October 31, 2014
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
"We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq," Ma'ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events "swung American public opinion in our favor."
- Benjamin Netanyahu, quoted in Ha'aretz, "Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel", April 16, 2008
Source: "Controversial cartoon depicts Netanyahu as 9/11 pilot"
by J.C. Sevcik, UPI, October 30, 2014
Ha'aretz, one of Israel's leading newspapers, published a cartoon by Amos Biderman on October 30, 2014, depicting the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, as a terrorist pilot flying a plane into one of the towers of the World Trade Center.
Taken at face value, the cartoon indicates that Israeli intellectuals like Biderman are well aware of the findings of my 9-11 research, published in the Solving 9-11 set of books, i.e. that Netanyahu was one of the architects of the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11. It is well known that political cartoonists are able to broach difficult subjects before they can be openly discussed in the mainstream media.
The controversial Biderman cartoon showing Netanyahu as a terrorist pilot on 9-11 reminds me of the quotation of Arthur Schopenhauer: "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."
It seems to me that we have now reached the third stage of 9-11 truth: it is now self-evident that Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, Shimon Peres, Michael Chertoff, and a host of senior members of Israeli intelligence were the real architects and perpetrators of the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11.
October 28, 2014
My recently concluded tour of the West Coast of the United States and western Canada was a great success. I started out on the trip with just one invitation to speak before a group called San Diegans for 9/11 Truth, and permission to have a book table at the 9/11 Truth Film Festival in Oakland.
During the 6-week tour, however, I wound up speaking to audiences in San Diego, San Dimas, and Davis, California, before moving on to Portland, Seattle, Jasper (Alberta), Calgary, Denver, and Bountiful, Utah.
I also met many important people in the 9/11 truth movement and activists for Middle East peace and justice, such as Alison Weir of IfAmericansKnew.org and Gideon Atzmon. I was very fortunate to meet Jeff Gates, the author of Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit took America to War, and Greg Felton, author of The Host and The Parasite: How Israel's Fifth Column Consumed America. I was also very happy to meet Barbara Honegger in Portland.
I am very grateful to the many kind and generous people who helped me on this tour. A big thanks to those who helped me raise the funds to make the trip in the first place, and to those who helped me along the way. I am looking forward to doing another speaking tour in America this winter, probably in January/February.
If you would like me to speak at a Solving 9-11 truth event in your town, please contact me through Feedback on Bollyn.com.
My first speaking event of the tour was for San Diegans for 9/11 Truth. The video of this speech and the Q&A session that followed can be viewed on their website at: sd911truth.org/
or directly on YouTube at:
(Part I) youtu.be/AlwSwUpP5oU
(Part II) youtu.be/PhPwjJwVsq0
(Part III) youtu.be/J-6MHBeE8_E
(All photos by Mike Chickey)
9/11 TRUTH ENDS THE WAR - This sign says it all. San Diegans for 9/11 Truth have a monthly outreach in downtown San Diego near the USS Midway.
The outreach provides the public with facts and information about the deception behind the false-flag terrorism of 9/11.
The Solving 9-11 books are available during the outreach.
The author poses with some of the San Diegans for 9/11 Truth during their monthly outreach on Sunday, October 19.
FLAG OF HONOR - Christopher Bollyn and his son look at the names of the thousands of Americans killed on 9/11.
Source: All photos by Mike Chickey
Updated October 16, 2014
A video of my presentation in Jasper, Alberta, is now on YouTube.
Video Link - youtu.be/3ELuOtKRmcw
The Fitzhugh, a local weekly paper, covered the Solving 9-11 event in Jasper. The report by Trevor Nichols is online at:
Christopher Bollyn's Solving 9-11 book tour reached Canada's Jasper National Park on October 1, 2014.
Bollyn spoke at the Jasper Museum.
Bollyn hiking in the mountains near Jasper.
Jasper is the second largest town in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks and the only town in Jasper National Park. Jasper lies approximately 290 km (175 miles) north of Banff.
