All Blog Posts Tagged 'Muslim' (78)

Harder attitudes - UK dropped opposition to death penalty for IS suspects

"The UK government abandoned its decades-old opposition to the death penalty in order to avoid angering senior figures in the Trump administration over the prosecution of terrorism suspects, the High Court in London heard on Monday."

It's about time

Link to article

Meanwhile, feminists praying…


Added by Less Prone on October 21, 2018 at 8:05am — No Comments

Is this the worst sex grooming case of all? Abducted as a teen and held prisoner for 12 YEARS, Sarah was repeatedly raped, twice forced into marriage and had EIGHT abortions

Category - Multicultural Enrichment

"The white English girl was raped by her new husband within minutes of marriage.

She was studying at college, hoping to train as a midwife as a shy 15-year-old.

Sarah's abuse went on while her distraught family's pleas for help were 'ignored'."



Added by Less Prone on September 15, 2018 at 3:30pm — 2 Comments

UNITED KINGDOM - GOING FULL 1984 - Labour MP Introduces Online Forums Censorship Bill

MP launches bill to ban secret Facebook groups that spread hate

Kate Proctor Political Reporter…


Added by DTOM on September 12, 2018 at 7:00pm — 2 Comments

FLASHBACK - UK - JUST SO YOU KNOW HOW BAD THINGS ARE - Councillors and police 'had sex' with Rotherham abuse victims

Councillors and police 'had sex' with Rotherham abuse victims…


Added by DTOM on September 11, 2018 at 8:30pm — No Comments

We prepare to kill you with your money,

La Razon, August 6, 2018. 18: 32h

Internet publication “La Razon” viewed the…


Added by Less Prone on August 9, 2018 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

Names of five teenage killers are made public as they are found guilty of murdering 15-year-old boy

"Jacob Abraham, 15, was stabbed to death near his Hertfordshire home last year. He was found dying by his brother Isaac near their home in Waltham Cross. Kai Fisher-Dixon, Shuayb Mahomud, Tremayne Gray, Omarion Stephens and Abdulqaliq Mohamed have been named as his killers. They were handed life sentences at the Old Bailey today for the murder."

The murdered youngster had helped his mother make sandwiches for homeless people hours before he was fatally stabbed. You can only guess what…


Added by Less Prone on July 30, 2018 at 11:57am — No Comments

Girl at Swedish school threatened with rape and called slut because she wasn’t dressed like a Muslim

Sweden is in a ever accelerating death spiral ignoring obvious signs of degrading society. This is one more.

"According to an article in Sydsvenskan from November 2016, parents tell of how children at the Johannes school in Malmö – some as young as six-years-old – were beaten and sexually harassed during school hours.  One dad spoke of how his daughter was mistreated for years, being called…


Added by Less Prone on July 28, 2018 at 3:06am — No Comments

Southern Europe Aquarius migrants in Spain throw away towels and clothes donated by the Red Cross

Gratitude is not the first thing to appear with these guys.

"On June 24th several Facebook users criticised the fact that many migrants from the Aquarius boat had thrown away clothes and towels donated to them by the Red Cross.

The clothes were found in a dumpster in Cheste’s Educational Complex, where many of the migrants have been housed until they have finalised their asylum applications.

This, despite the fact that the very first night in Spain, some migrants were…


Added by Less Prone on June 29, 2018 at 2:58pm — 4 Comments

REPORT: Britain’s New Muslim Home Secretary Sajid Javid Behind Tommy Robinson Transfer to Dangerous Prison

Britain’s new Muslim Home Secretary Sajid Javid

Paul Joseph Watson reported earlier Wednesday that Tommy Robinson had been moved to a maximum security prison with a 71% Muslim population.

This may certainly be a death sentence for Tommy.

