A Clarksville, Arkansas school district, backed by a little-known state law, has begun a rigorous training program so that members of the staff can carry concealed at school.
…more than 20 teachers, administrators and other school employees in this town … will carry concealed weapons throughout the school day, making use of a little-known Arkansas law that allows licensed, armed security guards on campus. After undergoing 53 hours of training, Dougan and other teachers at the school will be considered guards.(source)
Staff members will receive 53 hours of training that is geared towards responding to school shooter scenarios from Nighthawk Custom Training Academy, a private training facility in northwest Arkansas. “That teacher is going to respond to one thing and one thing alone, and that’s someone is in the building either actively or attempting to kill people,” explained Jon Hodoway, director of training for Nighthawk.
Continue reading at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/arkansas-school-district-arms-teache...
Well, the picture I have as my Avatar is a guitar player named Buckethead, not me. Secondly I will just say this. The population of this country, demographically, has changed dramatically since the 1970's. There was ROTC and the ROTC Rifle Team at my high school so I know what you are saying about it. The members of the rifle team where I was anyways had non-functioning M-1 Garands for their drill routines but used real M-1's when competing. Weird to me. I find nothing wrong in having armed security at public schools. Many of them already have. Arming teachers isn't going to change anything. You're rright about less shootings happening when open carry was a common thing in this country. It isn't the object that is our issue it is the amoralization of our society and the glorification of violence without consequence that is this country's real problem. We teach our youth that violence doesn't resolve anything at the same time we are sending their older brothers and sisters off to war where their paying job is to be totally violent! Then to add to the issue so many kids are on brain disruptive medication these days its no wonder there isn't a school shooting every week in this country. The populace as a whole is fucked up by choice here in this country and we wonder why our way of life isn't improving and why the economy is tanking. People are so doped up they just point and laugh as the wall street felons continue fleecing them. Even throw more money to them to commit more acts of fraud against them. There are so many points of concern when contemplating how to begin to fix things it's almost overwhelming. I don't give it much chance and this is why I also chose not to have any kids. It's the responsible thing to do. Not add to the calamity which we call humanity.
Aye ;)
So a total reverse of point of view, back 20%?
Were you not against teachers being allowed, not forced, to be armed?
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