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Thank you for your good wishes and the warning about corruption but could you please leave your personal belief in a mythical zombie rabbi out of this, it is NOT relevant, (unless you believe as I do that all religions are merely false control mechanisms utilised by the elite to keep us in line).

Dude, I'm all for free speech, but Terry is wishing everyone "Merry Christmas" as in Jesus Christ-mas. As has pretty much everybody else in this thread. It's right there in the effing title man. If you don't believe Jesus was the messiah, or a zombie rabbi (funny), or whatever, then that is fine. But there is no need to keep pissing on everybody else's parade. GIVE IT A REST!

I realise that it's commonly known as chwist-mass, i.e. a mass said for the poor departed soul of jebus the chwist but how many chwistians actually go to a mass at all? When I was a chwistian, I went to only two masses, one was a wedding and the other was a baptism. The hijacking of the winter solstice by chwistianity to help to subsume earlier religions is just another example of one false cult taking over from an earlier one. I can at least understand our ancestors wanting to celebrate the 25th of December as that is the first day on which the sun begins its return journey northwards towards summer and a release from the grip of winter. I cannot understand anyone wanting to celebrate the unbirthday of a mythical zombie rabbi, a person for whose existence there is absolutely no evidence, much less proof. Merry WInter Solstice everyone and a happy new year but lets keep religious beliefs in the home or the temple, synagogue, church, chapel, mosque, shrine or whatever, (you see, religion must be true as there are just so many to choose from. LOL)

Be respectful everybody! We all have an opinion that is truly unique. Please be considerate of each others beliefs. No one can dictate another, live by this and we will begin to evolve. Each to his own and understanding from the rest. Do not let TPTB separate us, one from another! This will prove to be the downfall of our fight. Come together as one and let true will reign. Open your box and see outside the window! It is truly an amazing thing to see.

Wow, you certainly believe an absolute load of utter rubbish. I never said I went to a catholic church. I said I only ever went to two masses, which were events to which my friends, who are catholics, (poor devils), invited me. I was raised in the church of Scotland. As for the rest of the incredible white supremacist bullcrap that you posted, it is simply pathetic wishful thinking CRAP! The loony god you worship, (I presume), is called 'yahwehwehweh' or some such pish. IsraEL is named after his fellow pantheon member 'El' the head of the pantheon. Other gods of that group included Baal and Asherah, who is cited as being either the consort of El or of Yahwehwehweh. Are you even aware of the true history of your silly cult and its imaginary god? Oh, and another thing, the time celebrated nowadays as 'chwistmas' was not invented by the Romans, it is much older than that empire. It is merely a celebration of the end of the winter solstice. The 25th of December is the first day after three days of immobility when the rising son begins to move back northwards and thus the days lengthen, heralding the still distant return of Spring. The rest of the guff you vomited forth sounds like something hilarious from 'The Book of Moron', (the collected mental dribblings of the convicted fraudster Joseph Smith). FFS grow up and get yourself an education, your idiocy is embarrassing.

Ah, sorry, I thought I could converse with you but you are far too nuts. Byeeee!

I second that, mystery. I'd just like to say there is truth in the Bible maybe some of it is fairy tale, but a lot of truth. You've only got to look at evidence  uncovered by Ron Wyatt, among his discoveries the remains or Lot's wife as a pillar of salt and the remains of Sodom and Gomorrah as well as the remains of the other three cities that burned that burned that fateful day Sulphur can be found deposited all over the 5 sites. there are Biblical stories that can be that can be backed up by surviving physical evidence. Even Noah's Arc has been found some 11 miles from where it was thought to be on Mt Ararat. Anyhow Peace, Love & Light to all good people, and screw those Illuminati bastards along with all there fucking puppets.

You can look at the made up nonsense spouted by the late unlamented bunkernut Ron 'Conman' Wyatt but all of it can be totally debunked and has been numerous times. Just Google "Ron 'Conman' Wyatt + (Idiotic subject he espoused) debunked" and you will find lots of websites created by REAL experts totally tearing his bullshit to shreds. The so-called Lot&s wife pillar is a naturally occurring salt deposit in a field of such deposits, it's not supernatural and, is in fact TOTALLY natural. The sulphur deposits found in the area are also NATURAL, nothing to do with sky fairies or godly thunderbolts striking down the ungodly, (hahaha). Despite all the broo-haha about the supposed finding of some bits of faked wood on a mountain, there is no proof WHATSOEVER that noah's ark ever existed and certainly none that a global flood ever occurred. As for the illuminati, or whatever label you care to place on the scum who are trying to increase their hold over our world, religion is part of their toolkit of control for the malleable masses so screwing them also means rejecting their fake religions that they have used to control and divide us for many centuries so yes, by all means SCREW THEM ALL!

Try the exodus. Israhellish scholars have scoured the desert for any sign of that silly forty year journey covering a distance that could be walked in a fortnight, no trace has been found. Try they slaughter of the first born of Egypt, no records anywhere. Try the loss to Egypt of hundreds of thousands of slaves and workers when the jews allegedly left, no mention. SOME things in the buybull existed or still exist, other aspects are pure fiction or allegory. The gospels have absolutely NO evidence to back them up WHATSOEVER!

Indeed, fully agree.

Prove to me that he ever existed and you will go a long way to showing the first tiny speck of a reason why anyone should follow the mythical 'lamb-chop of god'.


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