On Saturday, June 4th, 2011 activists gathered outside of the Manchester, NH police dept. in a concerted effort to hold them accountable for two separate incidents. The procedures used in the recent shooting death of local resident James Breton and four off duty police officers that assaulted Christopher Micklovich on March 3, 2010 in the alleyway outside of the Strange Brew Tavern in Manchester, NH. The Attorney General later absolved the four officers of any culpability.
Christopher Micklovich is shown a police booking photo after the incident at the Strange Brew.
“My conclusion is that the Manchester police officers' conduct was justified under the laws of self-defense, defense of others and use of physical force by law enforcement,” Delaney said.
The Protest
The days rally kicked off with sign waving, community outreach, and people writing with chalk on the sidewalks and the concrete wall surrounding the police department. We talked to pedestrians and motorists educating them on the reasons for our assembly and garnered support from every individual we spoke with. There was not one complaint to us from area residents regarding our presence.
On the contrary people were driving by honking their horns and cheering us on. Cars drove by us playing Immortal Technique and other pro revolutionary artists. We handed out literature. One bicyclist even stopped to share his message with the MPD via bullhorn. People coming out of the police dept. pumped their fists in support and shared their stories with us about the injustices they had experienced at the hands of the Manchester PD.
We were initially swarmed by multiple squad cars and a paddy wagon they decided to park directly across the street as a reminder of where we would end up for exercising our first amendment right to protest. When confronted, the police officers could not give us a valid reason or lawful justification for why we could not be there. They simple said, "You have to leave. You can't be here." Protesters argued that it is a public sidewalk and a public building paid for by taxpayers; we have every right to be here.
They systematically retreated back into the precinct between picking us off one at a time presumably to devise a course of action that would lead to more department revenue. And so they did. An unknown number of video cameras, and cellphones were confiscated as "evidence" and eight protesters were arrested and charged:
Inside the precinct under police custody Pete Eyre of copblock.org and myself debated all officers involved in the civil rights violations of the day. In the beginning we were laughed at and often ignored especially when a valid point was raised. Though we were never accosted directly or physically harmed one of the detectives remarked on how all of the shoes lined up, "looks like the holocaust". It was at this point that I told Pete Eyre how the lieutenant gave the order to arrest us after the local news crew left. The lieutenant stood on the corner of Chestnut and Merrimack with four other officers watching the news van pull away at which point he said, "when she leaves, arrest them."
It's ironic how we could be arrested for "blocking the sidewalk" according to "city ordnance." Yet the only people that were blocked from using the sidewalk were the protestors. The cops blocked us, pushed us back all the way down the street and made their final arrests. The only people blocking the sidewalk and impeding anyones movement were the police officers.
Upon my release from custody some of the more friendly officers commented on how the videos were already all over the internet and how they were getting calls from all across the country. "I told you we'd be famous" an officer said in jest. I replied, "Yep, and we'll be signing autographs outside." They all laughed as I collected my belongings.
I could say chalk it up as an aberration when I face the courts but, what justice would there be in that? If protesting on a sidewalk while police impede my movement is a crime that I am arrested for, then I guess I'm guilty.
Initial Arrests At Manchester, NH PD during CopBlock Protest
New Hampshire Sunday News -Eight arrested in protest of Manchester ...
Manchester Police Dept. telephone 603-668-8711
Look at this...MORE chalk....hmmm
Jack said, "It is Christian to obey the laws of men."
Tell that to a holocaust survivor. Or the 20 million killed in China, or Stalin's Russia, Lithuania, Berma, Rwanda.....
Obey the laws of men. How about the cops and military NOT obeying unlawful orders?????? How about calling your heap of marine buddies and asking them about that???
Your bible is FULL of contradictions. Then add in all of your bias interpretations that reflect YOUR idealized version of God...but whatever helps you sleep at night guy.
Jesus chases the money changers out of the temple irreproachably in protest:
Mark 11:15
15 And they come to Jerusalem: and he entered into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and them that bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money-changers, and the seats of them that sold the doves;
Mark 15:18
18 And the chief priests and the scribes heard it, and sought how they might destroy him
Jesus and his disciples were the revolutionaries of there day. They all stood against the tyrants and the laws of men and subsequently died horrible deaths because of it. The next three centuries of christian revolution was inspired by Jesus and his followers. But go dig through your 'bible' and site some obscure passage for your rebuttals instead of thinking for yourself.
Obviously you have not studied the history of tyranny and MANS LAWS nor have you studied the tactics of the infowar.
You say not to raise up against police. Have you ever even SEEN Youtube!?
