Cryptocurrency's Blog (663)

SEAL Veteran: Military Leaders Being Asked if They Will Disarm Americans

Litmus test includes question of whether top brass are comfortable with ordering NCOs to fire on U.S. citizens

Paul Joseph Watson

October 23, 2013

Former Navy SEAL Ben Smith warns that the Obama administration is asking top brass in the military if they would be comfortable with disarming U.S. citizens, a litmus test that includes gauging whether they would be prepared to order NCOs to fire on Americans.…


Added by Cryptocurrency on October 23, 2013 at 5:59pm — 4 Comments

Girl smuggled into Britain to have her ‘organs harvested’

Steven Swinford

Oct. 18, 2013

The unnamed girl was brought to the UK from Somalia with the intention of removing her organs and selling them on to those desperate for a transplant.

Child protection charities warned that the case was unlikely to be an isolated incident as traffickers were…


Added by Cryptocurrency on October 20, 2013 at 2:10pm — 3 Comments

Senate reaches deal to end shutdown, avoid default

Tom Cohen, Ben Brumfield and Greg Botelho


Oct. 16, 2013

[Breaking news update 12:20 p.m. ET]

Senate leaders announced on Wednesday that they have reached a deal to end the government shutdown and avoid a possible U.S. default.

[Original story moved at 11:45 a.m. ET]

Senate leaders on Wednesday worked out a…


Added by Cryptocurrency on October 16, 2013 at 5:07pm — No Comments

A Border Patrol Agent Who Has To Work Without Pay Wants You To Stop Saying The Shutdown Is No Big Deal

Josh Barro

Business Insider

Oct. 11, 2013

I got an email Thursday evening from Erik Finkelnburg, a Customs and Border Patrol agent based in southern California.

He’s sick of hearing people say the government shutdown isn’t a big deal because 85% of government employees are still at work — a “government slimdown,” as…


Added by Cryptocurrency on October 13, 2013 at 3:35pm — 7 Comments

India’s monster storm may be worse than Katrina

Nita Bhalla

October 11, 2013

India’s weather office may be underestimating the severity of a cyclone which is hurtling towards the east coast, a meteorologist warned on Friday, adding that it could be worse than Hurricane Katrina which devastated parts of the United States in 2005.

Cyclone Phailin is forecast to hit the coast between Kalingapatnam in…


Added by Cryptocurrency on October 11, 2013 at 6:38pm — 8 Comments

Calif. Condemns “Indefinite Detention”

Statewide policy makes it illegal to enforce indefinite detention

Julie Wilson

Oct. 2, 2013

Calif. achieved a tremendous victory yesterday when a coalition of grassroots’ efforts managed to persuade Gov. Jerry Brown to sign into law the “California Liberty Preservation Act,” also known as AB-351 and “Habeas Corpus.”…


Added by Cryptocurrency on October 2, 2013 at 10:06pm — 2 Comments

John McAfee is developing a $100 device to block the NSA

October 2. 2013

During a recent chat at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center, Antivirus software founder John McAfee unveiled plans to create a gadget called the D-Central which he claims can keep your information safe from the National Security Agency.

The gadget, which McAfee wants to sell for less than $100, would…


Added by Cryptocurrency on October 2, 2013 at 1:28am — 4 Comments

They’re Lying to You: Appropriations and “Shutdown” Lies

Thomas R. Eddlem

New American

September 30, 2013

As Democrats and Republicans squabble over federal funding and a partial shutdown of the federal government looms, many in the press are mindlessly parroting Democratic Party’s talking points about the shutdown. But what’s the reality? Following are three false claims regarding the…


Added by Cryptocurrency on September 30, 2013 at 1:29pm — 1 Comment

Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis left note blaming low-frequency attack

Richard A. Serrano

LA Times

September 26, 2013

The Washington Navy Yard shooter believed he was being subjected to an “ultra low frequency attack” and left an electronic note saying this was “what I’ve been subject to for the last 3 months, and to be perfectly honest that is what has driven me to this,” the FBI revealed…


Added by Cryptocurrency on September 26, 2013 at 11:30am — 7 Comments

Infowars Throws Israeli Agenda Into Spotlight

Former Powell Chief of Staff warns neocon duo stirring up trouble and pushing Iran attack.

