12160 will be closing soon - Unless!

Hello guys and gals, for reason to numerous to name  atm, I must end my connection with this site.

If you folks want the site to continue we will need some one to take over, this includes paying the bills with a paypal account . Current cost around 500 a year, with expected cost to nearly double the following year.

To make sure you whom ever takes over is serious about this I would require to see the first year paid for in advance.

Seems a tad of a commitment eh? Well it is, and now it falls on one of you 5000 plus members to either take this on solely or as a group.

I will make last payment in May,  after that only fate will tell.


 I guess despite what I see as horrible over priced  hosting service, the question I submit is it worth it to everyone here to keep going on and how will this be done?

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If it comes to a move or alternative sites for us all to keep in touch I will certainly recommend yours :) Giving everybody a month or so to figure out what they want. 

Hosting should be about $70 a year tops.

The software the site uses *should* be free unless you ended up using something that's not.

About $10-$15 a year for a domain name.

So the yearly operational costs should be about $100 or less total.

Not sure where that other money is being sucked in to.

J.A.B. this site is a social network platform hosted on ning for the last 5 years. We have over 200k pages filled with  pics and blogs ect. Yes, real hosting much cheaper but this site does or did get a half a million viewers a month, so bandwidth cost may be much different.

My first concern is seeing you all save the site and secondly is saving the thousands of pages pics and videos and keeping it all online if possible.

 I guess despite what I see as horrible over priced  hosting service, the question I submit is it worth it to everyone here to keep going on and how will this be done?

I knew the site was pretty large though wasn't aware that it was that large. I'm web savvy but short on time. I think your best bet is to do crowd-funding through a site like Kick Starter or one of the other crowd-funding sites. I think you'll easily make the $500 to keep the site running that way. Got to unsubscribe but if you want any advice contact me directly and I'll try to give you some helpful advice.

I would love to contribute, but I've been unemployed for nearly a year now. Scraping by on unemployment comp + transferring credit card debt from one 0% card to another. I only mention this because I sincerely would LOVE to help out if I could. This is a great site with great people & great content. I must admit, I felt a little sad when I heard it might all go up in a puff of smoke. Just sharing...

Sorry to hear this also, you have done an awesome job with an awesome website it's a shame to see it go away hopefully someone will step up and take over I come to this website on a daily basis,:(:(

I hope not this site is the best site on the web for anti nwo info. We are like a family I wish we could somehow fix this problem.

James is Burnt Out. I get that. Anyone who takes the Red Pill gets burnt out. The Call is out to folks to take up some of the slack (burden?). A Call to Step Up.

I do not have financial means at this Point, but I have a little bit of Inspiration, left.

How much Energy does it require to Resuscitate a Corpse?


Just a Spark...

That's it...

(and no more)

Goooo Fusion!!!

Been there done that a time or two myself James, burn out happens. This last time I just never really got back on track, but they don't miss a beat. Hopefully the site will remain and you will get some needed relief and maybe a vacation from this all. I'll almost bet you that it will come on your home door sooner or later, it did mine. Whats global will be local soon. My site runs me about the same and with much fewer pages and this year over two million hits, I thought it was pointless, that is until 1-2 months ago. It certainly didn't beat them but it was one of the tools that helped beat them. This site beats many things, you just don't get to see them first hand and probably won't until they come knocking at your door.  It all seems pointless my friend after a while, but it is not. I know, it appears we have little effect sometimes and that gets depressing, but note the word appears. You do good research and you have a good representation of beliefs and groups of people here. That ensures that nothing is overlooked from fear of taboo. Lot of work here my friend. You have done very good. Keep my email my friend and either way say hello. 

Sad to hear.  You will be greatly missed.  Watch your "6" and stay well/safe!

If this site closes down it will be a real tragedy.  People are joining it every day  seeking knowledge and truth.  Thank you so very much James.  I know you put your whole heart and soul into 12160.  I hope you are okay.  I'm sure if it is the money problem causing this decision then we members can and will surely solve that problem.

I removed the  bitcoin comments, this isnt all about the money virtual or not. The option to fill this place with ads has always been an alternative I chose to ignore.

The guy who started this site, some of you may recall, didnt give any one the option, and just deleted the whole place when he wanted out .

Considering the many -many days of work  posted here I am humbled by the lack of real concern shown by a few .


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