TheLasersShadow's Blog (482)

Two American companies lay off hundreds as military uniforms to be made by prison labor

Two southeast companies that make U.S. military uniforms are shedding hundreds of jobs, as the government looks to federal inmates for the fatigues.

American Power Source makes military clothing in Fayette, Ala., but its government contract expires in October. Federal Prison Industries – which also operates under the name UNICOR will…


Added by TheLasersShadow on September 17, 2012 at 8:52pm — 5 Comments

'My view from outside an embassy in a Muslim country.'


Added by TheLasersShadow on September 17, 2012 at 4:17pm — No Comments

Drones: 13 Things You Need to Know From Congress’s New Report

Drones: 13 Things You Need to Know From Congress’s New Report

September 17, 2012

Congress drones report privacy spying technology A new Congressional report lays out in vivid detail the danger drones could pose for…


Added by TheLasersShadow on September 17, 2012 at 4:08pm — No Comments

FBI begins installation of $1 billion face recognition system across America

Published: 08 September, 2012, 00:38

FBI logo.(Foto

FBI logo.(Foto

Birthmarks, be damned: the FBI has officially started rolling out…


Added by TheLasersShadow on September 8, 2012 at 5:28pm — No Comments

OCTOBER SURPRISE? Canada closes embassy in Iran, brings diplomats home.

Canada cuts ties with Iran, closes embassy, orders Iranian diplomats home


Added by TheLasersShadow on September 7, 2012 at 1:46pm — 6 Comments

FED SET TO PUMP: Jobs growth brakes in August, seen forcing Fed's hand

By Lucia Mutikani

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Jobs growth slowed more than expected in August, setting the stage for the Federal Reserve to pump additional money into the sluggish economy next week and dealing a blow to President Obama as he seeks reelection in November.

Nonfarm payrolls…


Added by TheLasersShadow on September 7, 2012 at 8:49am — 2 Comments

29 Dead in 8 Days as U.S. Puts Yemen Drone War in Overdrive

29 dead in a little over a week. Nearly 200 gone this year. The White House is stepping up its campaign of drone attacks in Yemen, with four strikes in eight days. And not even the slaying of 10 civilians over the weekend seems to have slowed the pace in the United States’ secretive, undeclared war.

At this week’s Democratic National Convention in…


Added by TheLasersShadow on September 6, 2012 at 1:22pm — No Comments

Waterboarding 'more widespread than CIA will admit' as new torture claims emerge

  • Human Rights Watch report challenges George W. Bush's claim that only three al Qaeda suspects were waterboarded

  • Terror suspects allegedly not allowed to bathe for three months
  • Opponents of Colonel Gadhafi said to have been handed to Libya with only 'thin assurances' they would not be tortured



Added by TheLasersShadow on September 6, 2012 at 1:00pm — No Comments

Just got a free copy of 'Dreams From My Real Father' in the mail, anyone else?

Just got a free copy of 'Dreams From My Real Father' in the mail, anyone else? Was addressed to my name or current resident.

I'm betting that it's due to me being a former subscriber of It would be interesting to hear from any one else that received a free copy in the mail as I did. 

I'm seeing through a few searches on google that many people have received this DVD, I wonder how wide spread the mailing was and from what list. I'm not mad just…


Added by TheLasersShadow on August 14, 2012 at 1:18pm — 2 Comments

Police use Taser on deaf crime victim who called 911, jail her for days without interpreter

By KIRO 7 Investigative Reporter Chris Halsne

TACOMA, Wash. —

KIRO TV’s investigative unit has discovered Tacoma police used force to arrest and handcuff an innocent deaf woman after she called 911 for their help.


Instead of an apology, she ended up bloody and in jail for nearly three days without an interpreter…


Added by TheLasersShadow on August 7, 2012 at 7:10am — No Comments

Sikh Shooter a Former Psyop Soldier Linked to FBI’s National Alliance

Kurt Nimmo

August 6, 2012

The alleged shooter in the Wisconsin Sikh shooting is a former soldier who worked in military psychological operations, according to the corporate media.…


Added by TheLasersShadow on August 6, 2012 at 1:48pm — 3 Comments

Sikh Temple Shooter Was In Army Psychological Operations

‘Batman’ shooter James Holmes also connected to Army psychiatrist

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones

Monday, August 6, 2012

Following the pattern of numerous other mass shooters down the years, the accused gunman behind yesterday’s massacre at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin worked in psychological operations while he…


Added by TheLasersShadow on August 6, 2012 at 12:44pm — 1 Comment

Oak Ridge nuclear bomb facility shut after security breach

(Reuters) - The U.S. government's only facility for handling, processing and storing weapons-grade uranium has been temporarily shut after anti-nuclear activists, including an 82-year-old nun, breached security fences, government officials said on Thursday.

WSI Oak Ridge, the contractor responsible for protecting the facility at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, is owned by the…


Added by TheLasersShadow on August 2, 2012 at 7:45pm — No Comments

ABC to Run Drama Demonizing Militias

Kurt Nimmo

August 1, 2012

In keeping with the federal government’s ongoing effort to cast state militias in a sinister light, ABC has given the go-ahead to Hollywood darlings Lorenzo Di Bonaventura and Dan McDermott to produce a “drama” demonizing a fictional Texas militia.

photo Donnie…

Added by TheLasersShadow on August 1, 2012 at 8:05pm — 4 Comments

Wag the Dog: Media Publish Photoshop Forgery to Sell Image of War Torn Syria

Aaron Dykes

July 31, 2012

While mainstream press have been hailing the virtues of the alliance between al Qaeda, the Syrian Free Army and the West in opposing Assad in Syria, they’ve also been caught once again “faking the war” to play up…


Added by TheLasersShadow on August 1, 2012 at 7:05am — 3 Comments

Adam Kokesh sells out? Tells viewers to be smart and not resist gun confiscation.

First off I like Adam Kokesh and I agree with most of what he says although I sometimes think what he doesn't say is the problem like "9-11 was an inside job" or that "the global elite do have real power and control many world events". That being said I think this video I posted below shows a major misunderstanding he has with the movement when it comes to the importance of being armed and never allowing ourselves to be disarmed. I honestly don't think he sold out because if he had saying…


Added by TheLasersShadow on August 1, 2012 at 6:00am — 21 Comments

Protestors get to inner core of the Oak Ridge Nuclear Facility, dump human blood and spray paint

Y-12 protesters arraigned for federal trespassing; more charges could follow

The early-morning intrusion at Y-12 was an unprecedented security breach at the Oak Ridge plant, which enriched the uranium for the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, during World War II and continues to be a mainstay of the U.S. nuclear defense…


Added by TheLasersShadow on July 30, 2012 at 5:30pm — No Comments

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