Jeff's Blog (558)

From The Internet - News Not Published - I Promise, You Won't Find This Anywhere Else

Except the web site I found it on.

I've not paid close attention to the recent attempt to blow up a plane with firecrackers, or whatever it was, but I did come across this very interesting piece of information which seems plausible and quite possibly 100% true. You'll have to decide for yourself since I haven't the desire to try to verify the source.

From the web site Twelfth Bough

Sunday, December 27, 2009

who *is* that sharp dressed man?

So, who is… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 29, 2009 at 7:03am — 8 Comments

Factory Farms Producing Drug Resistant Diseases For You And Me

From the Associated Press - December 29, 2009

FRANKENSTEIN, Mo. – The mystery started the day farmer Russ Kremer got between a jealous boar and a sow in heat.

The boar gored Kremer in the knee with a razor-sharp tusk. The burly pig farmer shrugged it off, figuring: "You pour the blood out of your boot and go on."

But Kremer's red-hot leg ballooned to double its size. A strep infection spread, threatening his life and baffling doctors. Two months of multiple… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 29, 2009 at 6:17am — No Comments

Short War Rant

I Just Watched Harry's latest video. It's about war. It was good.

I hate war, for any reason.

The primary reason, aside from the fact that people die needlessly, is because war ONLY kills the sheeple. War ONLY kills the poor, the lower and middle classes. Harry said war creates chaos which is true but here in the US war does NOT kill wealthy white people nor do they experience chaos. Poor Black, White and Hispanic men and their families experience chaos, on a grand… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 29, 2009 at 12:14am — 8 Comments

An Awakening

An Avatar Awakening

By David Swanson

Let's face it, if James Cameron had made a movie with the Iraqi resistance as the heroes and the U.S. military as the enemies, and had set it in Iraq or anywhere else on planet earth, the packed theaters viewing "Avatar" would have been replaced by a screening in a living room for eight people and a dog.

Nineteen years ago,… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 28, 2009 at 2:21am — No Comments

New Flight Rules Amidst Stepped Up Security

The TSA and the FAA issued a security directive for U.S.-bound flights from overseas and all national flights within the continental United States, according to a transportation security official who spoke on condition of anonymity because the official was not authorized to speak publicly.

From now on all passengers will be required to remain seated during the last hour of every flight. Passengers needing to use the restrooms will be granted 5 minutes after holding up 1 finger for… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 27, 2009 at 6:50am — No Comments

How Big Is An Aircraft Carrier?

Although I am diametrically opposed to all American troops currently on foreign soil and especially vehemently opposed to the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Gaza, Congo, Yemen, Kosovo and what was Yugoslavia I thought this picture provided a glimpse of actual US power and brought to my mind a variety of current issues.

This is the USS John F. Kennedy docking, I think, in Malta recently.

Awarded: April 30, 1964

Keel laid: October 22, 1964

Launched: May 27,… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 27, 2009 at 6:30am — 3 Comments

New Drug Resistant Diseases - What's Next?

From the Associated Press Sunday December 27th, 2009

LANTANA, Fla. – It started with a cough, an autumn hack that refused to go away.

Then came the fevers. They bathed and chilled the skinny frame of Oswaldo Juarez, a 19-year-old Peruvian visiting to study English. His lungs clattered, his chest tightened and he ached with every gasp. During a wheezing fit at 4 a.m., Juarez felt a warm knot rise from his throat. He ran to the bathroom sink and spewed a mouthful of… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 27, 2009 at 4:49am — 1 Comment

Quasimodo Polices The World!

By Gerald Warner

Gerald Warner is an author, broadcaster, columnist and polemical commentator who writes about politics, religion, history, culture and society in general.

Quasimodo in Number 10, hunched, scowling over his desk, has devised yet another plan to police, to increase surveillance, to indulge his obsession with extending his short-lived control over as many people as possible. Gordon Brown, who now seems to have… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 26, 2009 at 6:11pm — No Comments

The Koran, Islam And Jesus - Learn Something Useful and Positive

Since I've been seeing posts here on 12.160Mhz that demonize Islam I thought it might be apropos to provide some factual data on precisely what the Koran says about Jesus and Christianity for those of you that aren't fully knowledgeable.

There is NO DIFFERENCE between Allah and God.

Here's what you didn't know.

Please read this if you believe that there's a difference and that it's appropriate to say, "not Allah." It isn't.

An Open… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 26, 2009 at 12:54pm — 16 Comments

Time to Abolish the US Congress

As these sell-outs argue over which of their money-stealing schemes will fly without provoking a revolution among the sheep, the illegal wars that they have authorized rage on in multiple countries. For our own sakes, for the sake of posterity and for the sake of humanity itself, the American people must activate their absolute right and duty and abolish this government. Yes, it is that time.

