All Blog Posts Tagged 'Privacy' (53)

Stigmergic Governance Via the Web

In My piece, The End of Entropy (, I propose the following:

With a central website, in forum style, to address major issues – divided into local sections, regional sections and global sections, with “votes” at a…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on October 26, 2012 at 12:35pm — 2 Comments

The Hot Dog Stand: How Much Would You Charge?

The Hot Dog Stand: How Much Would You Charge?

by Amaterasu Solar

Let Us presume a world where free energy is available to all.  Also, Let’s add robots doing all the necessary work no One wants to do - or taking up the slack where not enough People are doing necessary work.

In this scenario, there would not be any need for money - in any form: barter, trade, work exchange,…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on October 21, 2012 at 11:46am — 5 Comments

Verizon Spying On Your Web Habits: How The Telecom Giant Is Monitoring Everything You Do

Verizon spying on its customers may seem bad for business, but according to the telecom giant's latest privacy policy update, that's exactly what they will be doing. Verizon wireless recently revealed that its new privacy agreement will allow them to spy on its user's web habits,…


Added by Ria on October 20, 2012 at 1:40am — No Comments

Electric eye on America: US set to deploy drones for home use

The US Army has completed a two-week demonstration of a new ground-based sensor system for its drones. It now hopes to get the drones certified for domestic flights, but critics are concerned that their use could breach privacy rights.…


Added by mystery on July 7, 2012 at 8:25am — No Comments

Drones Shot Down Over Texas

Surveillance drones blasted out of the sky in protest against 4th amendment intrusion

Paul Joseph Watson

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Following columnist Charles Krauthammer’s observation that the first person to…


Added by Cryptocurrency on May 29, 2012 at 11:00am — 14 Comments

Naked body scanners could be soon be in all UK airports after EU ruled they are safe

Naked body scanners could be soon be in all UK airports after EU ruled they are safe

  • Trials had been halted over fears of harmful radiation
  • New study reveals risk to passengers is 'close to zero'

By Leon…


Added by Ragnarok on May 5, 2012 at 2:15am — No Comments

Why Venus and Zeitgeist Don't Have It Quite Right

Why Venus and Zeitgeist Don't Have It Quite Right

by Amaterasu Solar


I might presume that most of You are aware of the Venus Project and the Zeitgeist Movement.  What Jacque Fresco and Peter Joseph fail to grasp, in Each's approach to a "resource based economy" is that the planet We live on is vastly abundant, and the universe offers incalculable amounts of…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on April 4, 2012 at 2:42am — 1 Comment

9/11 Forest – Come Out of the Trees!

9/11 Forest – Come Out of the Trees!

by Amaterasu Solar



In reviewing 9/11 discussions I watch as each weird, improbable tree is pointed to and the 9/11 apologists start hacking it down, nearly always, in the end, saying something on the order of, “Yeah, it was unlikely, but not impossible, so, yeah, it just happened that way.” 

So I stand…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on March 30, 2012 at 11:30am — 10 Comments

Electrogravitics - A Simplified Description

Electrogravitics... This technology was being developed and tested in all major aerospace companies in the 1950's.  Martin, Convair, Lear, Sperry, Raytheon, and many others all were eagerly studying electrogravitics.  But in 1959 or early 1960, the technology became highly classified and the path to energy abundance was stymied.  Here is a basic description of electrogravitics: 

First One has to understand that the model offered by Einstein is flawed...  There are other models.  There…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on March 16, 2012 at 9:00am — No Comments

Privacy Paranoia: 5 companies you should think twice before trusting

Can anything you do online remain truly private in this day and age? One out of every eight people in the world has a Facebook account that they fill with personal information. People tweet details about their daily lives. And it seems that every site we visit online wants to install a cookie to track our online progress.

But just because we…


Added by Robert Carobene on March 15, 2012 at 10:30am — 7 Comments

Open Letter to Anonymous - from Amaterasu Solar

This was originally posted on, where I once was a silver contributor (though I have added small edits here).  Now, I have been banned for linking to My threads and offering search parameters to find My work [I roll My eyes].  This is why I have all the links to My work at that board, a fair amount of which has been brought over here.  I thought the letter should come here, where this information is taken more…


Added by Amaterasu Solar on March 8, 2012 at 6:30am — No Comments

Radiation Doctor Admits TSA Naked Body Scanners Can Cause Cancer

Jonathan Benson

Natural News

January 5, 2012

(NaturalNews) No matter how many times the US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) claims the machines are safe and pose no threat to travelers or personnel, naked body scanners that emit ionizing radiation are, indeed, a very serious health threat. And Dr. Edward Dauer, head of radiology at Florida Medical Center,…


Added by Cryptocurrency on January 5, 2012 at 4:14pm — 1 Comment

Is Your Privacy at Risk? (Check it out)

There's a site called that's a new online USA phone book w/personal information; everything from pics you've posted on FB or web, your approx credit score, home value, income, age, etc. You can remove yourself by first searching for yourself on their site to find the URL of your page, then going to the Privacy button on the bottom of their page to remove yourself.…


Added by Swtnlovabl on January 6, 2011 at 12:32pm — 8 Comments

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