Jeff's Blog (558)

Gordon Duff, US Marine ~ on 9/11 and Calling A Spade a Spade

Don't Just Stand There, Arrest Somebody!

by Gordon Duff, Marine Combat Veteran

What do you have to do to get arrested in the United States or Great Britain. We are watching the coverup of the rigged invasion of Iraq for profit falling apart in Britain. Tony Blair, who is being proven to be war criminal closer to Hitler than Noriega, is absolutely certain he will go scot free despite being totally “busted.” Even an attorney like John Ashcroft could get him in front of a… Continue

Added by Jeff on January 24, 2010 at 10:30am — No Comments

Pakistan's ISI (CIA) and India's RAW (CIA) and the US CIA

This post and the previous post show the connection to the Mumbai attacks, the CIA, the ISI and RAW, all working against one another at the behest of the US CIA to promote a war between Pakistan and India (and civil unrest in Afghanistan ~ previous post), long time enemies that have fought 3 major wars since the early 1900s. The NWO at work.

Beware with US Prophecies of Indo-Pakistan War

January 23rd, 2010

Dr. Shahid Qureshi

"A million dollar… Continue

Added by Jeff on January 24, 2010 at 10:30am — No Comments

Everyone But Christians Understands That Jesus Was Nonviolent ~Gandhi

A Christian crusade against Muslims takes shape. It's all just a part of the NWO.

Thirty years ago, Glyn Bindon, the founder of Trijicon, a Michigan Defense contractor, instituted the practice of stamping references to New Testament Bible verses on combat rifle sights manufactured for the U.S. military.

Trijicon has now released a statement that they will quit their three decades of practice and also provide the armed forces modification kits to remove the Scripture… Continue

Added by Jeff on January 23, 2010 at 9:44pm — 4 Comments

NWO Target Practice and Gun Training ~ Free & Open To All


Added by Jeff on January 23, 2010 at 2:21pm — No Comments

Do You Hate Monsanto?

I do too. They're responsible for Agent Orange, Glyphosate (Round Up), DDT, BST and the Atom Bomb.

The young women in the video below are struggling to fight Monsanto. They need your help. It'll only take a moment. Click on the video below and watch it on YouTube and become one of the 1000s of viewers. They have almost 3,000 views but they need millions. Watch the video on YouTube, comment, and help these young people fight the NWO, which Monsanto is clearly a part… Continue

Added by Jeff on January 23, 2010 at 1:35pm — 2 Comments

Words Can Kill

Rebecca Solnit, In Haiti, Words Can Kill

Posted by Rebecca Solnit at 10:18am, January 21, 2010.

Just before Haiti was devastated by the most powerful earthquake to hit the island in more than 200 years, when, that is, it was only devastated by the hemisphere’s worst poverty, there were but one or two full-time foreign correspondents in the country. No longer.

Within days, the networks, CNN, and Fox had more or less transferred their news operations (already slimmed… Continue

Added by Jeff on January 22, 2010 at 3:26pm — 2 Comments

Oil In Haiti

This article was first published in October 2009.

Oil in Haiti and Oil Refinery - an old notion for Fort Liberte as a trans-shipment terminal for US supertankers - Another economic reason for the ouster of President Aristide and current UN occupation (Haiti's Riches:Interview with Ezili Dantò on Mining in Haiti)

There is evidence that the United States found oil in Haiti decades ago and due to the geopolitical circumstances and big business interests of that era made the… Continue

Added by Jeff on January 22, 2010 at 2:02pm — No Comments

Racism In America

I've pondered this subject, off and on, for 40 years. With classmates and friends when I was a school-kid growing up, as a business owner hiring and interacting with employees and as a retired adult shopping and talking to friends and people in my neighborhood.

First, allow me to define very uniquely American racism because I don't want you to confuse American racism with racism as thought of very generally.

So to begin with, racism in America… Continue

Added by Jeff on January 22, 2010 at 12:57pm — 1 Comment

Help, Does Anyone Have A Link?

There was a CBS (I think it was CBS) television special several years ago that explored in detail the 4 or 5 Israeli's that were seen celebrating on the top of a van and then arrested and deported. It also explored in great detail over 100 Israeli's that were connected to Mossad and had been spying in our country on the FBI, CIA and local law enforcement. The show aired and was immediately pulled from the CBS web site and disappeared. I've seen this show on the internet. I think it was a two or… Continue

Added by Jeff on January 22, 2010 at 9:04am — 3 Comments

The Supreme Court Criminals Strike

I posted an opinion piece about the consequences of this ruling, this crime actually, several weeks ago when the ruling had not yet been made. I did anticipate it and my worries were not unfounded.

The door has now been opened for foreign interference in US elections. Multinational corporations will now control perceptions even more than they already do. The face of the nation is changing rapidly and voting now becomes an even more meaningless event.

