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Libya continues in chaos. This is how Freedom and democracy (TM) works.…Continue

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12,000 U.S. troops in Malta ready to descend into Libya

Started by Cryptocurrency. Last reply by Christella Bernardene Krebs Sep 23, 2012. 23 Replies

Cynthia McKinney Global Research January 14, 2012It is with great disappointment that I receive the news from…Continue

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Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on January 14, 2012 at 1:02pm

Please write to our President (at and ask him not to send troops of occupation (or whatever “euphemism de jour” this Administration chooses to use) to Libya.

To save the lives of the young men in prison, please e-mail the International Red Cross at any or all of the e-mail addresses given below:

in Tripoli  218213409262 / Croix rouge
218919418066 / 218925236582
والبريد اللاكتروني :

هذا اراقام المكتب الرئيسي للصليب الاحمرLe président de la croix rouge
في جنيفا 41227346001/ فاكس 41227332057

منظمة حقوق الانسان: Organisation de protection des droits de l’homme
في مقره لندن :  à London
David Mepham
UK Director

Eleanor Blatchley
Tel: +44 (0) 20-7713-2788

او مقره في سويسرا : En Suisse
Tel: +41-22-738-0481
fax: +41-22-738-1791

الهلال الاحمر الليبي:

And then, please view the most recent addition to the extremely valuable work of a young documentarian, Julien Teil, who caught Amnesty International red-handed in proselytizing the lies in the lead-up to this Libya debacle that they tried to take back.  In short, Amnesty admits that the “African mercenaries” was just a rumor from the start.  How many Black Libyans are suffering and have died because this woman and others like her safely ensconced in their seats of authority used them to proffer lies instead of protect the truth?  The video is in both French and English and can be viewed here:

Lastly, there is one thing you can do:  refuse to vote for war.  Your vote is your most precious political asset.  When you vote for Congressional representatives who, in turn, vote for war, you allow the people who made the coup–the people that General Wesley Clark talked about–you allow them to win.  Overturn the coup by voting for peace.  Cast your vote for peace.  Ignore the pundits on the Sunday morning talk shows and vote for peace.  Turn off the crap TV and vote for peace.  Don’t even listen to your friends who think you’ve gone crazy, just vote for peace.

Cindy Piester, a documentarian who hosted the last event that I attended with my aunt in Ventura, California, just finished a film, “On the Dark Side in Al Doura – A Soldier in the Shadows” in which Dick Cheney says that the United States has to “work toward the dark side, spend time in the shadows, in the intelligence world.”  He goes on to say, “A lot of what needs to be done will have to be done quietly without any discussion, using sources and methods that are available to our intelligence agencies.”  View her extremely well-done and sad film here: and please, don’t let this gang of coup plotters take you and this country into the shadows where we don’t need or want to be.

Vote peace.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on January 14, 2012 at 1:02pm

Why is President Obama sending 12, 000 U.S. troops to Libya?

Posted on 14 January 2012

By Cynthia McKinney – The 4Th Media

It is with great disappointment that I receive the news from foreign media publications and Libyan sources that our President now has 12,000 U.S. troops stationed in Malta and they are about to make their descent into Libya.

For those of you who have not followed closely the situation in Libya, the resistance to the rule of the National Transitional Council is strong.  The National Transitional Council (NTC) cast of characters has about as much support on the ground as did Mahmoud Abbas before the United Nations request for Palestinian statehood or Afghanistan’s regal-looking but politically impotent Hamid Karzai or for that matter, George W Bush after eight years.

The NTC not only has to contend with a vibrant, well-financed, grassroots-supported resistance, but the various militias of the NTC are now also fighting each other.  I believe this “sociocide” of Libyan society, as we previously witnessed in Iraq and Afghanistan before it, is part of a carefully crafted plan of destabilization that ultimately serves U.S. imperial interests and those of a Zionist state and its US agents who are bent on Greater Israel’s suzerainty over huge swaths of Arabic-speaking populations.  Pakistan is also on the list for neutering in Muslim and world affairs, saddled with its own unpopular civilian leadership that finds itself in the hip pocket of the United States for survival, often getting sat upon by its fiscal guarantor.

The “Arab Spring” has sprung and the indelible fingerprints of malignant foreign financed operations must be erased if the people are to have a chance to truly govern themselves.  Unfortunately, these foreign-inspired organizations are present and operating in just about every country in the world.  The threat is ever-present like sleeping cells–all that is needed is that the right word to “activate” be given.  Both Daniel Ortega and Hugo Chavez can write tomes on the impact of the National Endowment for Democracy in the political life of their countries.

