"A man is none the less a slave
because he is allowed to choose
a new master once in a term of years."
Lysander Spooner
This quotation was made by Lysander Spooner in his book, The Constitution of No Authority (Boston: 1870), p. 28. It is as true today as it ever was then. Mr. Spooner grew up during a time in history where the Voting System was completely rigged by the Electorate and gangs were employed at every polling station to either intimidate the voters or to prevent any sort of honest or open elections. This has been the face of politics in America since it's founding, and only new systems of thievery and ingenious forms of chicanery have evolved since then.
In another quote from James Condit Jr. at
 "In a rare but superb news story on the eve of the 1988 Presidential election, Dan Rather (CBS Evening News) engaged in this exchange with computer expert Howard J. Strauss of Princeton University:


Rather: "Realistically, could the fix be put on in a national election?"

Strauss: "Get me a job with the company that writes the software for this program. (ed: Strauss was referring to the most common computer program in use) Then I'd have access to one third of the votes. Is that enough to fix a general election?"


In a story just published by Bev Harris at Black Box Voting that even if you were actually allowed to vote, and not dead already and voting, or black and voting but not allowed because you were mistaken for a felon, then...the new scheme is re-districting.


"(TN) 7/12 - HOW REDISTRICTING MISMANAGEMENT DESTROYS VOTING RIGHTS - Shelby County is currently enduring yet another botched election -- perhaps the worst one yet. Under Election Administrator Richard Holden's misleadership, this time thousands of voters are being disenfranchised by giving them the wrong ballot, a result of administrative foot-dragging on redistricting-related database updates.

Based on tips I have been receiving from several US locations, precinct boundary changes caused by redistricting will be bollixed in multiple jurisdictions across the USA in November. Some -- like Shelby County -- will be of strategic importance.


According to Wikipedia a protest vote "is often considered to be a clear sign of the lack of popular legitimacy and roots of representative democracy, as depressed voter turnout endangers the credibility of the whole voting system" (
 Although I may disagree with Wiki about democracy, since this country was founded as a republic, then I shall let that go for now. The Point is this. When you are only given the chice between the lesser of two evils, then there is no Choice at all! When you go to vote, and thru all the rigging, redistricting, the vote box fraud, and then throw your personal sovereignty away to justify the latest Dictator Du Jour, (Obammy or Mittney), then what has been accomplished? How many times have you heard the tired old line, "Aww shut up. You voted for him." Whether you did or not is superflous, for by voting, you have given legitimacy to the Regime Du Jour.
I am all about a "VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE" in the whole system, and shall not sacrifice my personal sovereignty, my ideals, my liberty to a system that is corrupt to it's very core.
I leave you with one last quote to put things into persepective, and I urge you to investigate and research in depth all the issues I have brought forth before making your mind up, one way or another. The time for snap judgments are over, and the time for peaceful resistance and having our voices truly heard, once and for all.
"The Rothschilds, and that class of money-lenders of whom they are the representatives and agents -- men who never think of lending a shilling to their next-door neighbors, for purposes of honest industry, unless upon the most ample security, and at the highest rate of interest -- stand ready, at all times, to lend money in unlimited amounts to those robbers and murderers, who call themselves governments, to be expended in shooting down those who do not submit quietly to being robbed and enslaved."

Lysander Spooner



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Comment by truth on November 14, 2012 at 12:14pm

AZ woman runs down husband with car for not voting against Obama

An Arizona woman, in despair at the re-election of Democratic President Barack Obama, ran down her husband with the family car

Comment by truth on August 25, 2012 at 1:51pm

2012 US Elections: Obamney vs. Rombama

Saturday, August 25, 2012 10:19 AM
Tony Cartalucci | People realize something is wrong, and that something needs to be done.
Comment by guest_blog on August 21, 2012 at 1:21pm
Comment by Nathan on August 5, 2012 at 9:31am
“There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” H.D. Thoreau
Comment by wade on August 5, 2012 at 7:13am

I have not voted since 2000.  Now, as the turds get even uglier with each passing day the thought of picking the least repulsive boggles the mind. Non participation at every opportunity seems to be the only non violent alternative to participating in this giant farce.     

Comment by Michael Clair on August 5, 2012 at 3:58am

I do appologize for my part in that, however my frustration arrises from this plan not having any desirable results and most likely losing a lot. There was nothing offered to back up the arguements, and no response to my arguements. So I rather feel it is justified to call it illogical.
Correct me I am wrong but these are your arguements for your plan: 
"When you go to vote, and thru all the rigging, redistricting, the vote box fraud, and then throw your personal sovereignty away to justify the latest Dictator Du Jour, (Obammy or Mittney), then what has been accomplished?"
"shall not sacrifice my personal sovereignty, my ideals, my liberty to a system that is corrupt to it's very core."
A) Voting system is Rigged so they will make up whatever vote count they want?
B) Two party system makes you vote for one of two evils?
C) You would sacrafcice your values by voting?
D) Your fed up?

Am I missing something?

Comment by Freedomrox on August 5, 2012 at 3:20am

None are so blind as those that refuse to see.


Take heart, at least you tried, as we all have at one time or another....

Comment by Tara on August 5, 2012 at 2:35am

Thanks Freedom and Troy... it's lonely on this road of spreading the NO CONFIDENCE PARTY platform.

Man, I just wish that some would be a little nicer around here for those with a differing opinion, but alas.

Vote No Confidence in 2012

Comment by Freedomrox on August 4, 2012 at 11:37pm

Mr. Harper Valley PTA member,


I regret to inform you that your membership has been cancelled with the PTA. We here in Harper Valley consider ourselves to be honest and true and do not wish to associate with people who disassemble and thusly call that "logic".

Our position is clear. Since we do not have a Parliament in America and cannot therefore present a bill of Vote of No (or non) Confidence, and the only other procedure would be to vote for someone without any chance of winning just to show our "displeasure" with the candidates set forth, then We The People of Harper Valley have come to the conclusion that 'no choice' voting breeds calamity and misunderstanding.

In an effort to redefine the discourse between We The People of Harper Valley, USA and the United States, Inc. (copyright), and not to show our mild 'displeasure' with the current political process, but to speak loudly and with one voice that; We The People of Harper Valley will no longer TOLERATE the subversion and long train of abuses that have been visited upon us! Short of full blown revolution, then we have decided upon a course that takes the greatest strength of all and resist the temptation to legitimize our own enslavement by useless and corrupt 'Voting' and have called for a "NO VOTE" campaign....


Since you have shown any lack of understanding, nor have the open mindedness to accept new paradigms, then We The People of the Harper Valley PTA must ask you to resign your position here, until such time as reason and civic responsibility may be impressed upon you. That part is entirely up to you, sir and We The People of Harper Valley USA wish you good luck and long life in your endeavors.



Harper Valley PTA, USA

Comment by Michael Clair on August 4, 2012 at 10:33pm

True believers in Liberty? Way to stick up for those who are trying to becons for it.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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