FLASHBACK: Same pamphlets in Ukraine handed out during protests in Egypt: US NGO Uncovered

The title says: Necessary clothes and equipment (or instruments)

The picture on the left is a pamphlet that was handed out during Tahrir Square protests in Egypt. Here is a full page doc on this picture (and higher res picture of the Egyptian pamphlet): http://publicintelligence.net/egyptian-revolution-protest-manual-how-to-protest-intelligently/

Here is another person holding same pamphlets together: http://zarodinu.org.ua/pics/ukraina.egipitskiy-scenariy.jpg

And here is the english version of this pamphlet: http://holykaw.alltop.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/20729863-media_httpfarm6static_bAeAu.jpg


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Comment by truth on February 19, 2014 at 4:50pm
Comment by Frances Farmer on January 25, 2014 at 8:33pm

US ‘Will Stand With the People of Ukraine’ – Kerry

(Because of course)
WASHINGTON, January 24 (RIA Novosti) – US Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday reiterated the United States’ support for Ukrainian protesters and said Washington is working with its allies and top officials in Kiev to halt the violence between security forces and government opponents.

“We will stand with the people of Ukraine,” Kerry said in a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

Kerry added that the United States is coordinating with its allies in efforts to resolve the situation peacefully.

“We are working with our partners to press the government of Ukraine to forego violence, to address the concerns of peaceful protesters, to foster dialogue, promote the freedom of assembly and expression,” he said.

Dozens of protesters and riot police have been injured in the surge of violence that that enveloped the capital Kiev this week after Ukraine’s government enacted laws severely restricting protests.

Authorities have confirmed that two protesters have been killed in the unrest, while the Ukrainian opposition claims at least five protesters have been killed.

Kerry said that shortly before he took the podium Friday, he received messages from US diplomats on the ground in Ukraine who are working with Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych “to try to achieve calm and help move in this direction in the next days.”

In a bid to ease tensions in the country, Yanukovych announced Friday that Ukraine’s parliament next week would consider pardoning detained political activists and reshuffling the government’s top ministers.


Comment by Vincent VonDoom on January 23, 2014 at 7:18pm

If we trade so much and so much wealths been create by the west then why are we bankrupt? do rember what why the soviet union collapsed? Well it's america turn. I really don't even nkow what is holding this country up other then hot air and lies.

Comment by Frances Farmer on January 23, 2014 at 5:56pm


I imagine the protests are about much more than what they started out being about. But nonetheless the original  purpose still remains an opposition to the govt not signing a trade agreement with the UK in favor of similar, and what the govt says is better, agreement with Russia.

I understand the peoples desire to join the hoopla and cool shit, wealth and everything else associated with the last40- 50 years and the West. There has been more "wealth" "created" by the West in that time than was otherwise generated (a more old school term, but still fruity) over the last 200. 

But I think a wise look into the economic outlook for resource rich but otherwise stagnant countries economically tethered to the West, with TPP coming up (serious sovereignty issues), and a hot political climate- a growth to sustainability ratio comes out favoring not signing that particular agreement with the UK. Thats my personal assessment that is worth half a stale donut. Maybe less because it supports the position of a govt.... eesh.

The Ukraine does trade with the UK/West and TPP designates already on a such a scale that the govt has not and will not come out and tell the people specific reasons for not signing the UK agreement. Just that Russian agreement is overall better. That Russia has been a good friend in the past. That in itself is pretty telling.

I've read that the initial front has all but been co-opted by a radical opposition comprised of shitheads that have been around for years, encouraged perhaps by some outside. Who knows. As it is though, this is playing out as a textbook example of how opposition movements (politically neutral term) lead to something other than revolution (historically and politically positive term to be applied or refuted at several time point in the future.)

Popular change is even harder. Thats why there isn't much of it. Even more so when its strategically(un/misinformed) and/or substantively (ethically/morally) flawed in some way from the outset.

Comment by Vincent VonDoom on January 23, 2014 at 5:01pm
Comment by Citizen Quasar on January 23, 2014 at 4:18pm

Thank you very much for bringing this to my attention. The same diagram with the same text underscores the truth of the article.

Comment by guest_blog on January 23, 2014 at 3:41pm

CANVAS: The Belgrade US-Financed Training Group Behind the Carefully-Orchestrated Kiev Protests

The recent protests in Ukraine have the stench of a foreign-orchestrated attempt to destabilize the government of Viktor Yanukovych after he walked away from signing an EU Association Agreement that would have driven a deep wedge between Russia and Ukraine. Glamor-star boxer-turned political guru, Vitaly Klitschko, has been meeting with the US State Department and is close to Angela Merkel’s CDU political machine in Germany. The EU association agreement with Ukraine is widely resisted by many EU member states with deep economic problems of their own. The two EU figures most pushing it—Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt and Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski—are both well known in the EU as close to Washington. The US is strongly pushing the Ukraine EU integration just as it had been behind the 2004 failed “Orange Revolution” to split Ukraine from Russia in a bid to isolate and weaken Russia. Now Ukrainians have found evidence of direct involvement of the Belgrade US-financed training group, CANVAS behind the carefully-orchestrated Kiev protests.

US NGO Uncovered in Ukraine Protests

"Destroying the New World Order"



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