Vaccines are one of the greatest threats to humanity. I have spent years compiling the evidence. I have a wealth of information to share, this is just the tip of the iceberg so to speak. More will follow as time allows.
tyranny noun
tyr·an·ny | \ˈtir-ə-nē
oppressive and unjust government; despotism very cruel and unjust use of power or authority. any harsh discipline or oppression. a tyrannical act
Forced vaccination through a government mandate is Vaccine Tyranny
Informed consent is the act of agreeing to allow something to happen, or to do something, with a full understanding of all the relevant facts, including risks, and available alternatives. That full knowledge and understanding is the necessary factor in whether an individual can give informed consent. This type of consent applies to many situations in life, including making decisions about medical care and legal issues, as well as entering into contracts. To explore this concept, consider the following informed consent definition.
Definition of Informed Consent
Consent given only after having been informed of the facts, benefits, risks, and alternatives.
What is Informed Consent
The law recognizes that a person can only legally consent to something, whether that is to allow something to occur, or to perform some act, if that person has been informed of, and understands the facts of the situation. It is only with a full comprehension of the risks and benefits of the decision, as well as an understanding of the possible alternatives, that any individual can consider whether an action would be in his best interests.
The current state of vaccines is one in which the vaccination itself causes more harm than the disease that it is supposed to provide immunity against. No longer a medical benefit, they have become a weaponized medical procedure.
Assuming that vaccines actually provide immunity, at best it is only temporary since subsequent injections or "boosters" are usually required to maintain said immunity. On the other hand, the body's natural immune system establishes a life long immunity against the diseases that vaccines are supposed to protect against.
In order for you to make an informed decision before consenting to vaccination for you or your child, you need all of the relative information. As it stands, the only information available to the general public is that of the pro vaccine side of the issue, which falls short of fullfilling the definition of informed consent.
The purpose of this paper is to provide the rest of the information necessary to becoming fully informed. All of the information is verifiable undeniable fact. Let's begin with some quick facts about the vaccine industry
1825 Century Blvd Ne Rm 4065c, Atlanta, GA 30345-3319
D-U-N-S number: 071636311
1600 Clifton Rd Ne # Msc-12, Atlanta, GA 30329-4018
800 232-4636 D-U-N-S number: 079460893
- The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA) shields vaccine manufacturers from liability for the death and disability caused by their vaccines. There is no financial incentive for manufacturers to produce safer vaccines.
It is clear that within the CDC there is a huge conflict of interest regarding vaccines. In addition to being conflicted, the deliberate negligence to perform safety studies on the vaccines being recommended to determine if they are even safe is unacceptable.
The CDC is reputed to be an independent government agency making vaccine recommendations to the public, only for the public good. Sometimes their recommendations become law. They are the agency charged with vaccine safety oversight, via their Immunization Safety Office
Does this seem like a public health agency making “independent” vaccine recommendations, or a private company with an impressive portfolio to which one might look for investment opportunities?
If vaccines were safe, there would be no hesitation by the CDC to perform safety studies that would allow them to demonstrate how safe they are. They know what the results of any legitimate safety study will be, which is why they refuse to do them. By using the precautionary principle, we can only conclude that they are not safe since there is no evidence proving that they are safe.
Regardless of the malfeasance of the CDC, there is no shortage of independent peer reviewed scientific studies that have come to the same conclusion. In fact, the list of chronic illness associated with vaccines is staggering.
Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies
400 Important Scientific Papers
Summarized for Parents and Researchers
Vaccination Statistics
A 1992 study published in The American Journal of Epidemiology shows that children die at a rate 8 times greater than normal within three days after getting a DPT vaccination.
A preliminary study by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) found children who received the HiB vaccine ... were found to be 5 times more likely to contract the disease than children who had not received the vaccine.
In the New England Journal of Medicine July 1994 issue a study found that over 80% of children under 5 years of age who had contracted whooping cough had been fully vaccinated.
In 1977 Dr Jonas Salk (inventor of the Salk polio vaccine) testified with other scientists that 87% of the polio cases which occurred in the US since 1970 were the by-product of the polio vaccine.
The Sabin oral polio vaccine (OPV) is the only known cause of polio in the us today.
Vaccinations are biological agents made from the filth of the earth, from diseased organs and sick animals and people. These toxins are injected in a person in order to increase their antibodies against that disease and produce immunity. Yet, scientist have very little understanding of what immunity is and what makes a strong immune system. Nutrition is key in any immune enhancing program, but they ignore nutrition (herbs/vitamins/foods) in favor of profitable injections.
ALL the Vaccines Are Contaminated - Every Last One of Them
"The chief, if not the sole, cause of the monstrous increase in cancer has been vaccination" - Dr. Robert Bell, once Vice President International Society for Cancer Research at the British Cancer Hospital
Who is saying the vaccines are contaminated?
None other than the (now deceased) head of vaccines at Merck, Dr. Maurice Hillerman, who on camera admitted that Merck's Hepatitis B vaccines, contaminated with a virus, caused the AIDS epidemic in the US.
He went on to say that all of Merck's vaccines are contaminated with cancer and other viruses. (The US government has conceded the HEB B vaccine causes Lupus. That vaccine is mandated for every infant in the US on the day of birth, and is associated with MS as well.)
For Jews who have almost religiously believed in medical authorities about vaccines and poo-poo'd those worried about the safety of vaccines, they might want to notice that Hillerman was Jewish.