Here on 12.160Mhz we all have certain goals in common. We argue about the details but our… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 26, 2009 at 12:42pm — 2 Comments

Terrorist Supermen

Or, an operational guide to terrorism:

Isn't it curious how every little terror attempt, even the really stupid ones like the "shoe-bomber," this guy and the doctor who tried to blow-up a car load of gas cans in London are turned into gigantic proofs of a "world-wide Islamist conspiracy"? This incident was first reported as firecrackers on an airplane, now tools like Rep. King of NY claim that it was a "sophisticated device." Surely the organization of Islamic supermen who can run… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 26, 2009 at 12:30pm — 3 Comments

In Defense Of Allah

If there is a God you can believe that whatever we choose to call her/him, God, Yeshuah, Yahweh, Buddha, Elohim, Elohay or Allah, the same entity answers to all and if there is a supreme being there's surely ONLY ONE and we will all answer to it.

Would it be a surprise to find out that there's only one supreme being?

Would it be a surprise to find out that he/she doesn't care by which name you call her?

Would it be a surprise to find out that because you dislike… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 26, 2009 at 11:35am — No Comments

A Clash Of Civilizations

I just want to preface this post with a short opinion. Keep in mind that I am neither Christian nor Jewish nor Muslim.

Many of us here in the west have been propagandized by the media to fear and hate the Muslim world. Believers in Islam are vilified, called fanatics and terrorists and we believe that they're under the couch or hiding in the closet waiting to kill us with box cutters. With the latest attempt this week to blow up a US airplane with firecrackers this picture is… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 26, 2009 at 11:30am — No Comments

The Economic Results Of Eisenhowers Warning

by Sherwood Ross

If Iraq war spending helped plunge the U.S. economy into its worst slump since the Depression, what does President Obama think his escalation of the Afghan war will do it?

Besides forcing taxpayers to cough up fresh billions to enable the Pentagon to chase down a few hundred Taliban fighters, the Afghan war is liable to continue to inflate oil prices---and this means more than the ongoing swindle of motorists at the pump.

Higher oil prices also… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 26, 2009 at 10:54am — No Comments

Does ANYONE Have A Factual Opinion On Health Care?

There appears to be some real brouhaha surrounding the current health care bill.

I'm laughing. I have to. People on this web site have taken a stand when the bill, even though some form has passed the Senate, still isn't ironed out and will very likely undergo significant changes still. So while everyone's getting themselves into a huff over what really is the most significant social legislation in my lifetime, I decided to look for cooler heads and accurate opinions regarding the… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 25, 2009 at 5:00am — 10 Comments

From My House To Yours

To everyone here on 12.160Mhz, even those that are at the receiving end of my wrath, even those that despise me, and of course all of you that I love, I hope this new year brings all of you happiness and health, safety and good fortune and I hope it also brings peace to the world. It's nice to think big and accept even small things, huh?

This was taken at 2am Friday morning, the rest were taken during the day Thursday. That's our… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 25, 2009 at 2:00am — 1 Comment

Obama Snubbed by The Russians, Not Once, Not Twice, Three Times!

I wouldn't have shaken his hand… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 25, 2009 at 12:55am — 2 Comments

Arrow Out Of Business - 1,400 trucks, 2,600 trailers stalled

December 22nd, 2009 (Happy Holidays)

Layoffs are a fact of life in this economy, but there are humane ways to do it. Then there's the Arrow Trucking method.

The Tulsa, Okla., trucking company stopped payment on the gas cards of its drivers, leaving some of them stranded Tuesday around the United States, miles from home. No explanation on the website. No one at the company answering phones.

The 200 or so employees at Arrow Trucking's headquarters were told to… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 24, 2009 at 5:36am — No Comments

Rothschild - The Wrong Focus

That's right, I'm challenging a well held belief that the Rothschilds control the globe. That, my friends, is pure fiction, absolute nonsense and a well heeled fraud perpetrated on YOU. In fact, if you believe that the Rothschilds are behind what takes place on this globe you've been duped.

While the internet has forced many people to focus exclusively on the Rothschilds, the real culprits, the most dangerous people on the planet are walking away with the store.

I won't… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 24, 2009 at 2:09am — No Comments

Punished For Pregnancy

You might think this is a third world countries law, and it sort of is, but it isn't.

For soldiers deployed in Northern Iraq, not all of Iraq, and not all soldiers in Iraq, just a few in Northern Iraq, they are now facing punishment for becoming pregnant. Both parties involved. This includes married couples and they can face Courts Martial. Major General Anthony Cucolo has already disciplined 7 people, 4 women and 3 men.

See what happens when you spend a long term in the… Continue

Added by Jeff on December 22, 2009 at 3:12pm — 4 Comments

"Destroying the New World Order"



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