October 10, 2014
The Norwegian medical doctor Mads Gilbert worked in the hospitals of Gaza during the Israeli aggression during the summer of 2014. In this excellent 10-minute interview Dr. Gilbert discusses the criminality of the Israeli attacks and what it means to be defined "a terrorist" by the Israeli aggressors and occupiers in Palestine. This video is highly recommended viewing:
Dr. Mads Gilbert helping the wounded and dying in Gaza.
October 3, 2014
Do right and risk the consequences.
- Sam Houston (1793-1863)
I am currently on the road in America visiting 9-11 truth groups and meeting individual peace and truth activists. Your financial support helps make my efforts more effective. Thank you.
To donate by PayPal, send donation to:
or click on www.bollyn.com/donate/
A supporter in Geneva, Switzerland, wrote:
Thank you for your effort to expose the massive media coverup of the biggest crime in the history of the US;
Thank you for all you've done to prove Israel was behind most, if not all, the terror attacks that Muslims were being unjustly accused of.
You're more than a truth seeker; you're a truth teller and a truth holder.
A new supporter in Michigan wrote:
I would send a thousand times that if I had it, and I truly appreciate your leadership and courage in this cause. I only just recently developed a knowledge of your work, from some messaging go back and forth among local (SE Michigan, USA) AE911 cohorts. I wanted to use your quote here…
"The false narrative of what happened on 9/11 can no longer be supported or sustained by any reasonable person."
that was offered in one of these messages, and I had forgotten its source. So I located it in your excellent letter to the Pope, and did some browsing to catch up with who you are. Wow! You have really been through the wringer. Hats off a thousand times...
The following comment is from a donor in Canada:
Here is my philosophy on the fundraising. You need not feel uncomfortable about asking for funds. It is not charity in the normal sense of the word. Your supporters are funding a road to the truth. If our society's structures and systems (governments, banks, media, etc.) had not been hijacked by corrupt forces, then your work as an investigative journalist would be completely different. The mainstream would hold you in high esteem, and you would not be forced into exile.
You are a truth seeker and political refugee. Obviously my taxes are not paying for your work. So I'll just redirect my money where it should go - to the source of truth.
Enable the truth. Overcome your fears.
Support a truly independent investigative journalist.
Donate by PayPal at: www.bollyn.com/donate/
SOLVING 9-11 by Christopher Bollyn
"History rather than theory"
- G.H., Davis, California
Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World
or Solving 9-11: The Original Articles
are shipped to U.S. addresses for a donation of $20 (both books for $40).
Donate today by PayPal at: www.bollyn.com/donate/
My Solving 9-11 research and writing is of vital importance for Americans, and indeed all peace-loving people in the world, because understanding what really happened on 9-11 and who is behind it is essential to understanding the serious global problems we face today. To accept the deception of 9-11 is to be enslaved to a lie - a very dangerous lie.
* * * * *
"Mr. Bollyn, I thank God that there are still people in the world like you."
- S.J., Toronto, Ontario
"If 9/11 were carried out according to the official story, Britain's Home Office would not bother to detain you."
- S.S., Nairobi, Kenya
"To ignore evil is to become an accomplice to it."
- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King (1929-1968)
Wherefore I do beseech you all, for the love of our Lord God, that you do at all seasons hold by the Truth, and speak it, and embrace it.
- The last words of George Boleyn, May 17, 1536
He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral. Why? Because anger looks to the good of justice. And if you can live amid injustice without anger, you are immoral as well as unjust.
- St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)
I just stumbled on to your site on a day when hopelessness and depression abounds ... at least in my heart and mind.
Just wanted to say THANK YOU for standing your ground and telling the truth. And THANK YOU for all your hard work and personal sacrifices.
You are indeed an inspiration. It is people like you who renew my hope in the humanity and in what is noble.
All the best to you and your family.
- H.
Fear not the path of truth for the lack of people walking on it.
- Robert F. Kennedy
One person can make a difference and every person should try.
- President John F. Kennedy
Reality is an aspect of property. It must be seized. And investigative journalism is the noble art of seizing reality back from the powerful.
- Julian Assange, The Unauthorized Autobiography, Canongate Books, Ltd. (2011)
All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.
- Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
Notice the rise of the tide: Turkey, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, and Palestine. See how Allah is doing wonders - whether the Zionists like it or not. Notice how the tide is rising against Zionism? Your work is going to become mainstream in the near future. You are a pioneer with thoughts at their infancy. Very soon people will see you were right on from the beginning. Keep up the good work.
- A reader from the Middle East
Christopher Bollyn speaking at the first 9/11 Citizens' Grand Jury in Los Angeles, October 2004
One man is responsible for most of our knowledge of the Zionist connection to 9/11. That man is Christopher Bollyn, a pre-eminent investigative journalist. He wrote his first essay questioning the events of 9/11 on September 18th, 2001, just one week after the attacks.
- A. Scott Piraino, "Q & A with Christopher Bollyn", ThePopulist.net, 11 September 2011
I am always amazed at the details you manage to uncover, for your articles; they really are some of the best-researched on the Internet.
- Anthony Lawson, 9/11 video producer, Australia, 4 September 2011
How can it be that an American journalist is brutally attacked by undercover police at his home – in front of his 8-year-old daughter and wife, TASERed while restrained in handcuffs and unable to move a finger, with one 200-pound man kneeling on the temple of his head and another on his back, and has his arm broken – and not a single newspaper, television station, or journalist organization is concerned? This was just the beginning of the price I have paid for my writing about 9/11...
- Christopher Bollyn, "'Israel Did 9/11' - U.S. Military Expert Supports Bollyn Thesis", 3 April 2010
Bollyn and Andreas von Bülow (left) walking at Remagen on the Rhine River in August 2011.
I visited Andreas von Bülow, author of a best-selling book (200,000 copies sold) about the CIA and 9/11, at his home in Bonn in August 2011. Von Bülow, a former parliamentarian who oversaw operations of German intelligence, was the first political/intelligence expert I interviewed in November 2001 regarding 9/11.
Andreas von Bülow saw the devastation of Dresden as a child. His house was the last house on the edge of total destruction.
See: "German Intelligence Experts: 9/11 is 'Hollywood' Deception"(12 December 2001)
"German Intelligence Expert Refutes U.S. Version of 9/11" (9 January 2002)
Spiegel magazine, which Andreas told me is very hostile to his work and engages in a campaign of defamation against him, published a piece in English about him for the 10th anniversary of 9/11. It is"Questioning 9/11 - The Politician Turned Conspiracy Theorist".
* * *
Your work is my favorite, most reliable news source. I regularly challenge newspaper salesmen, students, and friends to read it and decide for themselves. Good on you! (Australian expression).
- W.G. in Australia, 28 July 2011
Great research! Articulated and argued brilliantly well. Thank you and best wishes!
- D.J. in Finland, 3 June 2011
* * *
What are you proud of? I am proud of my support for Christopher Bollyn. Why?
Mr. Bollyn is the type of person we should all strive to be. An investigative journalist, his moral standards, work ethic and personal integrity will not be compromised. His research and writing on 9/11 is a gift to all of us who love freedom and love the truth.
Our government, media, and our culture itself has become so infested with lies and liars that most of us are hard pressed to maintain any awareness of reality. Christopher Bollyn gives us a chance to see clearly what has happened to America - information we can use to reformulate our world view and guide our thinking as we attempt to cope.
I beg everyone to turn off your TV sets and take some time to study the writings of Mr. Bollyn, sharing his message with others as you see fit.
Thank You
- letter from an American, 13 May 2011
* * * * *
Some readers send comments. I received an interesting comment from an Israeli reader who said that my "conspiracy story" is "exactly the truth as written."
I liked your article, it is a nice conspiracy story, but in MY case it was exactly the truth as written. Nice to remember those old-times, when we did foolish mistakes... I certainly paid for my mistakes, but I am no criminal, just another unlucky Israeli.
- T.S. in Israel, 26 February 2011
Excellent. Excellent. Excellent work.
- J.A. in USA, 7 March 2011
You always have the deepest analysis of events. Keep up the great work.
- K.B. in California, 11 February 2011
Don't stop!!!
- F.B. in New Jersey, February 2011
"This is Chris Bollyn's website. He is the bravest and most persecuted reporter in America."
- Daniel, Silicon Valley, California
There is no better cause, in my opinion, than Bollyn.com.
