FBI agent Peter Strzok said "foreign actors" accessed Hillary Clinton's emails, reveals memo

Peter Strzok, an FBI investigator who worked on special counsel Robert Mueller's federal Russia investigation, said in a May 2016 email that it was known that "foreign actors" had access to emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

A House memo prepared by House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., and Oversight Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., and obtained by Fox News, said Strzok's email to FBI executives said, “it is more accurate to say that we know foreign actors obtained access to some of [Clinton’s] emails (including at least one Secret one) via compromises of the private email accounts of some of her staffers.”

When information is deemed “secret,” it is considered to be a high level of classification.

Such a claim goes further than the one made by former FBI Director James Comey in his July 2016 public statement about the case.

Comey acknowledged Clinton used her personal email while abroad, including “in the territory of sophisticated adversaries,” but dismissed the idea of foreign powers hacking into Clinton's emails server. He also said, "We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial email accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account.”

In the email discussed in the House Judiciary Committee’s memo, Strzok also mentioned that it was "too strong" to say that "'hostile actors'" likely gained access to Clinton’s emails and asked for the wording to be changed.

A DOJ inspector general report is due Thursday afternoon with an assessment of the DOJ and FBI's investigation into Clinton's emails.

Strzok and fellow FBI official Lisa Page were outed last year for having an affair and sending messages that were critical of President Trump to each other, despite their roles in the federal probe into Trump and Russia. Strzok and Page, both of whom worked on special counsel Robert Mueller's federal Russia investigation, exchanged text messages about how they would "stop" candidate Donald Trump from becoming president, the IG report is expected to show.


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