What Happened to the Label of Fed Workers as “Public Servant?”

Carolyn Curry (@CarolynCurry) - Gab Social


Recently, the question of why are federal employees such as Congressmen and Senators are discouraging the use of such terms as “Public Servant”? Well, guess what, how long ago was it that the Ten Commandments in the Bible were removed from every court entrance in the land? Not too long ago was it? It sure didn’t take to long for county, city, and federal level government to take the 10 Commandments from public visibility, but why? Did this imply a big ideological change for the courts? Did this imply now that the public should expect something less than truth from the courts? Did this ac indicate to use that our very own judicial system was now unholy and no longer the equivalent of Biblical law?

What is the Origin of the Ten Commandments? | FilCatholic

When words that we used use to mean something

Just as in the meaning of “Public Servant” the very idea that one of these egotistical snakes out for profit would ever have to saddle themselves with a label that would associate the job of some sniveling bureaucrat or high powered senator who makes his living by negotiating backdoor deals in the wee hours of the morning thus selling out his countrymen with another piece of legislation that fails to deliver and will cost billions hidden among the thousands of pages he or nobody will ever read of the bill. The key  in all  likelihood, it will go unread by most anyway. We don’t want to make these kinds people feel uncomfortable anyway now do we. Gosh, all that pressure to continue with the destruction of a Constitutional republic while being mislabeled as actually being a patriot, a man of integrity, someone who carries the weight of the government on the back for the sake of the voter? Nah, that’s just too much pressure! Can’t have that!

Image result for sleezaball poiticans

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Comment by Doc Vega on February 14, 2024 at 5:39pm

Less, Good point. I wish it weren't true.

Comment by Less Prone on February 14, 2024 at 3:20pm

The correct term would be "public disservant", as it often is a disservice that they do to the public.

Comment by Doc Vega on February 12, 2024 at 4:01pm

Cheeki Kea Good analogy! 

Comment by cheeki kea on February 12, 2024 at 8:16am

"Destroying the New World Order"



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