A Clarksville, Arkansas school district, backed by a little-known state law, has begun a rigorous training program so that members of the staff can carry concealed at school.
…more than 20 teachers, administrators and other school employees in this town … will carry concealed weapons throughout the school day, making use of a little-known Arkansas law that allows licensed, armed security guards on campus. After undergoing 53 hours of training, Dougan and other teachers at the school will be considered guards.(source)
Staff members will receive 53 hours of training that is geared towards responding to school shooter scenarios from Nighthawk Custom Training Academy, a private training facility in northwest Arkansas. “That teacher is going to respond to one thing and one thing alone, and that’s someone is in the building either actively or attempting to kill people,” explained Jon Hodoway, director of training for Nighthawk.
Continue reading at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/arkansas-school-district-arms-teache...
I concur, this is the ultimate solution to this paltry problem of Government Patsy's coming in to kill your kid to further their agenda
What happens the day a pissed off student disarms their teacher, kills them with there own gun? This will happen eventually. Promotion of violence should have no place in our education system. This is already part of the problem. Along with the fact that every single school shooter has been on SRI brain drugs. A teacher carrying a gun says one thing: "I'm scared of the very students I teach, so much so I am willing to strap a gun on every day and also willing to paste the bad apples that I know are in their ranks." It is completely paranoid. Like I said, kids should take better driving classes than worrying about a crazed maniac gunning them down in class because they're more likely to kill themselves and a few of their friends driving recklessly than getting shot in their classroom by a crazed maniac.
How is carrying a sidearm not promoting violence? Handguns were created for one sole purpose. To kill people. Thats it. Things not related to killing people with handguns, like target shooting and hunting, came as an afterthought. If someone is brandishing or open carrying a sidearm they are saying to everyone around them "I'm willing to kill you if you invade my space." Why do you think the west was so violent before civilization arrived there? Self defense doesn't require a gun. You can defend yourself with whatever is close at hand if you're willing to put it to use. When a gun is pulled , that's it. You don't point a gun at anyone unless you're going to kill the person you're pointing it at. People that do point guns at others, not intending to use it are moronic douche bags that are probably going to wind up getting greased with their own gun! This is paranoid BS.
So you rationalize that giving teachers the option to carry a sidearm is going to somehow benefit the completely disastrous, already defunct school system? I absolutely agree about the American education system. It's brainwashing 101 to create good little consumers who have the state taking care of a large portion of their living expenses! They'll fight to the death for the state because of that. It is a pre planned conditioning process and it is just one of literally thousands more doing the same head fucking to the youth of this country. Throwing handguns to the teachers for them to use during a situation they are statistically never going to be in won't change anything for the better, guaranteed.
"rationalize that giving"
In Lies, (pun intended) the problem.
Inalienable Right. Either one gets it, or they don't.
No one should be forced to do such either way.
Once you rationalize the right of self defense an act of violence, where does it end? Hands or perhaps the brain it's self. As that is the true origin, is it not?
Your concern and motive is admirable. Your logic has flaws, like at conception. Good intent is not logic.
Do you feel that any and 'all' Americans have a 'right' to defend them selves? Not attack but 'defend' them selves?
We could start by removing your penis. You don't think right, and might reproduce ;)!
Every human being on this planet has the right to defend themselves. This is not the issue. The issue is whether a teacher's job should now also include tactical handgun training so that it can be put to use in some fictionalized hypothetical school shooter situation. To bring self defense into it there has to be an actual threat to the people claiming it. There is no specific threat. They are trying to say that there is a potential threat with no known perpetrator. This is paranoid shit! It is police state mind set, scrutinizing law abiding citizens as criminals so the teachers can be armed during their workday.
Now for another lesson in contract law superseding one's constitutional rights. Teachers have signed a contract, through the teachers union, to offer their ability to educate students in whichever municipality, county or state they are in. There are also a number of contracted rules and regulations these teachers agree to follow by agreeing to said contract. One of those regulations is more than likely (I don't actually know for sure and am not going to go find out) that firearms are not allowed on their person or on school property. So the second amendment doesn't apply to any teacher who belongs to the teachers union. Probably most of them. School's also have contractual obligations and I guarantee on of those, this would be with parents of children attending the school and all employees as well, is there are no firearms allowed on school property. Making it a crime to have one on premises. Here too, the second amendment does not apply. Go learn something about contract law and be enlightened.
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