In 1984, at the height of the Cold War, John Milius wrote and directed “Red Dawn,” a movie about the beginning of World War III.
The plot was simple. Following a series of geopolitical events, the U.S. found itself standing alone against a world increasingly dominated by an all-powerful Soviet Union until one day, without warning, the U.S.S.R., backed by Cuban forces, invaded. The United States military fought back gallantly but pockets of the country were occupied by enemy troops nonetheless. Americans caught in those pockets were mercilessly persecuted: Many were killed outright, while scores of others were rounded up and put into cold, dingy prison camps. Anyone the enemy believed could or would resist was dealt with harshly.
Out of the chaos and confusion, resistance groups formed. One such group, calling itself the “Wolverines,” after the local high school mascot, was comprised of teenagers thrown together by the fog and circumstance of war. They coalesced around the oldest among them and spent the rest of the film staging ambushes and surprise attacks against invading troops using captured weapons until, finally, nearly all of them were killed.
What if it really happened?
Later this month, a new, updated version of this film featuring an invasion of the U.S. by North Korean forces, will hit theaters. The issue of whether or not that country actually has the capability to invade the United States is, of course, questionable, but what if the U.S. someday found itself under attack, with parts of the country occupied by a foreign army for the first time since the 19th century?
What if we were invaded by armies from several nations, all backed by one great power? What would you, personally, do? Would you resist? Could you resist? Do you even have an idea of what it takes to resist?
As a combat veteran of Afghanistan who has seen war up close and who has seen men fight and die, I can tell you that it is an experience unlike anything you’ve ever encountered. In combat, things happen quickly and violently. Instead of acting in response to a threat, military personnel are taught to react to it, and it is this reaction that will either save you or kill you.
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FFS, has anyone seen the trailer for this POS re-boot-make?
Hollywood plastic teen/20 somethings driving around in a minigun equipped sportscar (wow, no training or tech ability required to mount said weapon and magical Chicom/NK ammo that doesn't weigh anything), not a hair out of place, dispatching evil North Koreans with - of all things - TEC-9s.
Am I alone in finding it ironic that the writer of this article is someone who not only took part in the illegal occupation of a foreign nation, and is under some obsolete delusion that there is a magical enemy poised to invade D-Day style, without anyone noticing.
Maybe he's so wrapped up in delusion that he's unaware of militarized police and the illegal use of US troops in domestic operations.
There will be no invasions - most so-called free nations have been under the occupation of tyrants for a long time.
What does 'react' entail exactly - 'oh well one guy (accidently) discharged his weapon, and before you know it we're all firing, and we shot up a bunch of civilians, but that's ok because they're brown and might has been hostiles'?
Maybe the author and his ilk, need to stop 'reacting' like de-humanized machines and to start using their brains and behaving like freethinking beings.
which version???...the Russian one or the Korean one ??? ;)
does matter, because now you have to decide tactics, and both armies have different offenses. Personally, I believe it's already happened here, but its not an "Army" thats invaded, it has been Corporations & a shadow government instead. But then again nobody's done anything about this either so I'm guessing the American ppl will roll over on their belly's if any foreign troops show up.
What would I do? Nothing I would put on such an obvious ploy to take a poll of the readers here on 12160 and their beliefs and preparations. You just broke the first rule of engagement. You played your intelligence gathering hand too quickly....
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