January 27th, 2012
Via: Bioedge:
Pregnancy and childbirth are so painful, risky and socially restrictive for women that public funding should urgently be directed to the development of artificial wombs. This is the only way to achieve true equality between men and women for then neither women nor men would then be limited by having children and the burdens of reproducing the species would be shared equally.
This is the radical suggestion made by a leading British bioethicist, Anna Smajdor, of the University of East Anglia.
Artificcial gestation, or ectogenesis, is currently science fiction, but it may be possible. Dr Smajdor believes that in a truly liberal society pregnancy and childbirth should not be tolerated:
Changes to financial and social structures may improve things marginally, but a better solution needs to be found. Either we view women as baby carriers who must subjugate their other interests to the well-being of their children or we acknowledge that our social values and level of medical expertise are no longer compatible with “natural” reproduction.
I suggest that there is a strong case for prioritizing research into ectogenesis as an alternative to pregnancy. I conclude by asking the reader the following: if you did not know whether you would be a man or a woman, would you prefer to be born into Society A, in which women bear all the burdens and risks of pregnancy, or Society B, in which ectogenesis has been perfected.
Check out the member blogs, videos, and discussions http://12160.info/
LOL, as if!
And they would dare to call us tin hat wearers. They wear the crown of the funnel http://www.hektoeninternational.org/Boschsstoneoperation.html
I dare say that medicine can help one to live longer, happier lives...but what is the cost?
Hows this...a world run by technocrats. This is an example of an egg head factory;
this is where technocracy started;
the point is this. My sis gave birth to 4 of Her children at home, all grew up big and strong and smart, just like their parents. These guys ought to shove their idea of corporate human hives, compleate with production line incubators and indrocrination centers strieght up their wazoo.
now watch this nightmare;
I guess we found Dr. Mengeles daughter. One twisted sick puppy
Oh look, it's the University of East Anglia again...
So Smajdnor is advocating the in vitro 'decanting' of infants in hatcheries - What a striking resemblance to Huxley's 'Brave New World' - 'Just a coincidence, nothing to worry about'
Take a look at http://www.annasmajdor.me.uk- in her own words, Smajdnor states:
I am a lecturer and researcher in biomedical ethics. My research interests are focussed on the ethical implications of innovation and research in all areas of the biosciences, including: new reproductive technologies; research ethics and governance; justice and resource allocation. My doctoral research, funded by the Wellcome Trust, was on the ethics of using artificial gametes in reproduction.
In 2010 I obtained funding from the Wellcome Trust to collaborate with film-makers Tom Lloyd and Tim Fleming on the creation of a 20 minute film. 'In Vitro' tells the story of a female scientist who, frustrated by finding her research hampered by regulatory restrictions, fertilises one of her own eggs with sperm manufactured from her bone marrow. Watch online.
In 2007 I published a book on ethical and regulatory issues associated with reproductive technologies (co-authored with Ruth Deech). The book is available from Amazon.
Current projects include a collaboration with artist Zoe Papadopoulou. 'Reproductive Futures', is an artistic interpretation of the ways that narratives of conception and reproduction will change with developments in reproductive technology.
Visit my projects page for more details about these collaborations.
Reproductive Futures is a collaborative project linking my interest in reproductive ethics, and artist Zoe Papadopoulou's innovative ways of exploring scientific developments through art. Funded by the Wellcome Trust (an Arts Award), the project involves the creation of artefacts that illustrate the changing narratives of conception and parenthood as new reproductive technologies emerge. Currently a work in progress, the project will culminate in an exhibition of a series of linked objects, images and texts.
The project's progress can be tracked on Zoe's website: http://zoeworks.co.uk/projects/reproductive-futures
This project is a collaboration between me and film-makers Tom Lloyd and Tim Fleming. The film was made with the help of a Wellcome Trust grant, and with the close co-operation of Karim Nayernia, a scientist working in the field of artificial gametes. Set 30 years in the future, the film follows the story of a pioneering scientist frustrated by regulatory restrictions, who creates artificial sperm from her bone marrow and fertilises her own egg, giving birth to a child formed from the genetic material of one adult.
