Science and Physics


Science and Physics

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Edgar Cayce on the Future

Cayce believed that these horrible future events could be averted if humanity changed its behavior. And this is the purpose for giving prophecies - to warn people to change so that the prophecies won't happen. Since Cayce certainly was not 100% accurate in his predictions, I believe this only shows how some of Cayce's apocalyptic predictions have been averted. So, a successful gloom and doom prophecy is one that does doesn't occur. Cayce's prophecies became well-known all over the world and a case may be made that he may have had some influence in creating the change within people to alter the course of history enough so that the prophecy would not happen. Cayce would repeatedly say that even the Lord of Lords could not accurately predict future events because human free will can alter and change the future. Cayce is referring to the Biblical account when Jesus is asked when he would return. His reply was:"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." (Matt. 24:36)

Discussion Forum

Black holes could take us to ‘another universe’ – Stephen Hawking

Started by Ragnarok Aug 26, 2015. 0 Replies

Black holes could take us to ‘another universe’ – Stephen HawkingPublished time: 26 Aug, 2015 05:37Find yourself in a black hole? Not to worry, says Stephen Hawking: you won’t split into particles or cease to exist. Instead, you’ll wind up in an…Continue

Tags: Astronomy, Theory, Universe, Space-travel, Another-dimension

Japan fires world’s most-powerful laser beam

Started by Ragnarok Jul 30, 2015. 0 Replies

Japan fires world’s most-powerful laser beamPublished time: 30 Jul, 2015 09:42Scientists at the Osaka University have shot the world’s most powerful laser beam, they claim. The pulse measured 2 petawatts delivered over 1 picosecond.The…Continue

Tags: Future, Science, Fast-ignition, Weapons, Politics

3,500m icy peaks of Pluto: NASA reveals striking images of dwarf planet

Started by Ragnarok Jul 16, 2015. 0 Replies

3,500m icy peaks of Pluto: NASA reveals striking images of dwarf planetPublished time: 15 Jul, 2015 22:34 Edited time: 16 Jul, 2015 06:02NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft has sent back to Earth the amazing and detailed photos of Pluto and its satellite…Continue

Tags: Science, Satellites, Pluto, Space, Styx

Opal discovery on Mars may be key to proving ancient life on Red Planet

Started by Ragnarok Jul 9, 2015. 0 Replies

Opal discovery on Mars may be key to proving ancient life on Red PlanetPublished time: July 08, 2015 16:23Researchers have discovered traces of opal on Mars, leading them to believe it may help prove that the Red Planet was once home to life. The…Continue

Tags: Alien-life, Nakhla-meteorite, Bacteria, Micro-organisms, Microbes

Aussie radio telescope detects signal from galaxy 5 billion light years away

Started by Ragnarok Jul 8, 2015. 0 Replies

Aussie radio telescope detects signal from galaxy 5 billion light years awayPublished time: July 08, 2015 13:06A new radio telescope located in a remote desert in Western Australia has enabled scientists to spot a galaxy as far as 5 billion…Continue

Tags: Astronomy, Radio-astronomy, CSIRO, 5-billion-year-old-galaxy, Psysics

5 'monster' black holes discovered, millions more may be hidden

Started by Ragnarok Jul 6, 2015. 0 Replies

5 'monster' black holes discovered, millions more may be hiddenPublished time: July 06, 2015 09:23British astronomers discovered five “supermassive” massive black holes, which have previously been hidden under layers of dust and gas. Scientists…Continue

Tags: Space-observation, Europe, England, CEA, Technology

Philae probe could be sitting on comet filled with alien life

Started by Ragnarok Jul 6, 2015. 0 Replies

Home to extraterrestrials? Philae probe could be sitting on comet filled with alien lifePublished time: July 06, 2015 04:03 Edited time: July 06, 2015 05:11Comet lander Philae may be sitting on top of alien microbial life and is incapable of doing…Continue

Tags: Extremophiles, Alien-life, Organic-lifeforms, Comet, Living-organisms

7.5 quake Guatemala/ 4.2-magnitude off Ore.-Calif. coast

Started by truth Nov 7, 2012. 0 Replies

(AP) — A 4.2-magnitude earthquake has struck in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Oregon and California.The U.S. Geological Survey says the quake…Continue

Northern Italy rattled by 7 tremors in one day

Started by truth Jun 3, 2012. 0 Replies

Northern Italy rattled by 7 tremors in one dayPosted on June 3, 2012June 3, 2012 – ITALY – There has…Continue

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Comment by hilary_155 on February 22, 2015 at 12:10am

Where am I commenting?

Comment by truth on February 21, 2013 at 10:04am

Cool Photo: NASA Watching Potentially Destructive Sunspot

A Black Spot, The Size Of Six Earths, Appears On The Sun in less than 48 hour

Comment by truth on November 14, 2012 at 11:20am
TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE, Cairns, Queensland Australia (14th Nov 2012)
Comment by truth on October 21, 2012 at 10:44am

Magnitude 6.6 earthquake near Vanuatu

The Watchers Tweet Tweet Strong earthquake M6.6 hit Vanuatu on October 20, 2012 at 23:00:32 UTC. Epicenter was located  226 km (140 miles) NNW (345°) from Santo (Luganville) and 499 km (310 miles) NNW (338°) from PORT-VILA, Vanuatu (13.572°S, 166.594°E) at depth of 35.4 km (22.0 miles) according to USGS. Magnitude 6.2 was registered by EMSC at depth of 49 km (30.4 miles) but was later revisited to M6.6 at depth of 40 km (24.8 miles). UPDATE: USGS has changed initial...

Strong earthquake M6.6 hit Vanuatu on October 20, 2012 at 23:00:32 UTC. Epicenter was located  226 km (140 miles) NNW (345°) from Santo (Luganville) and 499 km (310 miles) NNW (338°) from PORT-VILA, Vanuatu (13.572°S, 166.594°E) at depth of 35.4 km (22.0 miles) according to USGS. Magnitude 6.2 was registered by EMSC at depth of 49 km (30.4 miles) but was later revisited to M6.6 at depth of 40 km (24.8 miles).

UPDATE: USGS has changed initial M6.6 to M6.2

Comment by truth on October 16, 2012 at 8:42pm

Meteor shower from Halley's Comet expected this week

A meteor shower produced by pieces of Halley's comet will peak this weekend.

NASA said that the meteor shower will peak the evening of Saturday October 20th as Earth flies through the icy debris, which will light up the sky.

The Orionid shower - so-called as the meteors appear to originate near the constellation Orion - happens annually and produce about 20 meteor per hour, said DiscoveryNews. said that the last five years have seen ever more impressive showers.

Comment by Libby Bell on September 23, 2012 at 9:11am

What Is The Internet, Really?


Comment by Libby Bell on September 23, 2012 at 5:34am

@TLShadow..stunning pics.

Comment by TheLasersShadow on September 23, 2012 at 4:15am
Comment by truth on September 13, 2012 at 9:44pm
Comment by Central Scrutinizer on September 8, 2012 at 8:24am

Its a start. 


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