Bizarre story behind film that supposedly sparked middle east unrest - Is Muhammad Movie a Contrived Fraud?

Bizarre story behind film that supposedly sparked middle east unrest

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, September 13, 2012

An anti-Muslim film that has been blamed for the attacks on U.S. embassies in Egypt, Libya and Yemen is likely a contrived fraud designed to stir up unrest in the Middle East while shielding the true reasons behind the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens.

A trailer for the film, entitled The Innocence of Muslims, has been on You Tube for over two months. Despite the alleged film maker’s claim that the movie was funded by rich Jewish donors to the tune of $5 million dollars, it has all the quality of a low budget film school project. The trailer has now been banned in several middle eastern countries, including Egypt and Afghanistan.

Indeed, the full film itself may not even exist, a doubt that has also been shared about the existence of its shadowy director Sam Bacile, who told the Associated Press this week that he was a 56-year-old “Israeli Jew” who lives in California, despite telling actors on set that he is Egyptian, while others have claimed he is an American.

Bacile claims he made the film to illustrate how “Islam is a cancer, period.”

However, numerous authorities have failed in attempting to locate a ‘Sam Bacile’ residing in California. Bacile is likely a pseudonym for the only real person who has been positively connected with the movie – Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, a 55-year-old Coptic Christian living in California who was convicted for federal bank fraud in 2010.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

The movie itself – or the 14 minutes of it which have been released – is also highly suspect. Actors involved in filming were told “they were appearing in a film about the life of a generic Egyptian 2,000 years ago.” Following the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, all 80 cast members put out a joint statement stating that they were misled by the producer.

“The entire cast and crew are extremely upset and feel taken advantage of by the producer. We are 100% not behind this film and were grossly misled about its intent and purpose,” the statement says. “We are shocked by the drastic re-writes of the script and lies that were told to all involved. We are deeply saddened by the tragedies that have occurred.”

The film has been purposely dubbed and edited to elicit maximum outrage from Muslims. The Prophet Muhammad is depicted as a pedophile, a homosexual, a religious phony, a philanderer, a womanizer and a bloodthirsty dictator.

During dialogue, the actors words have been crudely dubbed to include references to Muhammad that were not in the original script.

As Cindy Lee Garcia, an actress involved in the movie, told Gawker, “In the script and during the shooting, nothing indicated the controversial nature of the final product. Muhammed wasn’t even called Muhammed; he was “Master George.”

“The words Muhammed were dubbed over in post-production, as were essentially all other offensive references to Islam and Muhammed,” writes Adrian Chen.

For example, at 9:03 in the trailer, the words “Is your Muhammed a child molester?” are heard, yet the actress’ voice has been dubbed as her lips do not form the word “Muhammed”.

As the Christian Science Monitor summarizes, the film looks like, “it could have been ginned up by someone sitting a basement with cheap dubbing software.”

Everything about the movie suggests it was a contrived fraud to artificially manufacture unrest in the middle east at a time where speculation that the U.S. and Israel are about to launch military interventions in Iran and Syria is rife.

The amateurish nature of the film may be a ruse to deflect suspicion away from its true purpose and the real identities of its creators.

“Those sniffing the air properly smell some sort of intelligence/influence operation in the whole situation,” writes Daniel McAdams, comparing the film to Kony 2012. “A purposely bad cover for what happened in Benghazi yesterday? A badly done attempted cover for what happened yesterday? Arabs — even Muslim Brotherhood — looking to score points by blaming “wealthy Jews” for making the film? A power struggle between Islamist factions in Egypt? Israelis attempting to make it look like Arabs made a crudely anti-Semitic cover story for a crude film?”

What’s known for sure is the fact that the establishment media has seized upon the movie as an excuse to explain away the attacks on the embassies in Cairo and Benghazi as just another instance of extremist Muslims getting riled up over nothing in particular.

Subsequent reports confirmed that the attacks were coordinated well in advance of the release of the Arabic version of the trailer this week and had nothing to do with the film, but the media immediately ran with that narrative.

This conveniently disguises the true narrative behind the attacks, which is the fact that the United States and other NATO powers are seeing their chickens come home to roost having armed and empowered Al-Qaeda affiliated Islamic extremists in pursu..., most notably in Libya where the removal of Gaddafi was achieved via NATO’s support for the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group – which is listed as a terrorist organization by the State Department and was responsible for killing U.S. troops in Iraq.

Given that these same militants are now being used by Gulf states and NATO powers in a bid to topple Pr..., their connection to the embassy attacks must be downplayed. This was evident when NATO stooge Ali Aujali, Libya’s Ambassador to Washington, ludicrously claimed that Gaddafi loyalists were responsible for killing Ambassador Stevens.