Kurt Nimmo

September 23, 2013

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell’s former chief of staff, told Real News that Arizona Senator John McCain and South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham are “traitors” in cahoots with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and they are working to thwart any attempt to negotiate with…


Added by Cryptocurrency on September 23, 2013 at 3:46pm — 3 Comments

A piece of Zen

Moving to a New City

There was a person coming to a new village, relocating, and he was wondering if he would like it there, so he went to the zen master and asked: do you think I will like it in this village? Are the people nice?

The master asked back: How were the people in the town where you come from? “They were nasty and greedy, they were angry and lived for cheating and stealing,” said the newcomer.

Those are exactly the…


Added by Cryptocurrency on September 20, 2013 at 1:37pm — 3 Comments

Putin’s Emergency Warning to America

A potential US strike on Syria is fraught with dangerous consequences

Vladimir Putin

September 12, 2013

MOSCOW — RECENT events surrounding Syria have prompted me to speak directly to the American people and their political leaders. It is important to do so at a time of insufficient communication between our societies.

Image: Wikimedia…


Added by Cryptocurrency on September 13, 2013 at 1:08am — 2 Comments

Sen Graham Warns of Nuke Strike After Missing Bomb Report

Alex Jones & Anthony Gucciardi

September 5, 2013

Senator Lindsay Graham has warned South Carolinians about the threat of a ‘terrorist nuclear attack’ on the same day that our exclusive high level military intel revealed to us that nuclear warheads were being shipped to South Carolina from a major Texas airforce base under an ‘off the record’ black ops transfer.…


Added by Cryptocurrency on September 5, 2013 at 11:03pm — 7 Comments

Obama Policy Would End Civilian Marksmanship Program

President Barack Obama's newly announced executive order to stop the re-import of military-grade weapons could essentially end the 110-year-old Civilian Marksmanship Program.

Congress created the program as part of the 1903 War Department Appropriations Act to help citizens perfect their marksmanship. Today, those who receive the antiquated weapons must submit to a background check, comply with all federal and state laws, and be a member of a CMP-affiliated shooting club. Still,…


Added by Cryptocurrency on September 3, 2013 at 5:50pm — 4 Comments

Israel claims joint US missile launch in Mediterranean for ‘target practice’


September 3, 2013

Russia’s early warning radars detected the launch of two ballistic rockets in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, Russia’s Defense Ministry stated. Israel later claimed responsibility for firing the target test rockets.…


Added by Cryptocurrency on September 3, 2013 at 6:30am — 6 Comments

“Labor Day” should be renamed “Corporation Day” or “War Day”

Labor’s Demise As A Countervailing Power

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Sunday, September 4, 2011


It is Labor Day weekend, 2011, but labor has nothing to celebrate. The jobs that once gave American workers a stake in capitalism have left and gone away. Corporations in pursuit of near-term profits have moved labor’s jobs to China, India, Indonesia, Taiwan, South Korea and Eastern…


Added by Cryptocurrency on September 2, 2013 at 10:39am — 9 Comments Russian Fighters Join NORAD for Exercise

Aug 31, 2013

This year's Vigilant Eagle training exercise for Russian, U.S. and Canadian military planes over Alaska was the most ambitious so far, military leaders say.

Vigilant Eagle 13 began Monday and concluded Thursday, the Armed Forces Press Service said. The annual exercise allows pilots from the North American Aerospace Command, which includes U.S. and Canadian forces, and Russia to practice…


Added by Cryptocurrency on August 31, 2013 at 2:29pm — No Comments

Scientists Say They've Achieved Mind Control

U.S. scientist operates colleague's brain from across campus


Added by Cryptocurrency on August 28, 2013 at 3:19am — No Comments



Antony C. Sutton



Added by Cryptocurrency on August 27, 2013 at 1:30pm — 2 Comments

First Signs of Hyperinflation Have Arrived

US national debt can travel from the earth to the sun and back a stunning 83 times.

JS Kim

August 26, 2013


original artwork above courtesy of…


Added by Cryptocurrency on August 26, 2013 at 12:40pm — 2 Comments

"Destroying the New World Order"



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