All Blog Posts Tagged 'cia' (312)

The CIA wants to spy on you through your TV: Agency director says it will 'transform' surveillance

The CIA wants to spy on you through your TV: Agency director says it will 'transform' surveillance

  • Devices connected to internet leak information
  • CIA director says these gadgets will 'transform clandestine…

Added by Robert Carobene on March 17, 2012 at 6:16am — 3 Comments

Obama Regime Warns All Americans: “IF YOU FIGHT US YOU WILL DIE!”

In one of the most stunning reversals of human rights in modern history the Federal Security Service (FSB) is reporting today that the Obama regime has issued a blunt warning to all American citizens that, in essence, states that any one of these once free people who dare to oppose their government they will be immediately killed and offered no chance to defend themselves before a Court and/or jury of their peers.

According to this report, this unprecedented attack was begun…


Added by Juan Valdez on December 3, 2011 at 4:55am — 2 Comments

CIA preparing Vatican’s New World Order headquarters for next false flag attack.

The CIA is preparing to destroy the United Nations building in New York City. They are posing as construction contractors in order to complete their mission to bring down the asbestos condemned United Nations building. Just like in the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center Towers on September 11, 2001 the CIA is planning and preparing to place a small tactical nuke in an excavated hole in the center of the UN building basement. The CIA attack is to be blamed on Iran



Added by Juan Valdez on November 2, 2011 at 4:40am — No Comments

False flag attack alert – Shoulder fired missiles smuggled into U.S. from Libya.

My worst nightmares has can true. During the Libyan war I like many former veterans was worried that the shoulder fired missiles missing from Libya would wind up on U.S. soil. My gut feelings was right. Here is a story to confirm that. This story also goes back to my previous post about CIA being visited by Hillary Clinton


The U.S. military is on alert for as many as 20 heat-seeking shoulder fired missiles that were brought into the United States from Libya last week. The…


Added by Juan Valdez on October 26, 2011 at 5:13am — 1 Comment

U.S. military warns of plot by Federal Reserve bankers to have CIA mercenaries in Libya kill New York cops.

I have found an article that proves the false Iranian plot was just an diversion of the real truth. Read The entire article and prepare yourself for an up coming false flag attack in the U.S.


 The Federal Reserve bankers have offered $billions to the CIA mercenaries in Libya to come to the United States and start a bloody rebellion. The Federal Reserve bankers sent Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to make their offer and terms. According to high ranking U.S. military…


Added by Juan Valdez on October 24, 2011 at 5:08am — No Comments

Two Seperate Computer Hackers Gained Access to Governmental Websites like NASA, CIA, etc - 6/25/2011


Hacking Suspect Diagnosed with Autism, Refused Bail - 6/25/2011


19-year-old Ryan Cleary was arrested last Monday at his home in Wickford, Essex in the UK on charges of bringing down the website of the Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca). His arrest is part of a probe by Scotland Yard and the FBI about the hacking group LulzSec, which has claimed…


Added by SHTFgirl on June 26, 2011 at 11:30am — No Comments

Unlawful Killing – the film the British won't get to see

Keith Allen: My documentary about the Diana inquest will be shown everywhere but the UK. Here's why.

The internet is a global lavatory wall, a Rabelaisian mixture of truth, lies, insanity and humour. I felt its power and madness this week, when an excerpt from my new film, Unlawful Killing, was leaked on to YouTube and seized on by US conspiracy theorists, who immediately began claiming that the CIA had murdered Princess Diana, thereby allowing others to… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on May 13, 2011 at 4:26pm — 2 Comments

20 Facts About Child Hunger And Child Poverty That Will Break Your Heart

children starving today here now Did you know that nearly half of the 44 million Americans that are on food stamps today are children?  Did you know that more than a fifth of all U.S. children are living in poverty and that a fourth of all U.S. children are enrolled in the food stamp program?  Did you know that most of the people that starve to death around the globe are children?

