10 Disturbing SHTF Threats that most Preppers Haven’t Prepared For

When planning for a SHTF scenario, there’s really only one thing that we can be sure of; Survival will be a bigger challenge than you ever believed possible. While you can defiantly take measures to prepare yourself for what’s to come, when you’re talking about a SHTF scenario, all bets are really off.

Here are 10 things that you may have never considered when planning for a SHTF survival situation.

Law Enforcement Issues

1. No Law Enforcement

military troopsDuring an extreme SHTF scenario, it is very likely that law enforcement and emergency responders will be nonexistent. Even during small scale disasters, law enforcement officers often leave to take care of their own families first. When things go bad (empty grocery stores, no utilities, mass riots, violence, etc.) you are more than likely going to have to defend yourself.

2. Fake Law Enforcement

In a SHTF Scenario you need to be on the lookout for everything including people impersonating law enforcement and military personnel. During a catastrophic event, you will most likely see criminals preying on the innocent by pretending to be either police or military officers. You have to be able to quickly determine who is who, or stay away from people at all costs.

3. Law Enforcement and the Military Will Try to Take Your Guns.

Think it can’t happen? It already has! In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans Police Superintendent Eddie Compass ordered all local law enforcement, including the U.S. Marshalls office and the National Guard, to seize all civilian firearms.

Without warrants, armed National Guard troops and New Orleans law enforcement officials forcibly confiscated over 1,000 legal firearms from law abiding citizens. The New Orleans gun confiscation should serve as a warning to how the government and law enforcement officials will react during a large scale national disaster.  It is extremely likely that they will come for your guns!

Personal Safety Issues

4. Gangs & Raiders

Prepper ImageIf things go bad, there will likely be more people who mean to do you harm than there will be people who are prepared. This is something that you must accept and learn to deal with.  The fact is, most people have no idea what it really takes to survive and once their safety net is removed they will become increasingly desperate and unpredictable.

Let’s face it, even during the good times there’s a certain segment of our population that’s just downright insane. From the idiots who go nuts and riot after their team loses a game, to the violent criminals and gangs who are already terrorizing big cities throughout America, there’s little doubt that a total collapse would make urban living almost impossible.


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