Or they might recognize that so is Dr. Larry Palevsky, a board certified NY pediatrician, who for ten years routinely gave vaccines to his patients, until he noticed them losing eye contact and then began looking into the vaccines he had blindly trusted.
He found that they are ALL contaminated with viruses that are so small they can never be removed. He no longer gives any vaccines. He now treats his young patients for autism and other neurologic injuries from vaccines.
Donald W. Scott, the editor of The Journal of Degenerative Diseases and the co-founder of the Common Cause Medical Research Foundation, links vaccines to AIDS (as did Hillerman) and to US bio-weapons research, and says they are contaminated with mycoplasma, a primitive bacteria that takes apart cell walls.
Perhaps the highest scientific authority saying vaccines are contaminated is Garth Nicolson. He is a cell biologist and editor of the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Metastasis, and the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry.
Nicolson is one of the most cited scientists in the world, having published over 600 medical and scientific peer-reviewed papers, edited over 14 books, and served on the editorial boards of 28 medical and scientific journals.
He is not just saying that vaccines are contaminated with mycoplasma but is warning the US that they are. Nicolson goes further and says that we are all being damaged by them and contracting chronic degenerative diseases.
That damage translates into lifelong patients (and thus life-long profit) for the same pharmaceutical industry making the vaccines, which, he says, doesn't appear to be accidental.
All the vaccines mandated to children and many other vaccines as well, including the seasonal flu vaccines being mandated to health care workers, are contaminated with polysorbate 80, the central ingredient in a pharmaceutical industry patent to damage fertility.
The pharmaceutical industry has a long history of of seeking a vaccine that would covertly sterilize whole populations. So, in addition to being contaminated with cancer and other viruses, and with the bacteria mycoplasma, vaccines are intentionally "contaminated" with a chemical as well, which is, given the patent, a "patently" sought-after sterilizing agent.
Beyond containing polysorbate 80 and cancer and other viruses, and likely mycoplasma, the Gardasil vaccines are contaminated in an additional way. It and all the new vaccines are contaminated with genetically engineered DNA. It can contaminate people's DNA, just as genetically engineered crops can contaminate normal crops. Gardasil itself is contaminated with a man-made version of the HPV DNA, the very virus it was supposed to protect against, which now it threatens not only altering kids' healthy DNA with synthetic DNA (!) but with a diseased version.
Gardasil was suspended in India after 4 girls died but the killing has gone on in the US despite the confirmed deaths of 100 girls, and now the CDC, with special ties to Merck, its maker, wants all boys to take it, too.
Informed consent is the core of the Nuremberg Code that was created by the Nuremberg Tribunal to keep the pharmaceutical industry from ever again committing the hideous "medical" abuses it did.
In California, Jerry Brown is dismantling informed consent in order to get these deadly vaccines associated with infertility, into all school children. And it was during the Holocaust that the pharmaceutical experimented on Jewish women prisoners at Auschwitz to develop a vaccine that sterilized covertly.
Henry Kissinger recommended the development of covertly sterilizing vaccines in a major report to the US government and as late as 2009 a Finnish Health Minister said he was behind the H1N1 vaccine that was meant to lower population.
Jerry Brown has just signed into law a bill that will allow children as young as 12 to decide whether to take a vaccine for sexually transmitted disease. Parental consent is not needed and parents will not even be allowed knowledge as to whether the child has taken the vaccine. Merck's Hepatitis B vaccine is one that is included, as is another Merck vaccine, Gardasil, allegedly for ovarian cancer.
A Gardasil researcher says there is no evidence it works. "This raises questions about the CDC's recommendation that the series of shots be given to girls as young as 11-years old. 'If we vaccinate 11 year olds and the protection doesn't last... we've put them at harm from side effects, small but real, for no benefit,' says Dr. Harper. 'The benefit to public health is nothing, there is no reduction in cervical cancers...' "
The California law even approves in advance, ALL yet-to-be made (and completely untested) vaccines for sexually transmitted diseases, though of the two current Merck vaccines they are pushing on children, one Merck vaccine caused AIDS and causes Lupus and the other Merck vaccine is contaminated in multiple ways and proving highly lethal.
Children will be the ones decide whether to take the vaccines, and they will make that decision after being forced to see videos of people dying terrible deaths from cancer.
Not only would the vaccine be given without parental consent, but parents are denied knowledge that the vaccine is going to be given or that it was given. If the child has a seizure or dies afterward, parents may not see their own children's medical records.
This is what is left of the "informed consent" meant to provide human rights to protect the world from pharmaceutical industry abuses against mankind.
After World War II, it was Merck which received the flight capital of the pharmaceutical industry indicted for crimes against humanity, human enslavement and mass murder.
In the case of children, rather than their facing childhood diseases of insignificant threat, they are, by legal mandate, being bombarded repeatedly throughout their childhood with viruses that cause diseases (including cancer), a cell-destroying bacteria, a a threat to the very integrity of their DNA, and a chemical specifically chosen to impair fertility. And laws are being written to add to the already long list of vaccines they must take, including two mandated Merck vaccines.
One is an old Merck vaccine that caused AIDS and is causing Lupus. The other is a Merck vaccine claiming to prevent cervical cancer though girls have little chance of contracting it in the first place (and boys, none!) and it can easily be detected by pap smear and treated successfully and there is NO evidence the vaccine prevents it. Meanwhile, it is killing children.
TO BE CONTINUED..............
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