Started Apr 25, 2015 0 Replies 0 Favorites
A? G'Day! Mad Max again, with somethin' about the recent couple a volcano and earthquake eruptions, if'n y' don' mind my bend on life as we are led to believe it is on Mum Eartha?I ain't even…Continue
Started Mar 17, 2014 0 Replies 0 Favorites
140318 AustraliaRussia and it's media are 1st to admit the present chaos in Ukraine is fabricated by western forces.I red recently that the US [CIA] mainly, are behind all the 'Arab Spring' crises,…Continue
Tags: The, Future, Decentralization, China, NWO
Started this discussion. Last reply by Lou Cypher Feb 25, 2014. 1 Reply 0 Favorites
Google + has stuff about the radiation meters at the Fukishima nuke power plant being turned off.Taking nothing on mainstream media as true, having v limited abilities to find credible sites, does…Continue
JUST DEFIANCE has not received any gifts yet
Posted on April 3, 2017 at 3:04am 1 Comment 1 Favorite
Hello from down asunder down below, in Australia.
I don't know if 12160 has ANY members from Australia, or New Zealand, or even from south of the equator, other than this "program" (bad upbringing, low self-esteem!).
So, that I wrote this item this morning on the article attached, which tries, and fails, imo, to address why housing prices in Australia's two biggest cities, "Sinny" and Melbourne, are ever on a fast rise, to bursting the real estate bubble, may be irrelevant to you…
Posted on March 28, 2017 at 9:00pm 0 Comments 2 Favorites
Internet service providers are today's RAILROADERS ripping customers off in over-charging for data usage, while not letting us know how much we consume each time we are online. I read and commented to a post on G+ about this, and am now being plagued by, I assume, the ISP retail store employees I recently bought prod from. They are Humanity's modern, hi-tech plague.
(I apologise for being so "unskilled" on how to use this and most internet sites' facilities.)
In rural (and…
ContinuePosted on March 19, 2017 at 4:00am 0 Comments 2 Favorites
Hi again. Long time.
Just written another tome on how the Illuminati and the Vatican and police here are trying to fool Humanity by trying to build a prophet "Jewsuss" (VERY suss)
I expect this window wont be big enough for me to post the whole text. and time is short now...
Here goes, and we'l see what 'appens!
(Please excuse the format marks, written for G+ shock horror!)
170319 My Pope & NSW Police CRIMES Post BLOCKED FROM POSTING on Google
ContinuePosted on January 26, 2016 at 12:18am 0 Comments 0 Favorites
no wuckin' furries
Being behind for not following the mass media for the last two decades means you are not brainwashed, it's a good start. There is a lot of information and ideas on this site, so much so that it can be confusing and lead to years and years of running around in circles. I suggest that you start the search for the truth with one simple idea; The criminal high cabal running the world is obsessed by greed for money and power. They are many ways to start but you could start from this article and the five videos from
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