- G.V. in the U.S.A.
Your research is superb. Thank you for being willing and able to name names and provide FACTS.
– G.F. in Texas
"Keep up the great work. You are truly without peer on 9-11 research."
- M.B. in New Mexico
The best way to find a specific article is to use the List of Articlesindex in the margin on the left. The index can be sorted by title or date and will bring the reader to the specific article. There is also a handy print friendly icon in the top right-hand corner of each article selected from the List of Articles.
* * * * *
Dear Mr. Bollyn:
Whether the events of 9/11 are as you suspect a Mossad operation or not, the population under the current government, will in all likelihood never know. After all, the truth regarding the assassinations of Gaius Julius Caesar and Abraham Lincoln are still being debated, and even when after many generations hidden truths are discovered as in the 1915 sinking of the RMS Lusitania and the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, the general population remembers only the “official version”. Behind all the smoke and mirrors of disinformation one thing however remains clear and that is the pernicious influence of the Zionists in the shaping of American policies, both foreign and domestic. Your lonely struggle and courageous willingness to openly question the influences that have done so much to shape policies since at least 1919 is a heroic effort which I therefore hardily applaud.
- L.A.S.
Il primo ricercatore è Cristopher Bollyn, giornalista investigativo...
(The first researcher is Christopher Bollyn, investigative journalist...)
- Paola Coppa, "La stampa indaga sull’11 settembre"
Il Democratico (Italy), Sept. 11, 2010
Bollyn's research is supported by his readers.
Please, donate today.
History, facts and truth are all Divine products, and must prevail.
- Charles A. Briggs
My research and analysis of 9-11 is very different from what you will find anywhere in the controlled mainstream media or alternative press. My 9-11 material will not be discussed in any of the 9-11 conferences or media coverage in the coming week not because it is incorrect or biased in any way. The only reason my 9-11 writings are not discussed in the media is because they get much too close to the truth, which is something nobody in the media wants to go anywhere near.
The American people are woefully deceived about what really happened on 9-11 and have become enslaved to lies, which is why U.S. troops are killing and being killed in Afghanistan and Iraq. The population of the United States is burdened by deception primarily because most Americans blindly trust in the cherished notion that they have a "free press". Trusting what they hear on television, Americans are terribly misinformed by the deception of the controlled media and press.
The American troops in Afghanistan are not waging war to protect the United States or to defend any American ideal. They are killing and dying in an evil war of conquest in a place few Americans had ever been prior to October 2001. Very few Americans understand why U.S. men and women are fighting in Afghanistan. It has nothing to do with 9-11 and everything to do with constructing a gas pipeline to carry Israeli-owned gas to India and China.
An American soldier in Afghanistan fighting for the Zionist agenda and its state founded on terrorism.
The controlled media is lying through its teeth to the American people just like the C.I.A., the F.B.I., and the so-called "elected" members of Congress and the U.S. government. Any person or agency who is party to deceiving the American people is clearly not on their side. These liars are the domestic enemies of the American republic. To deceive the people into sending their sons, husbands, fathers, and daughters to fight wars of aggression is criminal and treasonous.
My mission is to simply expose the deception in order to give the American people the information they need to protect themselves and their families. I need your help to do that. Please, contribute to Bollyn.com. Thank you.
"The fact that you are giving your book [Solving 9-11] away for free, which I'm sure you worked very hard at, is even all the more impressive. May your work enlighten everyone."
- R.W., professional flight instructor, USA
I saw your article on 9-11 in the Tehran Times yesterday and I was very impressed with your research. I had read about the Israel connection some time ago but after reading your article it put everything into perspective... [Noam] Chomsky and others have been writing about Israel for many years, but they are unwilling to really get to the heart of their activities like you have.
- Dr. C.J., Grand Junction, Colorado
"You are providing a unique and needed perspective on current events."
- V.G. in Massachusetts
The European press is much more honest than the Zionist-controlled press in the United States about Israel and its egregious act of piracy on May 31, 2010. Such critical perspectives and information about Israeli state terrorism are not found in the U.S. media.
Badness always manifests in destruction and corruption, while goodness always manifests in preservation and benefit.
