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The Ministry of Truth/Government Owned Internet

The Ministry of Truth

The Ministry of Truth was how George Orwell described the mechanism used by government to control information in his seminal novel 1984. A recent trip to Europe has convinced me that the governments of the world have been rocked by the power of the internet and are seeking to gain control of it so that they will have a virtual monopoly on information that the public is able to access. In Italy, Germany, and Britain the anonymous internet that most Americans are still… Continue

Added by Mizzy on July 20, 2010 at 9:47pm — No Comments

Obama movie to hit Theatres?

Industry generated success newcomer rapper Drake to play Obama on big screen? Well, it had to happen. By the time this one hits the big screen, we are in for a big dose of propaganda. Product placement anyone? Oliver Stone continuing his ride on the freedom train after W. and Twin Towers movies?

Added by Burbia on July 20, 2010 at 7:28pm — No Comments

Not Complaining But...

There have been NO Chemtrails over NE Oregon for about 10 days. Chrystal blue skies. Not complaining but has anyone else noticed a lack of Chemtrails?

Or, has the NWO figured a way to terra-form without visible evidence because of the truth about chemtrails being exposed for so long??

How 'bout it?

Added by fireguy on July 20, 2010 at 5:32pm — 14 Comments

Seven other Latin American countries want to join Mexico in supporting a lawsuit challenging Arizona's immigration enforcement law

(AP) - Seven other Latin American countries want to join Mexico in supporting a lawsuit challenging Arizona's immigration enforcement law.

Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Peru filed separate, nearly identical motions to join Mexico's legal brief supporting the lawsuit filed by U.S. civil rights and other advocacy groups.

A federal judge formally accepted Mexico's filing July 1 but did not immediately rule on the latest motions filed late… Continue

Added by truth on July 20, 2010 at 4:11pm — 1 Comment

Ning Kills Free Web Sites! The Days of Free Ning Are Over

No word yet on how much network creators will have to pay to stay on the service.

The Days of Free Ning Are Over - Cuts 40% Of Staff

This is not a good sign.

Will ning go broke, be absorbed by google or facebook?

We at…

Added by truth on July 20, 2010 at 2:32pm — 21 Comments

Vatican prepares for extraterrestrial disclosure

by admin on Jul.19, 2010,

under Breaking…


Added by Swtnlovabl on July 20, 2010 at 1:46pm — 1 Comment

Here's what 'Obama money' is doing for you – in Kenya!

Here's what 'Obama money' is doing for you – in Kenya!

3 Republican congressmen reveal Barack secretly spent $23 million

Posted: July 19, 2010

9:35 pm Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi

© 2010…


Added by Swtnlovabl on July 20, 2010 at 1:36pm — No Comments

"Christian Citizenship" by Mark Twain - 9/2/1905

Christian Citizenship

"Whenever a Christian votes, he votes against God or for Him,... God is an issue in every election; He is a candidate in the person of every clean nominee on every ticket; His purity and His approval are there, to be voted for or voted against...He takes precedence of party, duty to Him is above every claim of party.

If Christians would vote their duty to God at the polls, they would carry every election, and do it with ease. They would elect…


Added by fireguy on July 20, 2010 at 11:17am — No Comments

Understanding the United Nations and US Gun Control

Understanding the United Nations and US Gun Control

by Jennifer Kendall 07/20/2010

On Monday, June 28, 2010, The Supreme Court reaffirmed the Second Amendment during the trial of McDonald vs. Chicago. The 5-4 ruling confirmed that neither a state nor city, acting under a grant of authority from the state, could deny a person the right to possess a…


Added by fireguy on July 20, 2010 at 10:46am — No Comments

Oil Lies Becoming More Preposterous By John Kaminski

I would Like to thank Christopher from for posting this blog originally on OV!

They lied about what happened on 9/11/2001. They lied about the need to make war on Iraq. They lied about the reasons they started bombing Afghanistan.

So I guess we should not be surprised that they have lied every day about the profound defacement using an out-of-control oil well to destroy the Gulf of Mexico.

But now the lies are beginning to catch up with them. Even the dullest of… Continue

Added by Charles Magus on July 20, 2010 at 6:01am — 6 Comments

Orwell's nightmare--big brother is here

Anthony G. Martin

In George Orwell's chilling novel, 1984, the author depicts a future

society in which citizens are controlled by an all-seeing, all-knowing

big government, referred to as 'big brother.' Orwell's nightmare is

here, now.

