Through my interaction with many people of Jewish background, I began to notice that many amongst them have been conditioned and psychologically indoctrinated to think in terms of “us, and the world“.
The nature of the state of connectedness between them and the world is defined from a very young age in an unhealthy terms, thus as they grow older, the dynamics of this twisted relationship takes a very peculiar slant, an unbalanced bondage between an innocent persecuted perpetually victimised minority and a hostile, ruthless, hateful world collective.
The manifestation of ”us and them” mentality appears in beliefs and thoughts like:
- They are an endangered species if they don’t aggressively and exclusively work to preserve their “race”, they will end up extinct,
- There is a holocaust around every corner awaiting to exterminate them to the point of total annihilation,
- Their “core Jewish values” are supreme set of morals unmatched by others, it contains nothing but good,
- They are, for whatever inexplicable reason (genetic/nurtured for the secular and miraculous/ divine, for the religious) “smarter” and more successful than others,
- Their “financial success”, their “intelligence” and their “achievements” made them subjects of envy, hatred and jealousy thus persecution throughout history,
- Throughout history people rejected them and ghettoised them against their wishes,
- This vendetta of the world against them calumniated in the catalytic event of the holocaust, which was the worst crime humanity has ever seen, has pushed them to stick together, choosing “Never again” as their inspirational motto shared by all,
- Thus fighting antisemitism and affirming the narrative of their rabbinic establishment about their “history of persecution” is a prime priority surpassed by none, it is the only way to “prevent” the upcoming holocaust,
- They have to be permanently on guard, vigilant and alert to pick up the slightest sign of “antisemitism” and to catch it and kill it before it hatches,
- They are a tiny minority having to survive in a sea of hatred, wherever they are, thus every member and his/her efforts count,
- The global Jewish communities are innocent victims used by imperialism and Zionism and not supporters, enablers and alibis of the “Jewish state” and its crimes,
Having lived almost my entire life in forced exile, psychologically and emotionally strangled by the occupation of my Homeland, observing only an intensification of their crimes, and having being at the receiving end of an artificially-generated, Zionist-fomented Islamophobia, this absurd claim and mantra “the world is antisemitic and hates us with no reason” began to really annoy and enrage me, for it is an incredibly skewed perception reality, of oneself and of the world.
Such perception reeks of anti-human, actually of human-loathing sentiments, for its hidden connotations indirectly accuse humanity of pure evil, irrationality and stupidity combined, consequently makes-believe that they are way better than such “infantile human race”, superior in their morality and intellect, for they don’t stoop to such lows of “irrational hatred”. Thus, by this assumption about the existence of an innate hatred of Jews in the human condition, they set themselves morally apart and above the rest of mankind.
After many years of studying Jewish ideology, I came to believe that such perception of world hatred is nothing but projection. It is in fact a concealment for the inadequate and troubling feelings which may arise when they read the anti-human deluge in many of their sacred books and when they listen to Torah’s Commander-in-Chief teaching them that gentiles only exist to serve Jews.
In order to justify and explain away the supremacist hate-filled books about the “inherent evil” and the “inferiority” of the gentiles, compared to those who are “chosen”, they find solace and easing of conscience by accusing gentiles of irrationality and unfathomable ”Jew-hatred”. Consequently -except for the brave few, they NEVER EVER find the courage, modesty or decency to look in the mirror and question the racist and supremacist ideology glaring and screaming at any objective observer. Never having the honesty and sincerity to reevaluate their deeds through which they either actively or passively support a criminal genocidal entity (except for the few, who then get accused of self-hatred, ostracised and persecuted).
Like spoiled little brats, who got used to getting their own little way, to do what they want and bully whomever they want, without ever being held accountable, they shout, scream and throw a tantrum whenever they are told off or confronted with truth.
STOP getting hysterical, shouting antisemitism at every genuine criticism
START looking within, reflecting and thinking
Tough inner journey has to be undertaken to eventually help those who search for truth and to enable them to see the perceptive of the gentile outsider, mixed with a little bit of empathy and humbleness, i.e putting themselves in the shoes of the “non chosen” for a little while and try to see the world from that perspective:
Those who refuse to look within, reject making this painful journey, clutch to layers of indoctrinations, and ignore serious questions of the self, as to why do they behave in such an irrational, stiff and reactionary manner when Jewish ideology is brought to table, and why do they want to keep such ideology beyond the boundaries of discussion ;
Those who refuse to shake their super-sized ego and look it in the eye, feeling snug and satisfied with their own fixated views and rejecting the idea that there might be different views out there;
Those who continue to chase phantom ghosts outside their own selves, thinking that doing so would ease their fear of the “upcoming holocaust” and would slay the ogres of “antisemitism” infesting the imagination of their indoctrinated childhood;
They are hugely mistaken.
Congressional Gold Medal (brass replica) awarded posthumously to Rabbi Schneerson in August 1994. The legend on the obverse reads “Benevolence Ethics Leadership Scholarship” in English, and “To improve the home” in Hebrew.
Antisemitism is the idea held by non-Jεws, that Jεws can be criticized just like everyone else. Antisemitism=Equality.
The damn truth is antisemitic!
Sorry, here's the link
The Jewish community seems to suffer from a collective form of pathological narcissism/narcissistic personality disorder, a serious mental derangement that is very dangerous to everyone involved. Deep-seated feelings of shame, self-loathing, insecurity, and guilt are covered up with grandiose illusions of self. Egomania, psychological projection, lying, manipulation, sense of victimhood, paranoia, need to control others, not perceiving anything wrong with oneself, sense of entitlement, sense of specialness, and fragile emotions are all symptoms of this disorder.
Please check out the following link, it's very informative:
<a href="">mayo clinic-narcisstic personality disorder</a>
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