The Only Way To End This, Is To See The Truth of History.

October 26, 2011 at 2:29pm



1. 1916......Germany is winning World War 1, and makes a generous peace offer to Great Britain. Germany, which was the last nation to mobilize for WWI, offers to basically go back to how everthing was before the war.

2. Zionists approach the UK leaders with a dirty deal. "Don't make peace. You can still win this war if the USA joins on your side." They offer to use their influence to bring the USA into the war on UK's side. The price the UK must pay is to take over Palestine from the German-allied Ottoman Empire after the war - and to then allow jewish immigration into Palestine.

3. The Brits agree to "The Balfour Declaration" , later issued to Zionist Lord Rothschild. (Edit: Agreement was made privately in 1916...but not made public until 1917)

4. ....Anti German war propaganda in the US suddenly goes full blast. "Beat Back the Huns!"

5. Zionist owned puppet Woodrow Wilson manuevers the USA into this senseless war. The "yanks" arrive to take on the Germans and "make the world safe for democracy", while the Brits head south to concentrate on the Ottoman Turks.

6. Instead of fighting for America, 10,000 American zionists join the British front lines to fight against the Turks.

7. In Germany, Zionist and Marxist jewish leaders begin organizing wartime labor strikes in the German weapons factories. The Zionist press begins underming the war effort. UK drops fliers (written in Yiddish) all over Germany...promising the jews a piece of Palestine after the war.

8. After many months of bloody fighting, Wilson offers Germany a just "peace without victory." Trusting Wilson's words, the Germans lay down their arms and retreat

9. The Brutal Treaty of Versailles is imposed upon occupied Germany (1918). Zionist bankers crafted the monetray reperations clause which crushed the German economy.

10. After the war was over, many Germans realized that Zionist and Marxist jews had stabbed Germany in the back. A disastrous hyper-inflation followed. Germany was to remain under occupation until 1932.

11. German and Austrian territory was stripped away and parceled out to the newly created states of Poland and Czechoslavkia. One section of Germany was actually cut off from the mainland like an island, leaving a "Polish corridor" cutting right through Germany.

12. A talented artist and gifted orator named Adolf Hitler rose to prominence through his fiery speeches denouncing Versailles, the Marxists, the "November Criminals" who collaborated with the West, and the jewish newspapers and jewish central bankers.

13. Hitler was elected Chancellor in 1932. The worldwide depression hit Germany particulary hard. The German economy lay in ruins.

14. Hitler quickly moved to consolidate power and to arrest or deport communists.

15. Jews were permitted to live and work in Germany, but they were barrd from sensitive areas such as government, media, and banking. Many jews emigrated peacefully. Many also stayed.

16. Hitler pulled Germany out of the League of Nations and he took over Germany's Warburg/Rothschild "Fed." New currency was issued interest-free. This would be like an American president pulling us out of the UN and "Ending The Fed."

17. Globalist and Zionist propaganda began immediately. Boycotts of Germany and other threats were issued throughout the 1930's. Sulzberger-Ochs owned NY Times began agitating against Germany. In 1933, Fed Chairman Eugene Meyer resigned from his position so that he could buy the Washington Post. He quickly turned it into a Stalin friendly / Hitler hating propaganda sheet. (His grandson Donald Graham runs the Post today)

18. Within 3 years, the German economy was booming while the rest of the world was mired in Keynesian Depression. The autobahn was built and Volkswagens were mass produced. Germany was back!..Even Hitler's critics agree....the German people of all classes loved Hitler.

19. A conference of France, UK, Italy, and Germany agreed that the German Sudetland should be transferred from Czechoslovakia and placed under the German Reich. The Sudetan Germans celebrated, while the warmongering drunken Churchill called UK Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain "an appeaser."

20. Without a shot being fired, Austria (Hitler's birthplace) merged with Germany in 1938, uniting the German speaking people of Europe. Hitler was given a hero's welcome upon his return to Austria. But the western media called this voluntary Austro-German reunification "a conquest."

21. Hitler offered a deal to Poland. Return Eastern Prussia and the German city of Danzig to us (stolen by Versailes), and we'll let you have a mile wide corridor to the Baltic Sea so that you won't be landlocked.

22. Poles consider the offer but are urged by FDR behind the scenes to not make a deal. (as confirmed in the diary of Polish ambassador to the US)

23. Germans are severely mistreated under the Polish military dictatorship. (Czecks stranded in Poland made the same complaint.) On Sept 1, 1939, Germany puts an end to this nonsense and reclaims it's stolen land & people by force. Hitler makes no further claims against Polish territory.

24. UK and France immediately declare war against Germany for it's "invasion" of Poland. US media goes bonkers as well. Of course, no one complains about the fact that the Soviet Unon invades Poland just two weeks later....swallowing up the whole country, and murdering much of Poland's intellectual and military elite in Katyn forest!!!