In other words, those who create the chaos have a plan and in the midst of chaos, they usually are the ones who will win.  Those who wrote the plan of this chaos were affiliated with the Project for a New American Century–read A Clean Break if you already haven’t.  General Wesley Clark told us of the plan to invade and destroy the governments of seven countries in five years: Iraq, Syria Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran.  “These people took control of the policy in the United States,” Clark continues.  He concludes, “This country was taken over by a group of people with a policy coup:  Wolfowitz, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and . . . collaborators from the Project for a New American Century:  they wanted us to destabilize the Middle East.”  Richard Perle, Bill Kristol publicize these plans and “could hardly wait to finish Iraq so they could go into Syria,” Clark goes on.  “The root of the problem is the strategy of the United States in this region.  Why are Americans dying in this region?  That is the issue,” he finishes.

Now, from Libya, reports are that even while the Misrata rebels (NATO allies responsible for the murder of hundreds of Libyans, including Moatessem Qaddafi) attempted to scale the petroleum platforms in Brega (an important oil town in Libya), they were annihilated by the Apache helicopters of their own NATO allies.  A resistance Libyan doctor-become-journalist reported yesterday that all of the petroleum platforms are occupied by NATO and that warships occupy Libya’s ports.  Photographs show Italian encampments in the desert with an announcement that the French are to follow.

Another news outlet reports that Qataris and Emiratees are the engineers now at the oil plants, turning away desperate Libyan workers.  While long lines exist for Libyan drivers to get their gas, foreign troops ensure the black gold’s export.  Libyans lack enough food and the basics, the country has been turned upside down, and contaminated with uranium while the true number of dead and unaccounted for remains high  and unknown.  Thousands of young Libyans, supporters of the Jahamiriya, languish under torture and assassination in a Misrata prison where a humanitarian disaster is about to unfold because Misrata rebels want to kill them all and have already attacked the prison once to do so.  An urgent appeal to contact the International Red Cross was issued yesterday to help save the lives of the prisoners.  And finally, Black Libyans continue to be targeted for harassment and murder in Libya by US/NATO allies on the ground.  Teaching hate, given the images of U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan released yesterday, urinating on Afghani dead bodies, is not a difficult thing to do, it would seem.  Videos are posted of Black Libyans being beaten, whipped, threatened, harassed, and humiliated.  These videos remind me of the antebellum South–reminiscent of the days of slavery and The Confederacy.  So, when I use the word “descend”  to describe U.S. anticipated actions, I mean just that:  U.S. troops are about to descend into the hell on Earth created by their President and the leaders of other countries who approved of, aided, or participated in the death of Libyan-owned society.  A report from last night indicates that one militia, fearing other militias even invited foreigners in to protect them.

I hope the report that I’m reading from 12 January 2012 is not true.  I hope our President has not sent 12,000 troops of occupation to Malta destined for Libya.  Lucy Grider-Bradley (of our DIGNITY Delegation) just yesterday reminded me of the words of a high-ranking Libyan Jahamiriya Foreign Ministry representative who just happened to be at the Tunisia/Libya border office at the same time we were waiting there.  He said, “Let the Americans come.  We want them to taste our sandwiches.  We will give them the same serving they got in Vietnam.”

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on January 14, 2012 at 1:00pm

Obama Sending US Forces to Libya

Posted: 2012/01/14
From: Mathaba
On January 13, Cynthia McKinney (photo) said Obama has 12,000 US troops in Malta heading for Libya.
by Stephen LendmanThroughout 2011, Washington and rogue NATO partners committed Nuremberg level crimes. They made Libya a charnel house.Terror bombing caused massacres, mass destruction and human misery. Libya remains wracked by violence, instability, and illegitimate governance.Occupation, colonization, pillaging and exploitation intend raping Libya for profit.America’s Marines Hymn begins with the lines, “From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli.”If Malta positioned troops are marines, they’ll return for the first time in over 200 years.McKinney said:

“The NTC (National Transitional Council) not only has to contend with a vibrant, well-financed grassroots-supported resistance, but the various militias….are also fighting each other.”

“I believe this ‘sociocide’ of Libyan society (like in Iraq, Afghanistan and other US war theaters) is part of a carefully crafted plan of destabilization that ultimately serves US imperial interests and those of a Zionist state and its US agents who are bent on Greater Israel’s suzerainty over huge swaths of Arabic-speaking populations.”

Reports from Misrata say Apache helicopters slaughtered rebel insurgents trying to scale Brega oil platforms.

“A resistance Libyan doctor-become-journalist reported yesterday that (they’re all) occupied by NATO and that warships occupy Libya’s ports.”

Photos show “Italian encampments….with an announcement that French are to follow.”

Moreover, “(t)housands of young (pro-Jamahiriya) Libyans languish under torture and assassination in a Misrata prison….Black Libyans are being beaten, whipped, threatened, harassed, and humiliated.”

“I hope the report I’m reading from 12 January 2012 is not true.”

After months of Washington-led NATO atrocities, McKinney’s account likely represents a small snapshot of what millions of Libyans now face.

It’s the same wherever America shows up, and they’re coming back after using air power and insurgents to reign death and destruction on defenseless men, women and children.