- Socrates (469-399 B.C.) in Plato's Politiea (Republic)
My research and writings are available on this website thanks to the contributions of concerned citizens who donate to my work. Thousands of people visit my website, read, copy and repost my material. My recent article "How Ehud Barak Pulled Off 9-11" , for example, is currently found on thousands of websites -- but very few readers contribute.
The information and original articles found on my website are the result of years of research. You won't find such accurate and detailed information (and analysis) anywhere else, least of all in the controlled press of the United States. A recent editorial by veteran American journalist Alex Beam (Newsweek and Boston Globe) explains that the controlled press in the U.S. has a long history of publishing stories that are nothing but lies:
In Luce’s day, a cadre of gorgeous, brilliant women from the Seven Sisters colleges backstopped this modern-day rendering plant as fact-checkers. In the late 1970s, about half the fact-checkers were men, so in addition to pouring vodka I checked facts, a process that left me bleakly cynical about journalistic accuracy. We would publish whole stories that were lies — Francois Mitterrand’s plan to destroy the French economy was a recurring theme — but at least the names were spelled correctly.
- “Ye Olde Newsweek” by Alex Beam
HOW TO SUPPORT MY WORK - I am not compensated for my research and do not carry any advertising on my site, but my efforts take time and money. Support from my readers is what keeps this website going. If you find my work worthwhile, please donate to Bollyn.com today by clicking on the donation button in the left-hand margin or send a donation via PayPal (choose the "personal gift" method) tobollyn at bollynbooks dot com -- Thank you for your support.
Bollyn and Professor Steven Jones examine the evidence of Thermite in the destruction of the World Trade Center at B.Y.U. in the spring of 2006. Jones subsequently found large amounts of super-Thermite in the dust of the pulverized Twin Towers proving that the WTC had been exploded using a extremely advanced nano-composite of Thermite. This evidence proves that neither Osama Bin Laden nor the Taliban had anything to do with the pre-planned demolition of the three towers on 9-11. The government explanations for the cause of the three collapses are nothing but fabrications and lies.
In August 2006 I was brutally attacked at my home by three heavily-armed undercover police in an action that was instigated and co-ordinated by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the enforcement arm of the Zionist B'nai B'rith, the secret international order of Jewish Freemasons. In my case, the ADL influenced the police, the prosecution, the clerk, and the judge. What chance did I have to obtain justice in such a rigged and corrupt system? Although noticed by few, the pernicious influence of the ADL and the secret Elders of Zion affects all of us. The banning of all secret societies would have to be one of the basic tenets of any patriotic movement that aspires to "liberty and justice for all."
* * *
Each must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong, and which course is patriotic and which isn't. You cannot shirk this and be a man.
- Mark Twain
Who are the thousand--that is to say, who are "the Country"? In a monarchy, the king and his family are the country; in a republic it is the common voice of the people. Each of you, for himself, by himself and on his own responsibility, must speak. And it is a solemn and weighty responsibility, and not lightly to be flung aside at the bullying of pulpit, press, government, or the empty catchphrases of politicians.
"Support our Troops" is a high-sounding slogan designed to trick Americans into supporting unjust wars of conquest and occupation, much like the catchphrase "Our Country, right or wrong!" of the Spanish-American War of Mark Twain's time. There is nothing trivial about the cost of the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq - in treasure and lives.
Each must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong, and which course is patriotic and which isn't. You cannot shirk this and be a man. To decide against your convictions is to be an unqualified and inexcusable traitor, both to yourself and to your country, let man label you as they may. If you alone of all the nation shall decide one way, and that way be the right way according to your convictions of the right, you have done your duty by yourself and by your country - hold up your head! You have nothing to be ashamed of.
- Mark Twain, "Two Fragments from a Suppressed Book Called 'Glances at History' or 'Outlines of History' "
October 1, 2014
Video Link - youtu.be/sw4UDcmOqp4
Bollyn spoke at the Trinity United Methodist Church in Ballard on September 27.
Christopher Bollyn, the author of Solving 9-11, gave a speech in Seattle on Saturday, September 27. The event was held at the Trinity United Methodist Church in Ballard.
September 26, 2014
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