25. From Sept 1939 to April 1940, UK and French mass 500,000 troops along the Belgian and Holland border. Immense political pressure is placed upon these two small nation to allow Allied bases to be established there.

26. Hitler issues numerous pleas for the UK and France to withdraw their war declarations...but the cross channel Allied build up continues.

27. The Allies finally strike a deal with Holland/Belgium. The invasion of Germany is not to come through it's re-fortified border with France (The Rhineland)...but through Holland/Belgium.

28. Hitler's hand is forced. The German Blitz in the West is a PRE-EMPTIVE defensive measure. The entire allied force is caught unprepared and ends up being pinned on the beaches of Dunkirk.

29. Of course, the western press (as well as today's History Books) portray this as "Germany conquers Holland/Belgium/Luxembourg"

30. As a show of good faith to the British, Hitler deliberately allows the Allied force to be boat lifted by local British fishermen. He could have captured the entire force, but he believed that if the Brits could make a dignified retreat, he could achieve peace with them.

31. The Mad Dog, Alcholic, Neo-Con Churchill becomes Prime Minister....vowing to "fight them on the the streets"

32. France accepts Germany's peace terms. Germany occupies northern France and fortifies its beaches against a British Invasion. The new French government under Marshall Petain is based in Vichy and is totally autonomus. Life in France goes on quietly.

33. Remember, Britian is an island, so in order to wage war against Germany, Churchill needs to re-establish his forces near Germany and/or on the European mainland somewhere. He was also negotiating with the Danes and the Norwegians to establish bases there.

34. A Norwegian politician named "Vidkun Abraham Lauritz Jonssøn Quisling" got wind of this dirty deal, and he informs the Germans. Again, as a pre-emptive move, Hitler quickly took ports in Denmark and Norway. The Germans assure the Scandinavians that they have no intention of conquest. Life goes on quietly and peacefully for the Danes and Norwegians. After the war, Quisling's name becomes a word for treason..."quisling"....a totally unfair characterization.

35. The UK and German war was confined to the air. UK has bombed German civilian areas 8 times but Hitler never responded in kind. Finally, Hitler issued a warning that if there was one more air raid on civilian targets, Germany would respond likewise. When this happened, the western press hyped Germany's "bombing of civilians."

36. FDR secetly urged Churchill to keep fighting, assuring him that he would find a way to get the US into the war.

37. Germany was allied with Japan and Italy in an anti communist defense pact. This is the card that FDR would later play to get the USA into war.

38. In 1941, Mussolini (who fancied himself the new Caesar) attacked Greece. This was totally unrelated to Germany's war. The Italian were unsuccessful and this gave the British a potential opening on the mainland. The Brits said to the Greeks: "Hey. Would you like some help against the Italians?"....So Germany had to come and end this Italian-Greek war so that the Brits could not set up shop in Southern Europe....Again, the western press portrayed this as a "conquest."....A similar scenario played out in Yugoslavia.

39. Soviet troops begin massing in the west. Hitler knew that sooner or later, Joe Stalin would break his peace pact and invade Europe while Germany and UK were pre-occupied with each other. In June of 1941, Hitler catches the Soviets flat footed....taking millions of POW's and driving the Soviet killers deep into the Russian heartland. The liberated Ukrainians and Baltic peoples welcomed the German columns with cheers and showers of roses.

40. The communist underground in America goes nuts! FDR starts sending war supplies to the Soviets...thus rescung Soviet communism from extinction.... Communist underground groups throughout Europe (including many jews) begin waging guerrilla attacks against German troops. By December of 1941, Germany occupies most of Europe...but is still pleading with the Brits to end the war.

41. Charles Lindbergh gives his famous speech in which he warns that FDR, the British, and the jews were trying to drive us into war. Joseph Kennedy expressed similar concerns (confirmed in diary of James Forrestal)

42. Hitler refused to respond to FDR's provokations (USA actually helped the Brits to spot and sink the Bismark, killing hundreds of German sailors) FDR decides to bait Japan instead. He cuts off their oil shipments, closes the Panama Canal to them, sails his destroyers through Japanese waters etc. Realizing that sooner or later the Americans would enter the war, Japan decides to take the first shot by sinking as many US ships as possible at Pearl Harbor. FDR KNEW the attack was coming but allowed 2000 sailors to die...just so we could enter the war.

43. The US enters the war. Italy quickly collapses...leaving Germany to wage war on THREE fronts. .....South (Italy)....(East) Russia....and the west after the Normandy invasion. During this time, hundreds of thousands of German women and children are being burned alive by cruel Allied firebombings. Jews, communists, and thieving gypsies are interned in concentration camps. As war conditions detriorate, typhus epidemics spread throughout the camps....killing many.

