In 2009 only 45.4% of the population was paying tax. Of that number a very small percentage, 10%, were paying 45% of the taxes. These numbers came from the Federal Reserve. The top 10% earners were paying another 35% with the rest of the middle and poor paying the rest. One might think that it was only unemployment that was responsible for that incredible disparity. The truth is that entitlements and government mismanagement of federal fiscal measures were the culprit.

IRS figures from 2008 reveal even more questions about government fiscal irresponsibility and the fact that more taxes will not pay the deficit. If the IRS confiscated 100% of the income generated by our population some 900 billion this would not even put a realistic dent in Obama’s 1.4 trillion dollar budget. The simple and undisputed reality is that the federal government has so irresponsibly handled the national budget that Americans can in no way give away enough of their income to bail out the government!

As I said in a prior article in 1986 during the Reagan era, economists had already determined that not only did income tax not pay for the federal government, but that no matter how much tax was assessed there could never be enough money to run the government on income taxes.

Now consider entitlements, money given away in social programs for welfare, food stamps, subsidies, illegal immigrant assistance, and more. Our Democrat leadership not only refuses to cut this type of spending but wants to increase it. Where is sanity? Why don’t we let Congress and the Senate contribute their salaries to pay the federal budget? It seems that they are all too willing to continually increase spending while demanding that all of us can keep coming up with more and more of our hard earned cash to pay for their idiotic fiscal management?

For those of you who think that we do not pay enough tax, who think that we ought to tax the rich even more, I have a thought. Taxation is not the answer. It kills economic growth, it robs people of spending money to support their families and have expendable income that would stimulate the economy by funding retail business. Take the income away. Burden and punish the population with crippling tax burden and you wreck society. You who believe tax is the answer have been brainwashed by the mainstream media who has delivered that message to you while upholding the Obama administration’s horrendous assault upon the US economy. CBS received a 757 million dollar bailout. For what? So, they will continue to parrot the flawed message of the Obama administration’s socialistic agenda that will bring about the day that you and I are working only to support the government and to pay for all the charity that has been given for political leverage to those who are foreign and not US citizens, welfare dependents, food stamp recipients, and all the other handouts encouraged by the Democrat lawmakers who would destroy our economy even faster if there was no opposition to their insane fiscal policy?

The time for blindly and stupidly listening to the propaganda of the main stream media as it perpetuates the myth of federal government wisdom is gone. President Obama proposes more IRS auditors armed with shotguns. The President wants Americans to spend more for gas and utilities to force us to accept less while we pay more in order to curtail our quality of life. Why? This is the typical motive of Communist dictatorships who destroy competition, destroy capitalism and free markets, and destroy incentive for those who work harder and contribute more to society. In short, as burdensome income taxes continue to erode buying power, cause economic decline, and make it harder for you to support your loved ones, you are also losing your freedom.

Is this what you want? Is this the way to run a government and a country? Of course it’s not! The redistribution of wealth is a myth, a falsehood, it is the basis for economic failure, it is a recipe for disaster and even revolution. This myth has been used to create every Communist society on the face of this earth that starves its population from North Korea to Red China after Mao defeated Chiang Kai Chek and the Nationalist Party of China driving them into Taiwan.

Is this what the federal government wants? Squeeze the population so hard, restrict their freedoms in such draconian fashion that out of frustration and despair the citizens rebel? Is this a Constitutional solution to dealing with a government who is out of control and unresponsive to the needs of the people? No!

Maybe the federal government wants an excuse to declare martial law. The excuse would be a perfect solution to an angry society who is tired of being bullied, oppressed, and lied to.

Let me ask all of you big government supporters of big regulations, big taxes, and less quality of life for Americans who must sacrifice to support their unjust bureaucracy? Is this what America is all about? Is this what you call freedom? Is this what children who never had a chance to make a choice about their lives deserve? Is this what your parents deserve in their golden years after contributing to society all their lives as responsible citizens, that they should pay tax on income that they have been charged tax for all their lives (Social Security). Now when their bodies are broken should they have to go out and work because the cost of living exceeds their retirement income, and that people must work longer and longer into their old age before having any chance of retirement?

This is what you liberal idiots have done to American society. You have enabled a liar and a charlatan like Obama to plunge America into the worst economy and prospects for future growth and prosperity thanks to arrogant handling of fiscal policy. It goes much further than that as our Constitution remains under attack. The supposed recovery of the US economy will be stamped out by the inept handling of economic policy by Obama’s socialist administration as apathetic and unconcerned Americans who cling to the lies of our mass media.

What does it take for the people to act? What will get people to wake up and see beyond the lies of the federal government? How bad does it have to get people?

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Comment by Doc Vega on September 12, 2012 at 7:10pm

Rick I know what's going on and who is orchestrating it. So what's your point? Obama has to go I don't care if he's a puppet or not. You think you're more enlightened than me? I've been writing and investigating since 1993 and I try to inform others. Wow what do you do?

Comment by Rick Lawrence on April 18, 2012 at 9:46am

What does it take to realize even people that are "awake" are really just in another false paradigm as yourself to believe the puppet president Obama really has control of things such as the economy? It does not matter who is president.

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