OYM Archive and info on the "SHIT EAT AH" and Sept 23rd...........

Archive with OYM Sunday 9/20 about Sept 2015 and the Number 23...

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I  joined my friends Alan & Steve of OYM this Sunday in the 2nd hour at 12 noon PST this morning for a chat and to catch up. You can listen to the archive here.


We spoke about the "Shit eat ah", which is what they want us to do, swallow a bunch of mystical BS, when it's a small group of zionist israeli's and their supporters who change the banking system every 7 years. It is NOT a coincidence that the Jews OWN the banks, pharmacuetical companies, wall street, Hollywood, the media, etc, etc,. THIS IS THE BIGGEST MOST OBVIOUS FORM OF RACISM WE IGNORE!!!! For more FACTS visit David Duke's site.


Also spoke about the possible false flag planned for Sept 23rd, and the significance of that number, which is mindblowing when you connect the dots. Numeroligy adds up the numbers and dates that equal 23, like 9/11/01.... http://Rethink911.org

The sinking of the Titanic sank 4/15/1912  = 23.......

The Paris bound TWA Flight 800 "exploded" and crashed on July 17, 1996, killing ALL 230 passengers and crew. The 2 recovered seats with shrapnel damage were 23J and 23K. The explosion is theorized  to have occurred at that location

Knights Templar had 23 Grand Masters, the 23rd of whom was Jacques de Molay. Oct 13 is the month and day they were arrested/murdered... 10 + 13 = 23

Hiroshima bomb dropped at 8:15am August 6 1945, both sets of numbers added up each equal 23

The 1st morse code transmission "What hath God wrought" was from bible passage numbers 23:23

Most quoted Psalm is 23: The Lord is my shepard......

Each parent contributes 23 chromosomes to their child. Please use the word "Child" or "Offspring" when referring Your Children. The evil, lying, inbred, traitorous eugenicists, or elite, take pleasure in using language against us. Kids are goats, not Humans, and instead of calling Our Children "Kids" or animals, "Children" is a higher vibration and true statement.

The Human biorhythm cycle is aprox 23 days

Takes 23 seconds on average for blood to circulate thru the Human Body.

The pope is visiting New York on Sept 23rd, in the 50th anniversary of the shit eat ah .... what will he bring with him??

Prepare and Be Aware

Thanks for your time,

Namaste Karen

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Comment by Karen Quinn-Tostado on September 20, 2015 at 6:18pm

we'll just have to wait and find out. Plenty of info on the number 23, which they'd like us to think is "mystical".

BS. same old jewz in the bankground.................

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on September 20, 2015 at 5:30pm

Bet ya hear nothing from anybody on Thursday '-}~

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