WASHINGTON – The… Continue

Added by Jeff on January 21, 2010 at 10:23am — 4 Comments

The Water Gets Murkier

There are theories about almost every possible conspiracy imaginable and I view most with careful consideration and general disbelief. Some, like those involving 9/11 have enough substance to be wholly believable.

The theory that HAARP is being used to alter weather or cause earthquakes doesn't hold a lot of water just yet, but let me ask, "why would the US be holding a Disaster Relief Drill for a Haitian hurricane ONE DAY BEFORE the Haitian earthquake?"

On the day prior… Continue

Added by Jeff on January 20, 2010 at 10:49pm — 3 Comments

Ron Paul: "Take Out The CIA"

US House Rep. Ron Paul says the CIA has has in effect carried out a “coup” against the US government, and the intelligence agency needs to be “taken out.”

Speaking to an audience of like-minded libertarians at a Campaign for Liberty regional conference in Atlanta this past weekend, the Texas Republican said:

There’s been a coup, have you heard? It’s the CIA coup. The CIA runs everything, they run the military. They’re the ones who are over there lobbing missiles and bombs… Continue

Added by Jeff on January 20, 2010 at 10:34pm — No Comments

Next Up, Global Taxes

I continue to maintain that the NWO is NATO, the UN, WHO, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and others and that the connection to Rothschild is a deception used to subjugate the truth and avoid investigation into the real perpetrators. A careful examination of global events and US/Israeli complicity in 9/11 bears this result. Now we have global taxes in the making.

Fresh on the heels of a Dutch investigation into the conflicts of interest of their chief influenza… Continue

Added by Jeff on January 20, 2010 at 10:28pm — No Comments

Did You Know?

If used in a product, MSG must be listed on the label. But if the product was made with another ingredient that already had MSG in it, the label need not have MSG listed.

If that isn’t deceiving enough for those of us that suffer from eating things with MSG in them, MSG can go by a myriad of aliases such as:

* Glutavene

* Glutacyl

* RL-50

* Hydrolyzed vegetable protein

* Hydrolyzed plant protein

* Natural Flavorings

* Flavorings

*… Continue

Added by Jeff on January 20, 2010 at 3:52pm — 2 Comments

John Jonik

Cartoons of John Jonik

2049 E Dauphin St.

Philadelphia PA 19125



Added by Jeff on January 20, 2010 at 3:30pm — No Comments

There Are NO Security Issues

I can't post the video from Democracy Now but I'll provide a link below. Listen to the American doctor working at the main general hospital just blocks from the Presidential Palace in downtown Port Au Prince. There Are No Security Issues in Haiti. He is adamant that the press is hyping riots and looting to allow for troops to be deployed and insists that he's living with friends and circulating in Haiti's downtown areas until 2 and 3 in the morning and there are no security… Continue

Added by Jeff on January 20, 2010 at 12:30pm — No Comments

Killing Me Softly ~ Coal Fired Power Plants

An Observer investigation uncovers a link between dramatic rise in birth defects in Punjab and pollution from coal-fired power stations effecting 1000s of people, maybe 100s of 1000s.

Gurpreet Sigh, 7, who has cerebral palsy and microcephaly, and is from Sirsar, 50km from the Punjabi town of Bathinda. He is being treated at the Baba Farid centre for Special Children in Bathinda Photograph: Gethin Chamberlain

Their heads are… Continue

Added by Jeff on January 20, 2010 at 11:00am — No Comments

Disease Is Not An Accident

I believe that almost all diseases we experience here in the US are directly related to the military/industrial/corporate complex. Diabetes is perhaps the result of diet and food additives, cancers the result of continued release of nuclear waste into the environment. But all diseases have an environmental chemical pollutant element to them. We're killing ourselves, very simply.

We don't get disease by accident.…


Added by Jeff on January 20, 2010 at 10:30am — No Comments

International Criminal Court Complaint Filed Against Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Tenet, Rice, Gonzales


Professor Francis A. Boyle of the University of Illinois College of Law in Champaign, U.S.A. has filed a Complaint with the Prosecutor for the International Criminal Court (I.C.C.) in The Hague against U.S. citizens George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Tenet, Condoleezza Rice, and Alberto Gonzales (the “Accused”) for their criminal policy and practice of “extraordinary rendition” perpetrated upon about 100 human beings. This… Continue

Added by Jeff on January 20, 2010 at 9:30am — 8 Comments

The Disaster Within The Disaster: It’s Time To Investigate The Aid Fiasco

The Disaster Within The Disaster: It’s Time To Investigate The Aid Fiasco

By Danny Schechter

Haiti remains a death trap, with an aid program that has sat by and watched thousands die without relief. The International Red Cross describes the situation there as a catastrophe, while the American Red Cross reports raising more than $100 million dollars thanks to texting technologies and backing from the White House.

Raising money is their specialty; delivering aid… Continue

Added by Jeff on January 19, 2010 at 4:57pm — No Comments

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