  In 2011, child hunger and child poverty are major problems in the United States and they are at epidemic levels in many areas…


Added by Anti Oligarch on May 13, 2011 at 2:34pm — 3 Comments

He Served the Empire Abroad; The Regime Killed Him in His Home

Jose Guerena survived two combat tours of Iraq, only to become a casualty of the Regime’s longest war — the one waged against its domestic subjects in the name of drug prohibition. The former Marine was slaughtered by a SWAT team during a May 5 assault on his home in… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on May 12, 2011 at 5:37pm — 1 Comment

Afghanistan War Forever? No, We Can’t!

GRAPHIC: Roots Action logo header

Tell the President to bring every soldier and contractor home now.…


Added by Anti Oligarch on May 12, 2011 at 2:59pm — 2 Comments

The Actions of Patriots

Campaign for Liberty

Dear Patriot,

Yesterday, former Reagan administration official Bruce Fein…

Added by Anti Oligarch on May 12, 2011 at 10:20am — 2 Comments

So Osama Bin Laden walks into this bar...

So, Osama walks into this bar, see? And Bush says, "Whad'l'ya have, pardner?" and Osama says...

...But wait a minute. I'd better shut my mouth. The sign here in the airport says, "Security is no joking matter." But if security's no joking matter, why does this guy dressed in a high-school marching band outfit tell me to take off my shoes? All I can say is, Thank God the "shoe bomber" didn't carry Semtex in his… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on May 2, 2011 at 5:51pm — No Comments

The Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson

Abstract: Thomas Jefferson outlines the despot-like behavior of the King of Great Britain and declares that the United States of America will no longer recognize British rule.


(Phillidelphia: Pennsylvania Evening…


Added by Anti Oligarch on May 2, 2011 at 7:04am — No Comments

The Lia Fail – Bethel Stone. The British Coronation Stone: its distant origin; 4,000 year history and amazing future. But where is it now?

Author’s interview to James Corbett of on Apr 29 2011 below the article

(Read on, right to the end, to find out how it affects you.)


28:11 And he (Jacob) lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place, and put [them for] his pillows, and lay down…


Added by Anti Oligarch on May 2, 2011 at 2:20am — No Comments

DRUDGE: Ron Paul is in!

Ron Paul Launches Presidential Campaign

Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, whose outspoken libertarian views and folksy style made him a cult hero during two previous presidential campaigns, will announce on Tuesday that he's going to try a third time.

Sources close to Paul, who is in his 12th term in the House, said he will unveil an exploratory presidential committee, a key step in gearing up for a White House race. He will also unveil the campaign’s… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on April 26, 2011 at 4:13am — 4 Comments

WTC Steel Beams to come to Indianapolis for "Project 9/11"

Two steel beams from the World Trade Center will be coming to Indianapolis in April.  They are to be part of a 9/11 Memorial to be named Project 9/11.  Gregg Hess, an Indianapolis firefighter, is credited with conveiving the idea for the memorial. 

The two 22 foot beams will be escorted to Indianapolis by an American Legion mortorcycle honor guard.

Project 9/11 will be located along the downtown canal adjascent to Fire Station 13 (439 W. Ohio… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on April 25, 2011 at 3:02pm — No Comments

Easter Celebration

I arise today, through

The strength of heaven

The light of the sun,

The radiance of the moon,

The splendor of fire,

The speed of lightning

The swiftness of wind,

The depth of the sea,

The firmness of Rock.


~ From St. Patrick’s prayer, The Deer’s…


Added by Anti Oligarch on April 22, 2011 at 6:30am — No Comments

This is weird

Video follows the letter.


Dear friends,

I have just experienced what may be the most bizarre coincidence ever.Below is the response I sent to a wonderful supporter named Helen, who emailed today to tell me that she was very surprised to hear my name mentioned clearly in a Mel Gibson/Julia Roberts movie titled "Conspiracy Theory." I invite you to go to minute 2:45 of the video link below to verify this. I am simply dumbfounded at what I…


Added by Anti Oligarch on April 16, 2011 at 8:30pm — No Comments

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KINGDOM - Animated Short Film

Can art reveal, transform, and inspire? What does it take to redeem a culture left in ruins?KINGDOM is an audio-visual experience that serves as a template f...
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Did you Realize You’re no Better Than an Indentured Servant?

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America Are You Just Going to Sit Back and Allow the Injustice to Go On?

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