44. Germany's days are numbered. General Patton wants to take Germany so that the Russians do not. But FDR and Eisenhower are preserving East Germany for Stalin...whose beastly communists would go on to gang rape an estimated 2 million German women. Patton later stated that "We fought the wrong people."....Patton would later be assassinated under orders from Eisenhower or higher.

45. Rather than submitting himself to "the spectacle of a jewish show trial", Hitler commits suicide on April 30, 1945. In his final testament, he writes: "It is untrue that either I or anyone else in Germany wanted war with Britain or America. This war was wanted solely by International Jewry and its henchmen."

46. Germany surrenders unconditionally on May 1, 1945. That SAME DAY....Stalin issues a report stating that the German Camp in Auschwitz , Poland used gas chambers to kill millions of people. A myth was born...a myth that suited the Marxists, the Globalists, and the Zionists....a myth that led to the sympathetic establishment of Israel.

47. Japan was trying to make a surrender deal...but Truman was determined to nuke them (FDR had also died in April 1945). The MURDEROUS nukes ended the war in Japan.

48. North Korea and Manchuria were given to Stalin. Stalin had declared war on Japan AFTER the two A bombs were dropped! This was his reward. This was how commnism spread to Asia. As a result of FDR/Truman's gift to Stalin...the Korean War and Viet Nam War would later be fought.

49. German military leaders were tried before the kangaroo court of Nuremburg and then MURDERED.

50.Out of the ashes of WW2, the UN, the IMF, and the World Bank were established.... as well as the seeds of the socialist EU and the war making NATO.


So you see....Hitler was put down because HE DEFIED THE NEW WORLD ORDER. It is necessary for the Powers That Be to demonize and vilify him to this day....

  1. Think about it even possible to have a conversation obout politics today ...either from the "left" or the "right" without Hitler eventually being mentioned???? Bush is Hitler....Obama is

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You will always find the hand of the Rothschilds behind each and every plot!  The French Revolution was a Rothschild plot against the King of France for wiping out the Knights Templar.   Every time their plot of Revenge comes back to the countries that oppose them.   Khazar Jews were behind the Knights Templar,  yet only French Nobles are mentioned as the Jews are kept out of Every plot that has them in it.

Well!  Unless we overthrow the Zionists and their many puppet Gentiles from office, the Human race won't  see another 8 years on this planet.  That will be all life wiped out here on Earth if we don't stop them, that includes Gentile Puppets and all Zionists too.  That is how insane the Cabal really is!

Aye ;)

Cheers H●ȴȴɣwͼͽd  Most people can't see what is right in front of them.   And if they can't, it will be Game Over for all of us.

Hitler was a Rothschild Vincent!  It was the zionists who placed the Torah Jews in the Camps because they opposed Zionism and a state of Israel.   It is only a very small number of Jews in Israel that don't go along with the Zionist agenda, the Majority of Israelis are hell bent on the Destruction of all Gentiles.  They believe in their warped minds that they are superior in every way, Just like the Nazis did as they were one and the same.   The top Nazis were Zionists posing as Germans and believing that they were superior to all others.

Thank you for your comment Ra!   The Desirable traits are not really desirable,  the Zionist do selective breeding of Zionist Psychopaths, that only creates more of those Parasitic Zionist Retards that are destroying all life on this planet!!  They are the Cancer on the Earth that needs to be remove where ever it is found.

Well, I guess the greatest lesson for humanity will be to realize that no one race, ideology or religion is superior over another. If there is to be a tomorrow (worth living), we will either learn this lesson well, or we'll destroy civilization and it's inhabitants. It won't be the first time this has happened. I would like to think that eventually... prevailing wisdom will overcome these challenges. If not, future history will be a repetitive motion doomed to repeat itself until we do.

"murderous dictators" tends to be the same people

Suharto = CIA (Zionists)

Jonas Sawimbi = CIA

Pol Pot = hardcode communism (communism created by the Rothschilds in the first place, then Pol Pot was supported)

Charles Taylor = CIA

Hi Not Mainstreamer!  You will always find the Disgusting hand of the Zionists behind every plot.  It is they who rob us with high taxes and Interest Debt, it is they who ferment all wars across the planet, it is they who create all the False Flag events that the world experiences.  It is they who control our military, our police, our Judicial System and our Governments! Until they are permanently removed from this planet, the world will never know Peace.

Neutralize it!!!  Especially if it is a Zionist Animal!

none are going deep enough....  we did not win the revolutionary war...we have been under British administration, owned by the Vatican.... read history. Here is a link to thorough and very well researched article by James Montgomery and introduction by the Informer.


"Destroying the New World Order"



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