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Breaking News !!! House Votes to BLOCK THE 2nd Release of TARP!! But thanks to the Senate, The People are again SCREWED!!

More to come - Vote Just Concluded!!

YEAs 270

NAYs 155



House Votes To Block Release of More Bailout Funds, But Gesture Is Hollow

The House passed a… Continue

Added by 7R33SandR0P3S on January 22, 2009 at 1:00pm — 3 Comments

Federal Charter of 1291(and even unwritten just spoken before)

Federal Charter of 1291

1291 IN THE NAME OF GOD – AMEN. HONOR AND THE public weal are promoted when leagues are concluded for the proper establishment of quiet and peace. Therefore, know all men, that the people of the valley of Uri, the democracy of the valley of Schwyz, and the community of the Lower Valley of Unterwalden, seeing the malice of the age, in order that they may better defend themselves, and their own, and better preserve them in proper condition, have promised in good faith… Continue

Added by Smooth on January 22, 2009 at 1:44am — No Comments

A Blog where i gather all the small things coming to my mind

Sometimes small pieces jump out of a cloud of words surrounding my head

Hands away from Switzerland!

Oathkeepers of all countries - unite!

Added by Smooth on January 22, 2009 at 1:00am — No Comments

this will be my attempt to explain my past,in the eyes of my present,for better preparing the future

I ME Myself,,,

born in 1982

born under Sagittarius but also in the hour of his Ascending

2 years and 51 weeks later,my sister was born,i was no longer alone

at a time the flowerchildren where lost

when punk died out

too late for all the good vibrations of the 70`s

what did i see?

who did i become?

what will i be?

my first years i grew up in a house surrounded by nature

i could even see deer from my window

as a working class boy i went… Continue

Added by Smooth on January 22, 2009 at 12:55am — No Comments

Obama lifts Bush's veil of secrecy - Washington Times 1-21-09

Repeals act to extend presidential records shield


Moving quickly to undo the Bush administration's regime of secrecy, President Obama on Wednesday repealed a 2001 executive order granting former presidents, and even vice presidents, the ability to keep documents secret long past the 12… Continue

Added by 7R33SandR0P3S on January 21, 2009 at 11:28pm — 3 Comments

A Retake of Oath of Office in Private for Obama

Anybody catching this? Obama redoes the oath in private. Another lie to fabricate this web of disaster? Since it is in private, we are to believe a man whom has flip flopped in lie after lie? They are definitely aware some people such as us are going over the event with a fine tooth comb. And rightfully so. Anyone out there a buff that knows about this matter? We are to believe this is so, because they say its so? Gotta quote Scarface.… Continue

Added by Burbia on January 21, 2009 at 8:30pm — 7 Comments

Give an Hour

Give an Hour is a nonprofit 501(c)(3), founded in September 2005 by Dr. Barbara V. Romberg, a psychologist in the Washington, D.C., area. The organizations mission is to develop national networks of volunteers capable of responding to both… Continue

Added by C on January 21, 2009 at 4:31pm — 1 Comment

Unconscious Exposure to Advertisements

Madison Avenue Magic: Study Reveals Positive Effects of Unconscious Exposure to Advertisements

Findings could help marketers optimize advertising for the human mind

Fads have been a staple of American pop culture for decades, from spandex in the 1980s to skinny jeans today. But while going from fad to flop may seem like the result of fickle consumers, a new study suggests that this is exactly what should be expected for a… Continue

Added by C on January 21, 2009 at 2:30pm — 1 Comment

the dixie chicks didn't sing.

They weren't even there. The Dixie chicks, that is.

The Dixie chicks did not sing at obabma's thing, he did promise a visit to weasel in waiting... (harper, Canada PM. the ONLY country in the world to support the invasion of Palestine)

heard of the infamous 20-22 debacle hinted on the nets? my guess? Mexico is going gangland, California is about to crash and burn. Agent provocateurs abound. (check their boots, eh?)

