Aaron Dykes
January 8, 2013
Predictably demonizing radio host Alex Jones as extremist after his fiery appearance on Piers Morgan’s CNN program last night, the cable network urged its viewers to ‘compromise’ and ‘move to the middle’ by giving support to President Obama’s ‘reasonable’ gun control measures.
Meanwhile, Piers Morgan was portrayed as a victim after weeks of belittling firearms advocates. Once again, the collaborator media is trying to place guilt on gun owners for defending the right to keep and bear arms, pleading for compromise.
You cannot compromise on principle, and you cannot compromise on the 2nd Amendment — it ‘shall not be infringed.’
Yup, But things are turning on the gun grabbers all over the place, even sheriffs are blocking any sort of gun control, So it starting to look like Obummer is going to pull the trigger and use an executive order, fuck him.
This was just posted on the Michigan web site.
Notice from the Michigan Militia
We are not given to the "Rumor Mill" or "Conspiracies" so the following statements are based our reliable information sources. The current administration in Washington D.C. is going ahead full on "Gun Control" and the "AWB" since the Sandy Hook school shooting, not letting the incident go to waste. We have been told by this administration and the main stream media over the past four years that they had no interest in proposing new gun legislation or attacking the Second Amendment, yet immediately after the shooting by a crazed thief and murder ALL gun owners come under attack.
In the past couple weeks the sympathetic support for "gun control" has faded, gun sales are through the roof. The protestors the media is promoting are the same old tired "anti-gun" Hollywood crowd and leftist, and they are losing traction in this debate. Our INTEL is revealing that a FALSE FLAG event (another major shooting) is in the works to help push the public response towards the "anti-gunners". We have heard such talk before, but what is of alarm here is the approach will be of a "militia or patriot group" or groups will attack or fire upon a federal building or employees as a protest response to the gun grab this administration is promoting.
So be on alert to any "agent provocateurs" trying to stir up a "march" or "show of force" against any of your local federal institutions, we have already been receiving such "out of the norm" emails from some very suspect personal profiles. BE ON ALERT.
We have been and will continue to stand against ANY gun grab or further loss of liberty, we continue to stand on these frontlines and let ourselves be counted in opposition to any TYRANNY, big or small............TUEBOR, We Shall Defend. We will NOT be the aggressor in any such debate.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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