Scottish academic encourages selling kidneys to pay off student loan debt

​Scottish academic encourages selling kidneys to pay off student loan debt - but says she would never do it, since she has money (of course)

By Madison Ruppert
Editor of End the Lie
It is no secret that student loans are treated as exceptional by the financial industry and governments. You cannot get out of your student loan debts through bankruptcy, unlike every other type of loan. Similarly, unlike other types of loans, those avoiding payments might find themselves looking down the barrel of automatic weapons brandished by a SWAT team. You might even find yourself in this situation if your estranged wife fails to pay up to the education mafia.


To make matters even worse for Americans, recently the Supreme Court decided that you do not necessarily have a right to a... when being charged with failure to pay debts. Instead, you will very likely be carted off to debtor’s prison without free legal counsel.

Luckily, a brilliant Scottish academic has solved these problems! Worried about being thrown in debtor’s prison or never being able to get out of a student loan that never paid off in any appreciable way anyways? Why not just sell one of your organs?

Sue Rabbitt Roff of the Dundee University has been campaigning for the legalization of organ sales in the UK. Currently, under the Human Tissue Act of 2004, it is illegal to buy and sell organs and tissues in the United Kingdom.
Roff, a senior research fellow at Dundee University’s Department of Medical Sociology argues that we should allow students “to do a very kind and generous thing but also meet their own needs”. I guess Roff has never weighed the possibility of restructuring the entire way student loans are issued or the concept of student loans themselves.

Instead of thinking about how we can alleviate the ridiculous debt burden placed on students attempting to get a now all-but-worthless college degree, Roff is advocating the legalization of organ harvesting. Personally, I would find this laughable if it was not so disturbing.
I think it is a clear indication something is horribly wrong with our society when giving up vital organs for cash is actually considered a viable way of paying off banking cartels.



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After the many documented cases of Jewish organ theft and black market trading in human body parts, we now have a Jewish academic advocating students selling their organs to pay for their crap education.

Family  members  that  do  not  honour  the  wishes  of  the  dying  by  the  donor  card  we  have  is  so  cruel!!  5  people  at  least  could  be  saved  with  donations  from  one  Brain  Dead  person.  What  good  are  the  organs  going  to  do  if  they  are  buried  or  cremated.  None.

Wake  up  Family  members  -  the  dead  are  speaking  out  for  their  rights  and  the  courts  are  behind  there  decisions!!  To  hell  with  Religion,  that  has  nothing  to  do  with  it.  Honour  the  dead  donour  and  their  decision  to  give  generiously... 

We  were  in  our  30's  at  the  time  and  finished  University.  Norman  being  older  than  I  had  a  lot  more  debt  on  his  plate  than  I  did.  He  became  a  Doctor  and  Father  and  was  struggling  to  make  ends  meet.  He  made  arrangements  with  a  bank  the  pay  off  his  student  loan  for  medical  services  and  small  monthly  payments;  meaning  the  bank  staff  could  got  to  him  for  health  related  reasons  at  no  cost.  This  was  in  New  Brunswick  and  I  went  to  a  wedding  there  and  we  met.  Small  world.  The  Bride  was  a  patient  of  his  and  in  New  Brunswick  you  could  ask  your  Doctor  to  your  wedding.  I  was  from  Toronto  and  in  Toronto  you  had  to  pay  1/2  of  a  year  in  advance.  That  way  the  University  was  sure  you  were  going  to  pay  up.  I'm  now  glad  they  did  that  because  my  loan  was  small  compared  to  other  Provinces.  What  they  do  now  -  I  don't  know.  Many  loans  back  then  went  unpaid.  And  that  was  hurting  the  financial  instituations  across  Ontario.  People / students  were  not  working  and  loans  went  unpaid.  Selling  an  organ  was  unheard  of.  My  view  is  that  it's  discusting  to  even  think  of  it;  just  to  pay  off  a  student  loan!!! 

Wow that is just disgusting. Not surprising that this idea is coming from an elitist who will most likely profit from this industry. And who is probably backed by research dollars of certain nations to push this idea into the mainstream.


But sadly this seems like an evolution for these banking cartels. Your house and your assests are not enough, we now need your organs.


What next?


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