Admitted Tests Since June Showed Ash Cloud Of Nuclear Radiation Cov...

[Image: cloudoffukushimanuclear.jpg]

Experts warn the ash cloud of nuclear radiation blanketing Eastern Japan and concealed by officials since June will soon rain down on the US And Canada.

As I previously reported a highly radioactive ash cloud of Fukushima nuclear radiation was raining down on Tokyo due to the insane approval of Japanese government officials to burn off nuclear radiation at local incinerators.

Nuclear Ash Cloud Of Radiation Raining On Tokyo From Burning Of Radioactive Fukushima Sewage Sludge

Cloud Of Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Raining On Tokyo From Incinerators Burning Radioactive Sewage Sludge
Independent scientists and local Japanese Government officials reveal that the burning of radioactive sewage sludge is contaminating the city of Tokyo with an ash cloud of nuclear radiation.

As I previously reported nuclear radiation is concentrating in the Japanese sewage systems and radioactive sewage sludge is building up all over Japan.

Radioactive Sewage Piling Up All Over Eastern Japan With No Plan For Disposal
Extremely Radioactive Fukushima Sewage Engulfs 65 KM Radius From Nuclear Plant Extremely radioactive sewage sludge is piling up at facilities in prefectures all over Japan as Government officials have remained silent for weeks about a plan to deal with the crisis.

As I previously reported, extremely radioactive sewage was detected in 19 out of 20 places tested at distances up to 65 kilometers from the Fukushima nuclear power plant.

As the sewage sludge continues to build up all over Japan, the Japanese government has authorized sewage sludge to be incinerated claiming the burning of the sludge would not cause radioactive contamination in surrounding areas.

However, test results, from both independent scientists and local Japanese government officials, show that burning of the highly radioactive sewage sludge at a Tokyo sewage plant is causing a cloud of nuclear radiation to rain down on Tokyo.

Despite the conclusive scientific data showing burning of the sludge is causing radioactive contamination the Japanese federal government is still allowing the incineration of the waste to continue.

Independent scientists performed testing which showed nuclear radiation raining down on Tokyo from incinerators that were burning radioactive sludge and other materials contaminated with Fukushima radiation. Since the test results were performed by independent scientists and only acknowledge by local officials, the media nearly outright ignored the test results.

Apparently, if you are a scientist not beholden to the nuclear industry you are automatically written off as some fringe lunatic who is trying to spark unnecessary fear and alarm in the public by spreading false rumors. It is exactly these type of “false rumors” which Japan is working so hard to scrub from the Internet.

Even worse, is while those scientists were regarded as alarmists while attempting to do nothing more than protect the public and save human lives, Japanese officials not only ignored their research but withheld the results of official government tests that began conducting in June which show the levels off radiation were much higher than the results of the independent scientists.

Not only were the officials tests much higher, but they also showed widespread contamination all over Easter Japan of levels all of which exceeded the recently increased safety limit of 8,000 becquerels per kilogram.

In fact, that even in the prefectures were lower levels of radiation were detected, which includes dust Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma and Tokyo, the radioactive dust covering the ground exceeds 8,000 becquerels per kilogram.

According to the Japan Times, the official government test also found the highest cesium levels in the nuclear fallout dust ranged from 95,300 becquerels in Fukushima Prefecture and 70,800 becquerels in Chiba Prefecture to 30,000 becquerels in Iwate Prefecture.

Salem News also quotes nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen Fukushima radiation has been found at 100,000 becquerels per kilogram in ashes and after burning household garbage levels up to 95,300 becquerels per kilogram have been found.

Arnie Gundersen also warns that the burning of substances contaminated with nuclear radiation not only presents a hazard to Japan, but will also directly affect the Canada and the United States.

“Burning that waste and with radioactive, rain will come down again upon their own people, as well as Canada and the U.S. They’re refusing to see the seriousness of this disaster and it’s making it worse.”, says nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen.

Arnie Gundersen has also said that once in the atmosphere nuclear radiation will continue to rain for at least a year afterwards.


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Replies to This Discussion

Boy ... this is terrible news. The impact of this exposure will be felt for generations to come...
Atmospheric dispersion of radionuclides from the Fukushima-Daichii nuclear power plant

The simulation was performed with a specific version of the numerical atmospheric chemistry and transport model Polyphemus/Polair3D. The parametrisations used for the
transport and physical removal of the radionuclides are described in [1,2,3,4].

The magnitude of activity concentration field is uncertain and could be significantly different from the actual one. In particular, the source term remains uncertain. Therefore, these results should be seen as preliminary and they
are likely to be revised as new information become available to
better constrain the source term and when radionuclides data can
be used to evaluate the model simulation results.


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