These mangy primitive barely able to walk upright creatures are destroying all that our ancestors built and the elite encourage their INHUMAN BEHAVIOR by pretending it's due to racisms. STAND UP all you have to do is TELL THE TRUTH the facts speak for themselves.
ContinueAdded by steve on August 26, 2022 at 11:07am — No Comments
they should get to know this KOSHER prick+banning tranny talk thru the 3rd grade,why didn't this phoney juw lovin sum bitch PROTECT ALL SCHOOL CHILDREN THROUGH AT LEAST HIGH SCHOOL IF NOT COLLEGE thru the third fkn grade
Anyway chk this out
ContinueAdded by steve on August 20, 2022 at 7:55pm — No Comments
MUST WATCH if you want to know who our enemy is or just the last 30 seconds for those who don't understand IT'S A BIG CLUB AND YOU AIN'T IN IT(carlin said this sometime ago) and like I say a vulture has 2 wings the left & the right or it's all one team of elite playing us for the fools we have been after they started educating us/our children.
ContinueAdded by steve on August 20, 2022 at 3:57pm — 2 Comments
CDC: Huge & Ongoing Spike In Deaths & Cancers After Vax Rollout. Stop The Slaughter!…
Added by steve on August 19, 2022 at 10:23am — 7 Comments
Hey All, + a bonus vid from that chick who we all know as "What's her face"
This chicklet gives an old man hope for the future please give a watch/listen as she is a very impressive impassioned informed young lady. Her parents should be applauded for a job well done
Added by steve on August 12, 2022 at 8:00pm — No Comments
They are a plague on all that is upright they only know destruction and ugly just look at the deranged faces of the earcurls and all the grabblers.
Added by steve on August 9, 2022 at 7:47pm — No Comments
Hey All
This is a must watch and share far and wide video, it is gonna take us all to put a stop to this madness.
Added by steve on August 8, 2022 at 9:17pm — No Comments
for allowing our minds and very lives to be interrupted and destroyed by this gourp of FUKN NOTHINS and I do mean nothins as there is not one single legitimate accomplishment between these dozens of so called "world leaders" why they couln't lead downhill on a fkn slope.Just look at what we have bowed down too,PRETTY DAMN disgusting for us to have allowed this gang of sweet talking demons to ruin our world buuuuuuuuuuut tomorrow is a new day so KEEP SPREADING…
ContinueAdded by steve on August 8, 2022 at 2:49pm — 2 Comments
Life causes death___ eVERYTHING will kill U so stay scared and the powers that think they be say any and all things us peons do can and will cause death. The fact checkers say this is true and any death anytime has nothing whatsoever to do with the safe necessary jabby jab.
ContinueAnother whiney negro invader (take the mask off this is america) takes offense when it's little raghead is ignored(probably cause once again all the other kids were on the stage FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS) and the niglet wanted special attention or decent folks are so fkn fed up with the violence of this primitive race of negroids that ignoring them is being tried-won't work they play the race card and the liberal liars in media spout their skewed version of events…
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