This colored guy exposes the whiney poor black child system by showing the lopsided crimes against white that are IGNORED @15 min the most horrible brutal murder you have never heard about is finally exposed.
Added by steve on July 28, 2022 at 11:11am — 2 Comments
Didn't sleepy joe embarrass us enough when the goat herding cave dwellers kicked the u.s. out of afghanistan have we not an oounce of fkn shame or will it just continue til the cowards in charge do the MAD thing.Anyway gonzalo explains the insanity of what's goin on. Oh and pooty poot don't have no prancin fkn degenerates or mentally ill leaders in his armies
Added by steve on July 27, 2022 at 7:24pm — No Comments
Harry Vox calls "trillum health" listen to the dumb looks he gets over the phone
Added by steve on July 25, 2022 at 1:07pm — 11 Comments
No covid no omicron no monkey pox, it's all a big scam to enslave the many by the few,to kill us and steal the world.
Added by steve on July 21, 2022 at 12:22pm — No Comments
Hope the hangman is keeping a list of all these kosher self incriminators that are soon to be charged with CRIMES AGAINST HUMAINTY for starters followed by PREmeditated MURDER and then upon conviction the masses cheer as evil is disposed of and fed to the hogs,that should really freak the juiceseses out. Oh did I mention THEY WANT US DEAD
Added by steve on July 19, 2022 at 3:08pm — No Comments
If not for 5 or 6 cities filled with negroes and other foreign races. Why have we allowed this to happen,it's time to look the TRUTH right square in the eye AND BELIEVE WHAT YOUR EYES ARE SHOWING YOU. This is intentional destruction of what our fathers built and left for US not forthese hoards of ungateful fkn savages to kill steal from and demean us in our own house. It's time to get mad folks and fight back call it like it is quit sugar coating evil and QUIT FKN VOTING,if it mattered it…
ContinueAdded by steve on July 19, 2022 at 2:11pm — 5 Comments
Why do negroes go out of their way to COMPLAIN about my RACE. Why do fkn niggers want to live amongst white people? I can't be the only one asking this FORBIDdEN question.
so apparently they have chosen EXTERMINATION of all ruling elite and their enablers, cheerleaders in media and cowardly armed enforcers of this reign of terror on the peaceful people of earth.
Added by steve on July 13, 2022 at 12:51pm — No Comments
just like the stench from potato joes juw filled offices they are all fkn juws,it is unbelieveable how these fkn parasites have infiltrated our once moral decent country and must be eradicated once and for all time. Call me what you will but don't say they didn't bring it on themselves.
Added by steve on July 9, 2022 at 3:12pm — No Comments
A gang of sodbusters have got the ball rolling( FARMERS) WE NEED world wide arrest/death warrants for all COMPLICITE IN THIS ATTEMPTED GENOCIDE OF 6 BILLION FKN PEOPLE. fauci,schwab,every piece of shit politician,every war profiteer every child groomer and any other fkn reptile that wants to eat fkn bugs.
Added by steve on July 9, 2022 at 2:18pm — No Comments
Hey All ,
This is great and will certainly benefit any that follow this oh so simple advice in their courts of corruption ONLY ASK QUESTIONS and never ever sign anything.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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