You speak of ignorance but it seems you are the one whom has cast a shadow over your own intellect. I would tell you the truth about your misunderstandings but you are in denial and will remain there until you realize that you have subscribed to a dumbed down interpretation of 'things' and the real truth was stolen from mankind a lonnng time ago. I wonder what they have so covetously hidden from your blind faith, deep down in the Vatican archives hmmm? What was supposedly destroyed at the library of Alexander?? Hmm???
Riiight your clueless. But hey that doesn't stop you from passing judgment. But ye shall be judged first. I don't have time for you are your lack of wisdom and understanding. Sit on your ass from your computer command center and criticize me while I go out and fight the nwo.
"The first directive was for Pastors to preach to their congregations Romans 13, the often taken out of context bible passage that was used by Hitler to hoodwink Christians into supporting him, in order to teach them to “obey the government” when martial law is declared."
Now go parrot your propaganda talking points on someone else's blog.
Jack, do you hate our freedom of Speech? Do you hate our freedom to peaceably assemble? Do you hate our freedom to protest injustice?
Do you support police brutality? Do you think that things will get better if no one says anything as citizens are brutalized?
Do you think that you are doing any good spouting hellfire and damnation at those who are not Religious? Do you think you making all the other good Christians look like Angels with you say?
I don't.
9Then the Lord spoke to Paul in the night through a vision, saying, "Be not afraid, but speak and hold not thy peace. 10For I am with thee, and no man shall set upon thee to hurt thee, for I have many people in this city."
Matthew 7
"Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.@Jack you went from a loving follower of Jesus, the hippie son of god in a dashiki, to a heap of marine corps. That's quite a contradiction in character wouldn't you say?
On the religious blog you were head over heals for Jesus. What would Jesus do Jack? He would drink his Jesus juice and STFU. He who lives by the heap of marine corp shall surely parish by the heap of marine corp. FYI In case you missed it, your hippie friend Jesus protested the money changers in the temple, that is, if you believe what the bible says.
Also, the people at the rally were not hippies. They were in fact, ALL of them, Ron Paul supporters. We had just come from our meetup. Next time get your facts straight before your heap of marine corps jumps the gun.
Thanks to everyone else for your support. It's people like YOU that make it worth doing. The next time we hit the streets I'll make sure to get you guys all video coverage (that is not confiscated) and my take on the street action of the day. Much love to you all.
I saw this video last night. The music is not the most fitting and does contain explicit lyrics but the video shows what is coming to America.
Give me a heap of marine corp eh? lol take a deep breath and just go through my blogs for a min or 2 you'll see I have no use for cops and learn a bit more of how cowardly and scrawny I truly am. I'm a gun owner as I imagine you are we don't need police, they're job already is to just track people down and write reports not to PROTECT you. This is proven as you can't sue them for not protecting you. If they would legalise concealed carry and just have peace officers I'd be cool so wouldn't everyone on this board. What we don't like is cops being above the law, being revenue agents and our mommy's telling us what we can and can't do with our own body.
If the police didn't take all their cameras you would have seen the actual protest but instead because of their actions all you got to see was the arrests and confrontations.
Jack you keep telling us how bad a job we're all doing why don't you enlighten me to your solutions? Why is using chalk so bad and "hippie" it's just one method of speaking out. Are you suggesting we all sit at home and do nothing?
My comment before about having to argue with "every one" was not intended to mean that the majority disagree with me just that I debate so many people on the net it get tiring. If you'll take a look your the ONLY one in these comments who thinks the cops were right and the protesters wrong.
No I just get stressed out trying to argue with every single person.
Btw thats not me in the video I just thought it humorous as we can't see each other, in my mind Jack you fit that parody for some reason.
I don't know why your going on about hippies? A man was brutally beaten by off duty police officers whether right or wrong in your mind these people went out and wanted to exercise their first amendment rights speaking out about it non-violently and using chalk which would have washed off in the next rain. They were arrested wrongfully as they harmed no one and no property ... It was public property they where on as well.
RULE OF LAW DOES NOT EXIST IN THIS COUNTRY ANY MORE!! Go read the patriot act, you talk of rule of law yet have no clue how bad things are. I don't think your awake to reality yet, you talk of the NWO yet have no clue that the state doesn't follow their own laws. Your sound asleep still from what I can see. There is hope for you yet, maybe you'll decide instead of calling clean cut people hippies and being an appoligist for the misuse and abuse of police power. You can take a step back and watch police state 4 free online by Alex Jones and see what truly is going on with your lieing eyes.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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