Embarrassing colonial Western countries and revealed its plans for the world.
* Implicate collaborators and traitors and intelligence services in the Libyan quagmire
* Mask Belktr neighboring states on the national security of the case with Libya and Hedda:
They move in order to return the situation to what it was in the former.

* Give time different cliques in Akaúidha and Ahidvha and orientations in order to
Jostling and fighting with Bazha because of ìpower and money lobby, Hedda destroy itself'.

My own
* Commander man because history allows that history recorded in the pages that destroyed cities and killing people and destroying his country. Hada Leader out of the trap of Western countries.

* The emergence of our Commander in 2011, after the great risk to his life, and the country Seidkhal.

In the civil war because of the conviction ordination of cities and tribes me to change my father.

Sainql Libya to the best event
......... If I thought about this topic points, Satjd, Why all this time and did not come out ???

me into being simply a battle for Libya Markhastkhbarat battle.

Time and patience and the game of biting the fingers of screaming I.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on February 12, 2015 at 3:44pm

Salute to all the supporters of the green flag ..ahak leader leader Muammar al-Qathafi .... 

and those who remains steadfast, Ikrba Lake, and Ictpelln series of (new) letters from the Commander ...
(post by "Knight and Men", on BLACK LIBYAN RESISTANCE)

أســــــــــــود المـــــقاومــــــة الـلـيـــبــيـــة

ﺗﺤﻴﻪ ﺍﻟﻲ ﻛﻞ ﺍﻧﺼﺎﺭ ﺍﻟﺮﺍﻳﺔ ﺍﻟﺨﻀﺮﺍﺀ ..عشاق الزعيم القائد معمر القذافي .... ﻭﺍﻟﻠﻲ ﻣﺎﺯﺍﻝ ﺻﺎﻣﺪ ﻳﻘﺮﺑﻊ ﻻﻳﻚ ﻭيكتبلنا ﺟﻤﻠﻪ ﻣﻦ ﺧﻄﺎﺑﺎﺕ ﺍﻟﻘﺎﺋﺪ...؟
"فارس ورجال"

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on February 12, 2015 at 3:42pm

محمد الخطري

Brave resistor
This reality. Existing and everyone knows. The collapse in the end, all painful. Good luck, my dear brother and helped us in the dissemination of facts that should be known to all.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on February 12, 2015 at 3:40pm

MU'AMMAR al-QATHAFI is very much physically alive:

Mohammed al-Khatri:
This topic reality on the free and honorable men should know by ,,,,,,,,?
As you come to this topic you really Taatsah reason intransigence and stick to me than these they 'catastrophe 17 February'. ..................................

The pessimistic religion reaped madness and strained nerves when you tell them that al-Qathafi is alive; and their argument and their evidence in their rejection of this topic really is a simple video production diagonal and Zionist produced and broadcast and Swoq him in a Zionist channel Moghaith enemy of Islam, a channel ((island)) .. ...

And hula-known descriptions are afraid of the fact that Muammar al-Qathafi is alive, one of the leading happenings and events on the ground.

★ Hola divided into several groups ~~~

■ sneaks group ....: '(← Hola is not in their interest to return my system any form Revolution and whatever the circumstances Kataat
■ Group muggers and al-Mokhtalsin: 

'(← Hola from Otmanoa Ali Deposit them money and equipment days events tasks assigned to me a financial nature and Ajisti Fajanwa of trust ... 

They are also not in their interest to return the GREAT JAMAHIRIYA (mass al-Nzalm)

■ al-Mtkhadelan group on the crawl of the military and their paramilitary character of the revolutionary formations of other security agencies ..: 
'(← Hola is in their interest not to promises of a new public system of fear of punishment and accountability.

■ moral hypocrisy of the academics and Aladaba and lecturers, journalists, poets and intellectuals, religious group were missionaries and Mtablin mass Nzalm and turned against him ....: '(← Aholae also not in their interest to return Hedda mass system Saespb them great embarrassment and eliminates future benefits and social situation my parents were in it.

■ agents and spies group ...: 
'(← Hola ordered them finished and unknown They refuse to even think about my return public system altogether.

■ al-Mtloulin range jumpers than to light revolution catastrophe February illusion major portion of Libyan tribal elders and al-Msaaliyn and members of the revolutionary committees and formations and revolutionary poets and coordinated meetings and over the companies and Almaasesat various administrative bodies. '(← Hola involved and treated me direct form with the plight of February ..audh mass system catastrophe me lineage them.

■ rebel group post 20/10/2011 religion Onzmoa to '17 February' of fear or greed or to keep their money and property ...:
-(← Hola mixture of all Hraih and spectra of Libyan society are also not in their interest hypothesis return system that al-Qathafi is alive. ......

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on February 12, 2015 at 3:39pm

2011 molded face-mask to imitate Mu'ammar al-Qathafi
FOUND !!!:
THE INITITIAL RUBBER MOLDED FACE-MASK made and used 'to look like Mu'ammar al-QATHAFI was captured and slain on 20 OCTOBER 2011':

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on February 12, 2015 at 3:37pm

Dr. Hamza Thami emphasises again, that Mu'ammar al-Qathafi is NOT DECEASED !
Call Libya .. d / Hamza Thami .. Hdersh - hour conviction .. 01/06/2015
Call Libya .. d / Hamza Thami .. Hdersh hour mind you obtained your demands .. but wha

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on January 6, 2015 at 5:34am
  1. after giving us a New Year's Greeting, Mu'ammar al-Qathafi complained about people not listening to him !

    31 DECEMBER 2014

    MUSICIAN writes about TODAY’s SPEECH from MU’AMMAR al-QATHAFI:
    = When you hear talk about today’s speech from Muammar al-Qathafi, and him bemoaning the lack of us listening to him, treading in the minds of men Hola any were since 2011.
    = Suddenly everything comes at once and leaves behind a shock, including the truth, this is what is happening in Libya these days.
    = Oil burned and burned him the hearts of mothers on their loved ones.
    = Arms like a drug addicted to it if your life has turned into hell, and become your age is calculated in hours.
    = If Muammar al-Qathafi is not afraid, and fears only God, what made you think he is lying to you?
    = In the past, al-Tndarat terrorizing the traitors in the streets and in the future will Tzhn tanks traitors in the fields.
    = No corrective study and review we will send them to hell and there is no room to talk about superstition worthless.
    = If not Istthb Security freedom at risk will not be able largest jurist in religion, politics or law that up to this fact, but Muammar al-Qathafi has reached because the phenomena beyond the jurisprudence of all sciences.
    = Stop whenever Abu Zaid Dorda in the dock gave proof that the iron rods could not be defeated spells men.
    = For the sake of Libya must not forget that the positively LIVING Muammar al-Qathafi, plus all the martyrs, can reconcile this with the ‘rumors’ today; and this is what cannot be accepted, even wrapped the heavens and the earth Kti book.
    = Sabra of Muammar al-Qathafi, will soon be your time with the Green Square with us.
    {And still playing the lead musician continues}
Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on December 2, 2014 at 9:15pm


 The acquittal of Hosni Mubarak
01 December 2014
The acquittal Saturday of deposed Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on charges of corruption and state murder is a statement by the presidency of General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi: that it intends to carry through the counter-‘revolution’ [FAKE ‘Arab-Spring] and make a true Restoration, with no place for the ‘Muslim’ Brotherhood or any other Wahabi entity.


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