Mac Slavo
April 24th, 2013
Several days ago we posted a video depicting law enforcement officials forcing homeowners out of their residences at gun point as they searched for Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
Because the video was not an official, state-sponsored release through mainstream media channels, we were lambasted for publishing false information. Some readers via social media, our commenting forums and email suggested that nothing of the sort happened in Watertown, Massachusetts. They accused this web site, as well as (where we sourced the video), and other alternative media publishers of posting footage of an unrelated incident and summarily dismissed the shocking evidence.
For many, the notion that police, armed like military personnel, would raid homes in suburban U.S. neighborhoods with brute force and without regard for fourth amendment Constitutional protections such as warrants or probable cause, was something they simply couldn’t wrap their heads around.
Thus, alternative media was once again dismissed by many as peddling conspiracy theories.
So, for those who require their daily directives and talking points from ‘trusted’ mainstream media sources, we offer up a second video as evidence that not only did police and military personnel roll armored vehicles down city streets in America in a de facto state of martial law, but they actively entered the homes of hundreds of residences without permission, warrant or regard for the most fundamental laws of our land.
In traditional mainstream media style, note that the 7News reporter claims that as these dramatic events played out and the pattern was repeated “house after house”, the SWAT teams were actually “rescuing” residents who were hunkered down in their homes:
Each time the SWAT team would rescue a family at the point of a gun, they would rush into the home in an armed line, guns ready in case the suspect was hiding inside.
That’s what we’re calling it now… “being rescued.”
Video via Information Liberation, Blacklisted News
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Typical brain-dead morons. If two or three teenagers did anything remotely similar to what the militarized gangs did, those some idiots would not be praising them for "doing their jobs."
How pathetic.
Of course the media types will always show the compliant slave with the "they needed to scare the holy crap out of an entire neighborhood because you never know what terror lurks" nonsense.
Here's a nifty little thought: Arm yourselves. If all in that neighborhood were armed, then the possibility of the suspect hiding out in it would be next to nothing.
What a bunch of blockheads. And these same people will celebrate "freedom" this July 4.
These dolts will wave flags and kiss the jackboots of their masters.
Oh, and they apologized. HOW SWEET!
"doing their job"?? You mean terrorizing innocent people in a "search" for a patsy they already knew about. With virtual martial law and a no fly zone set up; it is very obvious they were hiding something fro the public eye. Instead of "hunkering down"; the people should have all been on their porches and sidewalks with cameras running the entire time.
The pigs saying that the "suspects" would shoot everybody in sight is laughable. Even if this wasn't a false flag; the bombing was the political statement being made. No one else was in harms way. Are you people in Boston really that stupid??? My advise to those who were run out of their homes by those FASCIST STORM TROOPERS is to very carefully inspect your dwellings for listening devices that will be used to round up more "terror suspects" who bitterly criticize the Stasi actions of the Boston PD in the privacy of their own homes. For those who own firearms: were they still where you left them when the PIGS kicked down your door WITHOUT A WARRANT??? For the ladies of the house: was your jewelry still where you left it? ALL OF IT? Were any of you sheeple stupid enough to leave any cash in the safe?? it don't matter if it was locked. They know how to get in. For those of you "preppers"; you can be sure they placed listening devices in your homes. Because most PIGS are sexual deviants: start looking in your bedrooms.
The only ones who should be applauding those creeps would be closet fascist minions who are not intelligent enough to realize they garner no favor from the dictatorship, They are usually the first to be trampled on because they are considered so stupid to be an embarrassment to the junta.
Welcome to the third world banana republic of the USSA where "freedom" rings a hollow as a rabbis head!
this shows how stupid sheeple are--they were not doing their job--their job is not kicking down doors and forcing occupants out--this is not Nazi Germany--
a warrant was necessary and they should pay hugely for violating rights of the people--this was not authorized martial but a de facto action that should be paid for with huge fines and jail time for the police-
one 19 yr old dirtbag doesn't require a damn army to arrest or find--
this is how it started in germany in 1939--the courts must put an end to these "lockdown actions", the kid would have been caught soon enough- there were no bombs just lies to make it seem worse--one day they will encounter a trained sleeper cell and swat will get their asses handed to them by real bad guys-
my only thought is which side i want to be on, thats a real tough question seeing the gestapo in action.
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