Remember when they called it “swine flu”? The first pandemic flu in 41 years was quickly renamed “H1N1” in its early days after the pig industry, in damage-control mode, proclaimed loudly that people couldn’t get sick from eating pork. And they said that it looked like the flu was spreading worldwide from person to person—not from pigs to people.
More than two months after the initial outbreak, it’s still not clear how the flu started. The most accepted… Continue
Austrian journalist Jane Bürgermeister, who recently filed criminal charges with the FBI against the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations (UN), and several… Continue
President Obama's "science czar," John Holdren, once floated the idea of forced abortions, "compulsory sterilization," and the creation of a "Planetary Regime" that would oversee human population levels and control all natural resources as a means of protecting the planet -- controversial ideas his critics say should have… Continue
Rev. Ted Pike
National Prayer Network
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
In order to preserve the federal hate bill from Presidential veto, this morning the Senate passed the McCain-Levin amendment to the Department of Defense Authorization Act by a vote of 58 to 40. This satisfied President Obama’s demand that 7 to 12 F-22 Raptor fighters be excluded.
The President has repeatedly warned that if Congress sends him a DOD bill… Continue
Added by truth on July 22, 2009 at 12:10pm —
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Russian and Chinese military forces are taking part in a five-day joint exercise, one of the biggest of its kind.
The “Peace Mission 2009” drill was officially started on Wednesday in the Far Eastern city of Khabarovsk by Russian Chief of General Staff Nikolay Makarov and his Chinese counterpart Chen Bingde.
About 3,000 army and air forces personnel, 300 armored vehicles and 45 aircraft will take part in the maneuvers at the Taonan military… Continue
Added by Tara on July 22, 2009 at 11:48am —
1 Comment
Swine flu hits young aboriginal residents hard, expert says
Last Updated: Monday, July 20, 2009 | 11:13 AM ET Comments21Recommend14
CBC NewsAboriginal communities have been harder hit by swine flu than others,… Continue
Added by luggnutz on July 22, 2009 at 11:00am —
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This is only going to be up here for a week or so, I thought Penn and Teller did a great job showing how ridiculous the 2012 Armageddon is. If you have Showtime and I'm guessing most people do now a days you might have seen it already and this is just "time shifting" for you. Ok I think the lawyers will leave me alone if the copyright blood hounds smell this.
History Channel Ancient Aliens 2009 HD 720p
Make sure to hit the HD button on the video to watch it in full quality. I don't know if this is going to get pulled so watch it now if your going to watch it.…
I remember seeing a speech where this fellow asked all of the attendees to imagine something. It went something like this:
Imagine that you are on a big, beautiful cruise ship on a vacation in the middle of the ocean. Suddenly, a small, but well armed contingent of pirates assaults the ship and takes control. They begin robbing, beating, and killing crew members and passengers. They turn the ship toward their own little pirate kingdom with the full intention to kill off everyone that… Continue
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke ran into skepticism Tuesday from lawmakers wary of expanding the Fed's duties to police big financial companies. They argued that the Fed failed to spot problems that led to the financial crisis in the first place.
"The Fed has made some big mistakes," said Rep. Spencer Bachus, R-Ala., ranking member of… Continue
Texas Congressman Ron Paul has recorded a video update on the ongoing effort to audit the Federal Reserve, assuring supporters that the establishment in Washington is paying very close attention.
Here's my problem. I am not a naturally suspicious person. I like to believe that people are basically good when it comes down to it.
However, when I hear that NASA "erased the original tapes of the moon landing". I'm left with two choices. I can A) Shrug my shoulders and say "that’s messed up" or B.) Start asking tough questions.
It's been 40 years since the landing, so why are we just now learning about this boobery? Who erased it? What was recorded over the tape? Can it… Continue
FATAL CONTACT: BIRD FLU IN AMERICA is NOW PLAYING and can be found to Rent or Buy here: outbreak of avian flu mutates into a virus th...
Scientists have come up with a unique strategy for protecting corals in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. @nikolajcw meets an oceanographer to see how man-made...