Kissinger is STILL whining about a world… Continue

Added by pat donovan on January 21, 2009 at 8:39am — 1 Comment

Ron Paul on The Alex Jones 1 20 08


Added by truth on January 20, 2009 at 10:00pm — No Comments

5 Minutes to Midnight~Wake-Up~dangerous times

5 Minutes to Midnight~Wake-Up~dangerous times

5 Minutes to Midnight

By Gerard Group Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ilana Freedman

These are dangerous times. The volume and ferocity of anti-American chatter across the Internet have reached a level we have not seen since the days leading up…


Added by Ya'aKov on January 20, 2009 at 7:05pm — 5 Comments


Now here's a woman who can really write a rant! It's rather subtle, but in reading carefully I get the idea that she doesn't care too much for our first light brown President.



By Lynn Stuter

January 20, 2009

On Wednesday, January 14, 2009, at the invitation of Supreme Court Chief Justice John… Continue

Added by Ya'aKov on January 20, 2009 at 6:57pm — No Comments


i saw an apartment complex dismantled one by one in seattle.

each family in the apartment complex was evicted.

when i saw the new tenants move in, totally knew it was trouble.

they took up more space than needed for the uhaul.

that was the first of worst to come.

a new complex was going up. the owners paid someone to come in and

have everyone evicted so they can build the new one..

but the nosy busy-body do nothing of real significance just irked me.

this… Continue

Added by Burbia on January 20, 2009 at 4:04pm — 1 Comment

Obama's oath: 'Faithfully' misspoken - Close enough for government work?

Source with video:

by Mark Silva

35 words.

The Constitution prescribes the text: The oath of office for the president of the United States.

And President Barack Obama, a constitutional lawyer in his… Continue

Added by 7R33SandR0P3S on January 20, 2009 at 4:00pm — 5 Comments

Alex Jones on Russia Today: Obama Inauguration

Follow this link to infowars video interview…


Added by 7R33SandR0P3S on January 20, 2009 at 3:30pm — No Comments

"Freedom is our strength, government is our weakness" - Dr. Ron Paul January 19, 2009

Big government has been tried and has failed miserably. What we need now is small government, and freedom. We need the freedom to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps again, as we traditionally do in this country. But try to start a business or charity today, and you will understand how little economic freedom we really have left. Freedom, not government, made this the land of opportunity. Freedom laid the foundation that… Continue

Added by 7R33SandR0P3S on January 20, 2009 at 7:58am — No Comments

Would you like to see the security in Washington D.C. LIVE?? Click Here <<<<

You can see the road blocks and the cops in every cam view its nuts! >>> the inauguration will see a security crackdown of nearly unprecedented proportions. More than 40,000 police, military, Secret Service, FBI and National Guard personnel will be on duty on the day, while the Secret Service intends to screen every… Continue

Added by TheLasersShadow on January 19, 2009 at 9:57pm — 34 Comments

Meteor Video Sweeden - Pretty Cool!

Scroll… Continue

Added by truth on January 19, 2009 at 6:30pm — 6 Comments

Breaking Good News - Bush Pardons US border agents Ramos and Compean

Bush commutes sentences of former US border agents

WASHINGTON (AP) — In his final acts of clemency, President George W. Bush on Monday commuted the prison sentences of two former U.S. Border Patrol agents whose convictions for shooting a Mexican drug dealer ignited fierce debate about illegal immigration.

Bush's decision to commute the sentences of Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, who tried to cover up the shooting, was welcomed by both Republican and… Continue

Added by 7R33SandR0P3S on January 19, 2009 at 2:00pm — 1 Comment

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This is INSANE! The Biden administration is doing it in ALL 50 states! | Redacted w Clayton Morris

American Financing:N M L S 1 8 2 3 3 4, N M L S consumer access dot org. APR for rates in the 5s start at 6.799% for well qualified borrowers. Visit https://...
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Letitia James You know the one who Announced She was going after Donald Trump Now targets Ivermectin! 600w,…See More
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IDAHO SHUTS DOWN FARMERS "We're all going to fail"

Idaho shuts down 500,000 acres of farm land with water curtailment. Video sourced from @oneatatime8677 0:00 Water curtailment impacts Idaho farmers, risking ...
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