A sampling of the major news stories today merely prove we are now living under the very tyranny about which Orwell warned and about which stalwart defenders of liberty such as Ayn Rand, Barry Goldwater, M.

Stanton Evans, and…


Added by Nikki on July 20, 2010 at 12:00am — No Comments

National Guard Heads To Border Next Month


Added by Sweettina2 on July 19, 2010 at 11:29pm — No Comments

Bibi Unmasked: What The Israelis Really Think Of Us, Caught On Tape

Bibi Unmasked

Caught On Tape: What The Israelis Really Think Of Us

By Justin Raimondo

July 19, 2010 "…


Added by Sweettina2 on July 19, 2010 at 11:15pm — No Comments

politico economy, young man!

Political economy

pat donovan July 19th 2010


I've got two words for the future, young man.

Political economy.

Political economy. You betcha.

How 'bout a water import or export monopoly? How 'bout the pot concession at your local shopping center?

Yasee, the feds can make or break WHOLE industries with a single reg... So get in on the ground floor now before it fills up with favorite sons, flakes and… Continue

Added by pat donovan on July 19, 2010 at 9:30pm — No Comments

50 Funniest moments in Facebook (hilarious)

50 Funniest Moments In Facebook

from Damn Cool Pics by (Damn Cool Pics)

I've never laughed so much in my entire life as I did going through all of these. Is there hope for the…


Added by Sweettina2 on July 19, 2010 at 9:29pm — No Comments

US admits to 50 secret tests of bioweapons on troops

US admits to 50 secret tests of bio weapons on troops..

..July 1 2003..


The Pentagon used potentially dangerous chemical and biological agents in 50 secret tests involving US military personnel in a decade-long project to measure the weapons' combat capabilities,

according to Pentagon findings.
The tests were done between 1962 and 1973 and involved 5,842 service members. Many were not…

Added by Sweettina2 on July 19, 2010 at 8:06pm — No Comments

Tularemia: BIOWEAPON


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(Redirected from Tularaemia)

Jump to: navigation,…

Added by Sweettina2 on July 19, 2010 at 6:54pm — No Comments

Hidden history of US germ testing

The news you're not…

Added by Sweettina2 on July 19, 2010 at 6:37pm — No Comments

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Doc Vega posted a blog post

Homeland Security Admits 5 Assassination Teams Inside the US

 As amazing as it seems after 2 failed assassination attempts in 2 months we have, yet another…See More
8 hours ago
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Too Many Lies

Too Many Lies Thinking of what being sentimental has doneLike watching paint dry and my blood…See More
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Banned forever again!

" Anybody who gets banned by the X man is right up there with the Internet posting Elite. Even…"
cheeki kea replied to WTRH-AM-AE's discussion DSP Radios Are Getting Cheaper and Affordable By XHDATA in the group Shortwave Radio Listening and Support
"Good idea in understanding how to receive news from afar should all other means become over…"
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Shortwave Radio Listening and Support

For shortwave radio discussion about receivers, antennas, reception , ham radio reception,…See More
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cheeki kea commented on Doc Vega's blog post Fruition of what John Kerry and Obama Allowed the Iranian Nuclear Arsenals to Emerge
"Oh yes you are right Doc V he was. ( I'd got consumed inside a comments section rabbit hole…"
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Doc Vega commented on tjdavis's blog post What The Clintons Did To Haiti
"This is one of the most depressing accounts of Democrat implemented international corruption that…"
Doc Vega favorited tjdavis's blog post What The Clintons Did To Haiti
Doc Vega commented on Doc Vega's blog post Fruition of what John Kerry and Obama Allowed the Iranian Nuclear Arsenals to Emerge
"cheeki kea remember they killed Bin Laden on Pakistan."
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Sep 17
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USS Liberty Vet TELLS ALL: “It Was A Cover-Up From Day 1”

Subscribe To James: To become a Breaking Points Premium Member for EXCLUSIVE content including LIVE AMAs and to wat...
Sep 17
MAC posted a video

Here we go! Middle East about to EXPLODE, Diddy arrested, Trump Shooter groomed | Redacted Live

5G Free: Order today at - code REDACTED to save 15% off your order.........American Financing: Visit http://americanfinancing....
Sep 17
Doc Vega posted blog posts
Sep 17
Doc Vega commented on Doc Vega's blog post On the Threshold of the True Matrix
"cheeki kea Thank you Dear. I always cherish your input."
Sep 17

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