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Door to Door Vaccinations: Training the Public for Forced Innoculations (Video)

Natomas school officials go door to door to find unvaccinated students 


COMMENT: This outrageous video shows the intimidation tactics of the system being ramped up to once again trick parents into vaccine compliance with the hoax that vaccinations are required (when there is and has been a waiver, as well as a natural right,… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on September 29, 2011 at 6:18pm — No Comments

AIDS Vaccine Coming Soon -- Experimental Vaccine Led to Censored Deaths

Anthony Gucciardi

Activist Post

Scientists are hailing a new discovery in the field of AIDS research that… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on September 29, 2011 at 6:14pm — No Comments

WE Are The 99%

We do not share in your laughter, when you flaunt your opulence in the face of suffering.

You profit off of the sick, and like a virus, you try and kill your host for selfish gains.

Your greed is a crime.

Your gluttony is a sin.

We do not admire your hoarding of resources.

We do not want what you are selling, because it is already broken, and it is overpriced.

We do not believe in your lies.

We do not want your paid lobbyists.

We do not want your debt.



Added by Jon Sympson on September 29, 2011 at 6:08pm — No Comments

Greece May Have to Slash Up to 200,000 Public-Sector Jobs (FOR BANKER BAIL OUT)

Eat The Bankers

Eat The Bankers


September 29, 2011 9:36 AM EDT


The Greek government faces the unenviable task of cutting tens of thousands of public sector jobs as demanded by Eurozone officials in exchange for the next tranche of bailout money for the…


Added by truth on September 29, 2011 at 4:35pm — No Comments

Strategies for the Struggle: Strategy , Direct Action



If Not Politics, what?: A Mini-Introduction to Direct Action


Most people that support the political system in any fashion (and even some who don’t) will tell you (even as an anarchist) that voting or working within the system is the way to go. Whether it’s…


Added by DallasBC on September 29, 2011 at 4:28pm — No Comments

Anarchism vs. anarchy

I think it’s important to take a moment to make this distinction. 

 Anarchism is a well-thought-out revolution leading to a well-thought-out lifestyle, free of oppressive/coercive hierarchies.  It is an implementation of true freedom that leads to peaceful co-existence and cooperation.



Added by DallasBC on September 29, 2011 at 4:01pm — 3 Comments

Non-Violent Resistance Should Be Resistance Not Passive




JOIN Occupy America Social Network!!


Non-Violent Resistance is often confused with passivity.

A protest you say? Wonderful!


What will it accomplish? What is the tactic, and how will it achieve your…


Added by DallasBC on September 29, 2011 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

Is Facebook run by the Illuminati?

Thursday, August 12th, 2010

Is Facebook run by the Illuminati?

Well of course I must establish first that I am no authority on the subject. that being said, I don’t put much stock in authorities anyways, and neither should you if you ever want to overcome dominator patterns in your own life relationships that are perpetuated by secret societies and groups such as “the Illuminati”…so the story…


Added by Robert Carobene on September 29, 2011 at 9:00am — 1 Comment

Major Blues

Added by Michael C. Dewey on September 29, 2011 at 6:36am — No Comments

Jesus in the Talmud, What is this?

by Tom Valentine


It is more than a ‘scholarly’ book, published in 1943 by Princeton University press; It is notable for finding factual references to the life of Jesus in caustic Rabbinic texts, and for being a counterbalance to the infamous Talmudic tradition that it’s okay to lie and deceive us ‘goy.’ I…


Added by Sweettina2 on September 28, 2011 at 11:00pm — No Comments

British Soldiers in Afghanistan Shown 'War Snuff Movies'

British Soldiers in Afghanistan Shown 'War Snuff Movies'

'Disturbing footage of Apache attack helicopters killing people in…


Added by truth on September 28, 2011 at 10:19pm — 4 Comments

Federal Judge -- Parts of Patriot Act Violate 4th Amendment!

"Two provisions of the USA Patriot Act are unconstitutional because they allow search warrants to be issued without a showing of probable cause, a federal judge ruled Wednesday.


U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken ruled that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, as amended by the Patriot Act, "now permits the executive branch of government to conduct surveillance and searches of American citizens without satisfying…


Added by truth on September 28, 2011 at 4:02pm — 1 Comment

Cancer comedy '50/50' leads new crop of films into theaters

Published: Wednesday, September 28, 2011, 12:00 PM     Updated: Wednesday, September 28, 2011, 3:01 PM

Mike Scott, The Times-Picayune  

"50/50," the new…


Added by C on September 28, 2011 at 4:00pm — No Comments

Iranian Pastor Faces Execution for Refusing to Recant Christian Faith

An Iranian pastor who has refused to renounce his Christian faith faces execution as early as Wednesday after his sentence was upheld by an Iranian court.

Pastor Youcef…


Added by TheLasersShadow on September 28, 2011 at 1:59pm — No Comments

Are "SDR's"our future world currency? i'm not 100% sure, but the IMF website sure makes it look that way.

official link is:

Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)

December 9, 2010


Added by Travis Emmanuel on September 28, 2011 at 1:53pm — 1 Comment

Cain: Just Call Up the Fed With Your Concerns

Cain: Just Call Up the Fed With Your Concerns

Over at EconomicPolicyJournal, Robert Wenzel is taking Herman Cain’s advice:

During various campaign stops, Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain has suggested that there is no need for another audit of the…


Added by TheLasersShadow on September 28, 2011 at 1:47pm — No Comments

Porn magnate Flynt funding $1 million dollar quest to embarrass Perry

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Pornographic magazine publisher Larry Flynt offered $1 million on Thursday to anyone with proof of "an illicit sexual liaison" involving leading Republican presidential candidate and Texas Governor Rick Perry.

The offer by the politically left-leaning Flynt targeting Perry was similar to past efforts by the Hustler magazine…


Added by TheLasersShadow on September 28, 2011 at 1:46pm — No Comments

India files biopiracy lawsuit against Monsanto, says biotech giant is stealing nature for corporate gain

(NaturalNews) Representing one of the most agriculturally bio-diverse nations in the world, India has become a primary target for biotechnology companies like Monsanto and Cargill to spread their genetically-modified (GM) crops into new markets. However, a recent France 24 report explains that the Indian government has decided to take an offensive approach against this attempted agricultural…


Added by TheLasersShadow on September 28, 2011 at 9:57am — 2 Comments

The Federal Reserve Plans to Identify “Key Bloggers” and Monitor Billions of Conversations About the Fed on Facebook, Twitter, Forums and Blogs

Source: Cryptogon

Is there are Federal Reserve link for this document?

Here’s the document that ZeroHedge has produced:

Sentiment Analysis And…


Added by Sweettina2 on September 28, 2011 at 1:23am — 3 Comments

The truth about Gardasil, and why Rick Perry's endorsement threatened the health of millions

Gardasil Tuesday, September 27, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Texas Gov. Rick Perry's failed plot to force Merck & Co.'s Gardasil vaccine on millions of young girls in the Lone Star State has sparked renewed interest among Americans, as to what all the controversy is about concerning the vaccine (…

Added by Sweettina2 on September 28, 2011 at 1:16am — No Comments

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"could switch to twitch for fame again. "
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According to Alexa there was cloud seeding involved in the Carolina hurricane Helene...

"And according to Siri -not to be outdone by Alexa, Hurricane Helene has happened before."
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Thumbs down - ship gone.

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