With embassies in Yemen, Tunisia and other countries now coming under siege, the mass media’s promotion of what would otherwise have been an obscure, ineffectual and downright laughable 14 minute You Tube trailer has now created a crisis that threatens the stability of the entire region.

The bizarre circumstances behind The Innocence of Muslims, its shadowy creators and the deliberate attempt to manipulate the film to offend Muslims clearly suggests that the whole farce was a contrived set-up to inflame tensions in order to justify an acceleration of U.S., Israeli and NATO aggression across the Middle East and North Africa.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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Comment by Sheridan Louis Peterson on September 13, 2012 at 6:52pm

Well, yes, I know a little about Islam. While teaching at Ryadh University's Faculty of Commerce I read the Koran. However like the Bible it is quite different from religious zealots interpretations. As a Civil Rights volunteer I noted that the redneck pastors used the Bible to justify segregation and worse things. I witnessed a Shitte bretheren get caputated at the "head chopper square" in Ryadh. People have used religion since the Inquisition to justify nearly anything. And the masses believe absolutely anything.

Comment by suzie on September 13, 2012 at 6:47pm

Crappiest movie ever! the reason for ww3? doubt it ~  I agree with  ॐH●ȴȴɣѾͼͽᵭ ~ short & sweet worth repeating ~~

Comment by ॐH●ȴȴɣѾͼͽᵭ 1 hour ago

they're sick of the drone bombings, the slaughter, the slander, the invasion of their government, their land...all by the new Axis of Evil....The USA!!

Comment by Sheridan Louis Peterson on September 13, 2012 at 6:42pm

Well, now I know why the American government is so afraid of Israel. They could ignite a religious war that would bring an end to planet earth. And Japan is goating China and Korea into another war over a couple rocks in the Yellow Sea. Suicidal? Not for them. For us. They're calling our bluff. How will the Marines on Okinawa and Japan's main island react?  

Comment by Tara on September 13, 2012 at 5:58pm

Oh my lord... I need to refrain from leaving a comment, at least for now. I fear that what may come out while typing a comment will not be so nice so... I'll get back to this later.

I really am living in the twilight zone... beam me up Scotty, NOW!

Comment by Freedom is Not Free on September 13, 2012 at 5:54pm

How funny this is, so far has been the USA the one expending all the money and all the resources to help as far we know is not even one once of oil taken for this countries like some of you try to said. if you knew anything about islam you will know that their main intent is to conquer the world by any meanings, as the Persians how they feel by their take over and destroy their way of life, still today many Persians that fight for their Independence and get back their country today call Iran, look Egypt, the rightful people of the land is being kill, burn and destroy, who lie to who.? My country was not in it's not in the middle east, but they came and destroy too, took my people 400 years of wars and many dead, very heavy price to kick them out of the land, 1100 years later they are coming back claiming what is not theirs to claim and was not theirs to start with.

  Learn their history for the last 1400 years and you will see the pattern, has never change.  We are their enemy, not because we been there but because what this Nation represents, has been always about ideology, evil vs freedom, they don't believe in personal thinking, nor freedom, culture and anything to do with the advantage of the human race.

  Sooner you understand that, sooner that you might have a change to fight back.

  Yes, American government. not the people is guilty of crimes against humanity, not just outside of this Nation but even in this Nation, in fact since 1871 they been tramping in people's rights for generations, the extermination almost of the Indian Nation slavery not just on blacks but whites, and contrary to what some might think, has been always about three things, plus one, the most important of all, greed, control and power, the most important ideology, because the Constitution give people free will, ownership of their own sovereignty, the fact that people understand is dangers for those that want to have the first three, if people is ignorant they will not know better.

  Why every dictator, tyrant out there the first thing they do is take the school system and the media? because the information they give to the people give them the power to keep the people ignorant and by taken the youth they have control of future generations, that is why... and why anyone believe they try to take the 1th and 2nd amendment? because with out them both people will became silence and unable to defend themselves, the best antidoto for dictatorship of any kind including islam.

  I think some people that frequent this site need to stop following so much Alex Jones, he's a fear monger and even if somethings are ok, most of his stuff is nothing but conspiracy theory...

  Governments are always corrupt if the people is corrupt, because it's the people who select those in power and they will select those that share their very ideas, so you have to blame yourself of the government you have, it's nothing but the very mirror of what this Nation has became.

  If you act upon principle, honor, values, integrity, honesty, valor, courage, faith, those very things will allow you to find not rulers but LEADERS...until people don't start changing their thought process they are not to get anything back.

  Anyway, this is my last comment, most times I never make comments in this site, just read and sometimes share what I see important, I did more than enough today.