Perhaps now they plan more of it on the ground.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at #

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on January 14, 2012 at 9:13am
Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on January 14, 2012 at 9:13am
Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on January 13, 2012 at 4:02pm



Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on January 13, 2012 at 12:31pm

BTW, James, your first post is a lie. NO ONE was "imprisoned and tortured by Muammar Gaddafi's regime."
That was propaganda to make al-Qathafi appear a demon. ALL LIES!!! 

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on January 13, 2012 at 12:25pm
Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on January 13, 2012 at 11:38am

Letter from Muammar al-Qathafi
transcribed by Daniela Chinni / English of Cecilia Marchese
Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi
The text of Muammar al-Gathafi's letter to his people 
28 OCTOBER 2011
letter aired on Al-Jamahirya TV:

Al Jamahiriya TV NEWS aired on 05.11.2011 

“NATO lost the war! LIBYA, on duty!” 

Tens of thousands at the expense of their children in sacrifice to the enemy neck who continue to fight the noble people of Libya and wherever they are in the world, the hearts of true patriots multiplier for the people of Libya to greet all their fire! 

What did I say last you? “An income also can not hear my voice again, if you don’t I did not say? “Until, that is sparkling, dazzling beauty of the Great Victory Born and raised until it matches the horizon, knowing stop! Not be seized with panic again!” I did not say? “Leaving aside the struggle and cry, you take from place to place,” he wanted something from you? Listen to the conversation in the open, “the NATO colonial media, their article looking hurafelerine Do not be fooled,” he told her several times. Al-Jazeera, Al Arabiya, BBC, CNN, FOX .too many, all Belial’s whistle. Their job, fake images, news invented superstition, eyes, ears mind spray, from there, capturing the heart, separate from the right way so the small blind and a determination to resist souls out of the water, jell. 

The enemy, on which I installed in Libya, direct, genuine democracy, forget it, revel in the deceit of their form of democracy; richness sit down and watch the blind eyes, “came to save us! The West, democracy, and brought gifts! Both NATO is now transformed into the Organization of the Islamic Freedom and Independence to say“ which, supposedly Muslim appearance, such as contractors in jet-black demon, and the darkness he invent these lies prostrate. I told them, you know.E, is well now some of you did this? Some of the weak! The energies of the channels is going wrong. Hand sitting, in front of Al-Arabiya, “was for Gaddafi, was caught here,” blah blah, whatever. Do not hang around with them, Then your arm, your finger, remove the green flag will not cure a jot. 

Those captured, NATO corrupters, soldiers for hire, playing time, the nation’s wealth outlaw thieves caught. We will catch them in those patriots, real Libyans, people of Libya. NATO lost the war. Washington DC, London, Paris regimes, attached to their countries after them, the UN and Human Rights Watch-governmental organizations, such as lost miserably. Yesterday, “brother,” blood stool if they attacked Libya in God, robbing those who think the future of thieves willing to lose. Tripoli genetic traitors shame the council, NATO’s Islamist ingrates and shame the countries of NATO puppet councils also lost. “As we did in Iraq, ‘first sub-structure of the bombardment of Libya, cities, hunger and siege Libyans rented. Then a few trucks, pasta, sugar, soft cloth to go,’ is not a Muslim neighbor lies hungry fed, the Muslim brothers and sisters came to help! ‘ saying, sub-structure construction capers. Thus pockets big time when filling out a hand, Libya, on the other hand will win plenty of reward, will ensure a paradise! “All of the account, but all are traitors who called genetic the crimes they committed against, all in one day, they tried, Green Square, Baghdad, Damascus, Istanbul, Adana, Izmir will draw penalties. 

“He was murdered, lynched has had several times caught in 42 years, even I him where he dies seen a hyena? Who witnessed the eagle is a scavenger catch up? If as they say, no did you? Full or would you hear me now? Ninety-five percent of Tripoli, under the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia squares coming down at the same time, Libya, flag, green flag firmly on the rise and I, on the streets of Tripoli, Libya a combination of open-top the hell alone among the people of El Cezire, Al-Arabiya, BBC, CNN, across from the darkness! Let each other, “Do you see it doing Lidere as” very upsetting to write letters! Leader, right up to him and no hyena dokunamayacagi distance of the reach of the war commanded a carrion Kargasinin etmekte chimed in your heart because I am Libyan Revolutionary Leader Muammar al-Gaddafi !

October 28, 2011 -
AY Agency"

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on January 13, 2012 at 11:36am

FROM MATHABA: "For those of you who are looking for Mu’ammar Qaddafi to come out and address you to deny his death, when it has clear advantages at this new phase of the struggle, shame on you. Seek your reassurance elsewhere." 

and from the Resistance: 
11 NOV 2011:
Warning: No persons, entity or group of people will be allowed to film, video or record activities of the green army. The leadership and resistance of Libyan Liberation front will not be delivering media speeches, interviews or appearances, it’s a war and no high ranking official will be allowed to send messages without approval from other operational cells, even colonel Gadhaffi will… not be allowed to deliver further speeches, the army refuse to communicate with the media, we do not want media to serve as an invitation for NATO bombardment.


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