Inmates were banging on the cell walls shouting death threats–an Imam placed a hit on…


Added by Parrhesia on June 13, 2018 at 6:28pm — No Comments

Outrage as Swedish TV Portrays Suspected Gang Rapists as 'Victims'

Outrage as Swedish TV Portrays Suspected Gang Rapists as 'Victims'

CC BY-SA 3.0 / Holger.Ellgaard / Sveriges…

Added by DTOM on March 15, 2018 at 12:30pm — 3 Comments

Swedish police retract safety advice to women despite 3rd gang rape in 1 month

Swedish police retract safety advice to women despite 3rd gang rape in 1 month


Added by DTOM on December 20, 2017 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Criticism after Danish school cancels Christmas to avoid ‘preaching’ to non-Christian children

Criticism after Danish school cancels Christmas to avoid ‘preaching’ to non-Christian children


Added by DTOM on December 14, 2017 at 9:17am — No Comments

Oxford on Rape Charges Against Islamic Prof: 'Just Another Way for Europeans to Gang Up' on Muslim

Oxford's Islamic professor Tariq Ramadan has been confronted with accusations of rape recently and students at the Oxford Middle East Centre are angry at the University’s slow response, accusing authorities of acting “as if nothing had happened.”

Ramadan, the grandson of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood and a darling of the European leftist elite who enjoys a reputation as a reformer of Islam, is being investigated by French authorities over two allegations of rape, sexual…


Added by Parrhesia on November 8, 2017 at 9:35am — 1 Comment

ISIS targets China in brutal video

" “Oh, you Chinese who do not understand what people say. We are the soldiers of the Caliphate, and we will come to you to clarify to you with the tongues of our weapons, to shed blood like rivers and avenge the oppressed,” an ISIS militant declared in a half hour video before brutally executing an informant."

I thought China was already secretly controlled by the usury cabal. The cabal created terrorism is probably just spilling over to some unwanted areas.…


Added by Less Prone on November 4, 2017 at 2:20am — No Comments

Is Sweden About To Go Full Dictatorship? [Five Things That Suggest The Answer Is ‘Yes’]

1. Their Sickness Of Progressive-Swedism Is Worsening

2. They are full of fear at what is happening around them

3. The Swedish parliament has just proposed sending troops into the suburbs

4. The Swedish Ambassador to Iceland just admitted it

5. George Soros just gave 18 billion dollars to his ‘Open Society Foundation’.



Added by Less Prone on October 22, 2017 at 4:41pm — 2 Comments

Guess Who? - German woman robbed, raped, gagged and left tied to pole naked in Rome.

German woman raped, left tied to pole naked in Rome

Victim is 57-year-old German, found nude by taxi driver


Added by DTOM on September 21, 2017 at 7:57am — 1 Comment

Sweden government refuses to investigate immigrants crime

"The government refuses to let the Crime Prevention Council, Brå, make a new study of immigrants’ crime. But if you update market shares for criminals of different categories from the 2005 study, it appears that people with immigrant background of all judgment now commit the most crimes in Sweden."

Hiding you head in sand does not solve problems.…


Added by Less Prone on September 5, 2017 at 11:24am — No Comments

Girl fighting for life after mum and three daughters knifed in French holiday resort

The Muslims are going loco everywhere and it's not even a full moon. Another Moroccan practitioner of the religion of peace.

"An eight-year-old girl is fighting for her life after a mum and her three daughters were reportedly stabbed in a French holiday resort for being 'scantily dressed'."


Added by Less Prone on August 19, 2017 at 6:18pm — 2 Comments

What Sadiq Khan Really Thinks

“Also of note, in the piece from the BBC above I can’t help but notice the statement from Sadiq Khan that it was a ‘deliberate and cowardly attack’. Its very ambiguous because he’s not coming out and saying it was ‘wrong’, or ‘evil’. Instead the ambiguity suggests that he could think it was okay, if it had been done different, or that he is at least sympathetic to it.”

What else can you expect from a representative of the religion of peace?…


Added by Less Prone on June 16, 2017 at 9:53pm — No Comments

Antiracist Karim Alaa Hussain Gives a Multicult Lesson to the Racist Swedes

Karim Alaa Hussain's indignation for train conductor asking a Muslim woman for her ticket twice led to him stabbing a man several times and starting to look for more "racists" in the train. He considers his actions justified and self defense. See why some immigrants are best kept out? Now he has been given the Swedish nationality and cannot be expelled for any reason. Another lesson here? Don't give the nationality to potential terrorists until they have proven their good will, learned the…


Added by Less Prone on June 14, 2017 at 6:48pm — No Comments

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