  May God bless you all.


PS:  Tara, my apology for my harsh words earlier, I stand on my words, but even if I use your name, in reality I was talking about the general stand of what is happening in this Country, it's hard to fight to bring it where belongs when I see people attacking their own and making excuses for crimes. A crime is a crime, and I have been tell people for long time that this government is criminal, the very people is ruling here for over 25 and 30 years, they have became dictators reason why they don't care about the people.  I see many red flags like the AZ, CO & WI shootings, we have the responsibility to take the blame where belong, but the duty to protect this Nation as well, making excuses for criminals is not the way to do it, ask Europeans they can tell you very well, they suffer the consequences today and it's not very good.

Comment by Freedom is Not Free on September 13, 2012 at 5:27pm

Well Tara, and Joseph, just in case your comment is on my grammar, I believe it's better than yours if you decide one day to write in my first language... listen to the heart and the knowledge giving, after all is about loving this Country, and for free.

  Tara, you are the one who still living and a pink color life, nothing in this world is pink, only by far imagination, if instead writing the very things Ron Paul and followers talk and Alex Jones you do your own homework, you will know that were muslims who attack this country first, that was Jefferson the first president after 10 years of muslims kidnapping our sailors for ransom, make them slaves or sale them, who finally fight back, because Adams refuse... that was also Jefferson as in Ambassador in France who discover the intent of islam because when he ask those he suppose to make deals with, to save America why they attack a Nation that has no defenses that just come to be, the answer was " allah command us to conquer and destroy, if nations are not to be convert, in the name of allah we must convert or kill" Jefferson was also, the one who read the qu'ran and translate in English to understand this people, Jefferson who make copies and distributed to the people, so the people always knew what islam was about, is obvious that people stop long time ago to be vigilant, because Jefferson the Navy born and later the other branches, he intended that this Nation will be protected by any meanings... and so has been until people became lazy and apathetic to the sad moment when I have to read in American person excusing crimes against her people, for the good of those that commit the crime.  After Jefferson fought back this Nation was free of attack from muslims for generations, but if people were not so brainwash they will know and remember that Americans around the globe has been kill and attack by muslims many times before the USA decide to go to Iraq, I don't believe in war, but I don't believe neither in the ignorance that many people play on others like if we're to be sleeping.  Your comment is con-descendent, one can't speak ill of cult, and islam IS NOT a religion, is a CULT, " be aware of false prophets" we have many this day's and people follow like sheep, they are to use to follow instead to use their brains.

  I born in a country where my people were slaughter over night by "the religion of peace" for trusting them and believe they were coming to blend in our culture, never happen and never will, they are not to be blend on anyone culture, and when they talking about " a religion of peace" they are not talking about YOUR peace, they talking about their peace when everything is taken either by terror, kill or conquer and those converted became their servants, them they will have peace, we're not to have it, because to them "kafirs" (non moslems ) are less than dirt... so get your facts straight and them talk.

  I have friends that has been shot by a kid... you talking like a Westerner, don't know crap of nothing outside of the USA except what you hear in the news or they telling you, you talking about a world that is not even close by thousand years to this one, the one you have live all your life with commodities, and even if you believe that you don't have some commodities, believe me, compare to them you live like a queen... I live a world of dictatorship, I know what it's, and I know the value of freedom, what most of you have just read about or see in the movies, I have live it, and nor a book or a movie can truly give the truth of the accounts that we have to live under those regimes.

  Will be nice that people start being more proud for being Americans, that try to make excuses to those that kill your own people because you believe it's "the nice thing to do" that is the stupid thing to do, being nice is going to kill you, plain and simple... The USA is the only country with Israel that stands against evil, for the freedoms of human kind... look around and see what is happening in this Nation the transformation, Americans are loosing their battle because they still don't learn who's their enemy, and that enemy is lurking every where today.

  God bless.


Comment by Central Scrutinizer on September 13, 2012 at 5:19pm

they're sick of the drone bombings, the slaughter, the slander, the invasion of their government, their land...all by the new Axis of Evil....The USA!!

Comment by Jim Braun on September 13, 2012 at 4:54pm

Well Tara,stick around you are about to find out. WE can thank our own gov. for most of the things going on,like you say,in the name of democracy. If we look back in history,no country has been left out,all have done so for one reason or another. But hold on to your boot straps,we are about to be taken for a ride the world over unlike anything any of us has ever witnessed.

Comment by Tara on September 13, 2012 at 4:53pm
Comment by Anondroid on September 13, 2012 at 4:47pm
What is even more incredible than this retarded movie "supposedly" causing the attacks? Probably only how horrible people's spelling and grammar are on the comments to this story.

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