Remember the 2009 H1N1 hoax? Get ready for real Ebola 2012 *Update* Ebola Fears in Kenya


Bazi Kanani
ABC News
July 30, 2012

The president of Uganda is calling on people in the East African country to avoid physical contact, including handshaking and kissing, to prevent the spread of the deadly and highly contagious Ebola virus that is believed to have killed 14 people in the last few weeks.

The disease has no known cure or vaccine and some strains can kill up to 90 percent of victims within days. Ugandans are so fearful of the disease that residents in Kibaale province where the outbreak was reported said that people immediately fled the hospital after hearing patients with Ebola were there.

In a nationally televised speech today, President Yoweri Museveni said health officials are working to contain the disease to the rural district where the outbreak was confirmed Saturday, but at least one of the suspected victims was taken to a hospital in the capital city of Kampala. Now, nearly two dozen medical workers at Mulago Hospital are being held in isolation.

Read full article

Officials: Ebola breaks out in Uganda

By RODNEY MUHUMUZA, Associated Press– 2 days ago

KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) — The deadly Ebola virus has killed 14 people in western Uganda this month, Ugandan health officials said on Saturday, ending weeks of speculation about the cause of a strange disease that had many people fleeing their homes.

The officials and a World Health Organization representative told a news conference in Kampala Saturday that there is "an outbreak of Ebola" in Uganda.

"Laboratory investigations done at the Uganda Virus Research Institute...have confirmed that the strange disease reported in Kibaale is indeed Ebola hemorrhagic fever," the Ugandan government and WHO said in joint statement. MORE>>>(AP)


New Ebola Fears in Kenya

"man suffering from hemorrhagic fever symptoms in Elderot has experts on alert."


TLS- This has the potential to get bad especially if the globalists want it to...

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Comment by Spydaman13 on October 2, 2014 at 8:44pm

fear based mind control

Comment by Tara on October 2, 2014 at 6:17pm

*Flashback* post

Comment by guest_blog on August 20, 2012 at 3:28pm
Comment by Tim Kelly on July 31, 2012 at 6:03pm

Ebola outbreaks were recorded in Uganda in 2007 and 2009 with one case last year too, they have experience, so I am wishing and praying for containment for the sake of Uganda.. I would suggest that MMS or Miracle mineral solution would be another good standby and would love to be able to visit Uganda and take some there to see if it could actually save some people..not everyone dies, some manage to fight this disease and live on, so if that is possible there, then we all have reason to have hope of survival should we ever encounter it. I would not at this stage start to worry about it travelling as victims generally die or survive within 4 days and the outbreak is in a village...but at the same time I would advise anyone to have a stock of MMS and Colloidal silver, grapefruit seed extract (natural anti-biotic for milder problems, great for mouth ulcers and general parasites) to ensure they can topple effects of infections/disease.. MMS is showing strides in reversing vaccine autism with around 20 children so far being recovered. Not to be taken lightly though unless you are very well informed on this med as it is so far humans that are doing the testing on themselves..having said that, it cured 80,000 cases of Malaria in Africa before the medical profession stopped Jim Humble from curing people of what they can't. Guess it makes them look bad...

Comment by D.M. Simonds on July 31, 2012 at 12:37pm

Stick this in your prepping supplies:

I purchased the whole package and will be purchasing another one to have replacement parts for everything. As a long time user of silver water, this is truly the best of sw generators I've ever used. Don't rely on the coming Illuminate eugenicist Health Taxation to save your bacon.

So sayeth a former nurse who left the medical establishment lies behind.

Today I write about them.

Comment by Robert Carobene on July 31, 2012 at 12:01pm

This is real scary to say the least!

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