The film is available for anyone to watch online, free of charge: http://www.invitrofilm.com/watch/
This project included the development of teaching resources for use in conjunction with the film. The teaching pack incorporates a wide variety of activities, which can be used and adapted as necessary by anyone who wishes to use it. These resources are available from the film's website at http://www.invitrofilm.com/resources/
The film In Vitro is a unique collaboration. Together, a team of film-makers, scientists and philosophers have created a gripping 20-minute film. Following the story of Rachel, a wilful, brilliant young scientist, the story is one of arrogance, human failing and uncertainty, played out in a world where science and technology have the power to fragment human lives and values. Rachel has managed to create ‘artificial sperm’ using her own bone marrow.
Eager to make her mark on the world, she fertilises one of her eggs with this artificial sperm. Against the odds, she has a child... but what sort of life will such a child lead? How will society respond to this seismic upheaval that redefines the very nature of parenthood?
The team behind In Vitro have designed and developed a special teaching pack to enable the film to be used in a variety of subject areas, including science, citizenship, English, Media Studies, politics and others. The aim of the film is to show viewers how technology may change the future, and to explore the questions that this raises. How can a sperm cell be “artificially” created? Can a woman really have a child using only her own genetic material? Is science always “neutral”? Is it wrong to “mess with nature”?
The film is suitable for viewers of around 12 and over. The activities provided in the pack are suggestions, and can be modified or altered at teachers’ discretion. We hope that you and your students find this material useful, engaging, and intriguing!
Whitewood & Fleming present a Dreamtime Film.
Developed with the support of University of East Anglia and Wellcome Trust.
Website & Identity by We Make Media.
The Wellcome Trust describes itself is a 'charity' and the largest non-governmental source of funds for biomedical research in the UK.
The Wellcome Trust- is essentially now GlaxoSmithKline (BIG PHARMA)
Indoctrination and acceptance of transhumanism and the idea that the family unit and natural birth is wrong and obsolete is now a very real threat, compounded by indoctrination propaganda such as the film above, aimed at pre-teens.
Then again, look into the past and you'll see that it's been planned for a very long time...
'Within the next generation I believe that the world's leaders will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience'
- Aldous Huxley, in a letter to George Orwell, 21 October 1949 - From: Huxley, Aldous (1969). Grover Smith. ed. Letters of Aldous Huxley. London: Chatto & Windus.
Just read your reply DTOM. Spooky shit, why watch scary movies when reality is much more horrific.
Daniel, reality is x100 scarier than anything Hollywood could produce.
The NWO have found folks like Smajdor to be a useful tool in the promotion of the articial autogamy/ Brave New World birthing/birth control agenda.
These fucktards want to control and manipulate everything.
What's in the water over in East Anglia? I've been there and thought it was such a quaint little village. Must have missed the evil lurking just below the surface. Let's hope she forgoes 'the burdens of reproducing' but fortunately the majority of women don't share her opinions.
Nikki, East Anglia comprises of the English counties of Suffolk and Norfolk (pr. Suff-ok and Nor-fok)
Well, Norfolk's alway had a reputation for 'inbreeding' ;)
Is it really just a coincidence that this is the same educational establishment that saw the Climategate expose?
I am a woman, and I gave birth to a lovely daughter. And I would not trade the joy of pregnancy for anything! This woman is insane.
It is found that infants have better immune development with mother's milk than anything Humans have devised. Better emotional development when loved and cradled in the arms of Their mother. And the hormones from a mother who is happy with the pregnancy affects very positively the foetus. The sound of the mother's voice and the gentle motions in the womb also have a positive effect.
Though some of the above can be simulated, I cannot imagine artificial motherhood ever matching the real thing. I do not oppose any woman who does not want to carry a child using a method such as this (though the resultant child will be at a disadvantage) - but I surely would oppose a mandatory requirement!
Having been present at all of my children's births and having delivered my oldest girl..I will say from a father's perspective, childbirth is probably one of the coolest events ever to experience.
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